Business Fixed Extra Support

Updated 10/04/2024

This page will provide you with extra Business support on Fixed products & Services.


Broadband Customer on 2Gb speed plan and only getting up to 1Gb on a wired(LAN) connection.

This is due to the limitation of the wired(LAN) connection of up to 1Gb wired speed.

A customer would have to purchase an SFP.

Small Form Factor Pluggable (SFP) and why would a customer need one?

In order to be able to get 2GB speeds on a wired connection, a customer will need to purchase a Small Form Factor Pluggable Ethernet transceiver (SFP), they can purchase this from the Fonua site ( via credit card for €75. Alternatively it can be purchased from online resellers. Without this device customers will only receive up to 1Gb wired speed. 

Devices connected over WiFi6 do not have this limitation however it is dependent on their hardware (laptop/devices) capability and performance to support speeds over 1Gb.


How to set up a SFP


You must have a high-performance laptop that support LAN throughputs over 2Gb, such as thunderbolt 3 connector, USB-C type interface or NIC interface up to 2.5/10Gb

If you are going to use none RJ-45 I interface, you have to possess relevant adapter to convert from thunderbolt or USB-C type interface into RJ-45 connector

You must use ethernet SFP transceiver as WAN interface


How to do speed test for 2Gb line


  1. Power off modem
  2. Insert ethernet SFP transceiver into Mark 1 in the picture, then power ON modem
  3. Once modem is powered ON, use Cat6 ethernet cable, one side connect to external ONT LAN port and the other side connect to ethernet SFP transceiver. This is your WAN interface
  4. Use another Cat 6 ethernet cable one side connect to Mark 2 in the picture, where says “10GE LAN/WAN”. This will be acting as 5th LAN port for you if SFP is inserted. The other side of Cat6 plugs into your laptop where you have converted thunderbolt3 or USB-C type into RJ-45 connector, or existing NIC that supports 2.5/10Gb.
  5. Open browser, go to to perform your testing


The speed test results are directly linked to your laptop performance, using your regular working laptop is not recommended because CPU resource could be used by many different software that are running in the background

Ideally, Linux OS is recommended with command line to trigger speed test rather than use browser 


How to find out if SFP is working properly

Once SFP inserted into modem, the Mark 1 in the above picture, reboot modem. And once modem booted up, login modem via admin password, at top right-hand corner, change to “expert mode” from “Basic mode”, go to “Status” page under “Status & Support” menu option. See below screenshot. If SFP isNOT detected properly by modem, the “Physical Interface” in below screenshot is called “10G Ethernet”; if SFP is detected successfully, it is called “10G Ethernet SFP

And under LAN Network section, you will see 5th LAN port there at same page. Otherwise, there will be only showing 4 LAN ports in total

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