
There are 0 errors:

Voice Mail and Call Diverts

  • Diverts to your own voice mailbox are always free of charge.

  • Diverts to any other number cost 16c per divert at all times.
    The owner of the phone that is diverting the calls is charged the 16c and the person who is making the call is charged the regular amount for the call. 

    ** International Diverts aren't available.

    ** A call can be diverted a maximum of 3 times before it will be cut off.
    E.g. Mobile A diverts to Mobile B which diverts to Mobile C. 
    Finally Mobile C diverts to Mobile D at which point the call will be cut off. 

Voicemail Doesn't activate

  • Check outages on mobile and fixed support updates.

  • Insure that the customer's diverts are active

  • Check if the customer has recently ported to CLEAR MOBILE, please check routing with porting support team (ext. 7008).

  • Resetting the Voicemail using Tecnotree, however seek permission from the customer before you do this as removing a mailbox will delete all voicemail messages stored in the customer's mailbox.

  • After all updates complete and still issues persist; you can ask customer for SIM Change, if not possible on same day, ONLY THEN you can do a disco/reco on the mobile number to refresh the
    profile, once done advise the customer to power cycle and test it again.

    If all the above has been processed a case will need to be raised, again follow the template listing all information available on CRM so NST can continue with the customers query.

Checking the voicemail routing 

We apply  this If the customer called as the voicemail used to work and not anymore or they can’t complete the
registration for the voicemail.

At that stage we need to call porting team “ex 7008 from IW” so they can check if the voicemail route is blank so they can get it

Extend Ringing Time

Customer can do it through this Code:

 - **61*(mailbox no.)**(no. of seconds you want it to ring for)# and press call

The standard ringing time is 15 seconds.

You (agent) can use NPT to do it for the customer (Press Edit, then select the ring time customer wants)

How to retrieve a deleted voicemail message

Deleted Voicemail Messages can be recovered over the same call to 171, however youcan listen to it within 24 hours
  1. Key in 171 and press the call button
  2. Press * to go to the main menu
  3. Press 1 to listen to your messages. After you have listened to all your messages you will be told if there are deleted and recoverable messages in your Voicemail mailbox
  4. Press # to recover these messages 
  5. Press * to return to the main menu 
  6. Press 1 to listen to your messages including undeleted messages




How to delete a subscriber? 

If you wish to delete a mailbox, highlight the customer number on the left and then use the "Delete" button at the bottom of the

Also insure to remove diverts on CRM


How to reset password/pin? 

  1. In the “Common Settings” tab there is an option for “Pin Configuration”.
  2. Click on “Reset” then “Save” - Then Click on “Notify”.

    ** We don't reset pin while customer is roaming **

How to reset voicemail greeting? 

  1. Go to the “Subscriptions” tab and click on the “Basic  Voicemail” or “Basic  ASC Voicemail”  the option opens up below the  voicemail type list.
  2. The “settings” tab is automatically highlighted, then scroll to the bottom of the settings list to “VoiceGreeting Properties”.
  3. There are two drop down boxes:
    activeAbsenceGreeting” &  ”activeDepositGreeting”.
    - As the name suggests the absence greeting is only into effect when the customer has the absence greeting set up on their voicemail. (The customer does this by dialling 172).
    - You can see if the customer has done this by looking at the “Absent Enabled” either it’s “True” or “false”.
    - Most of our customer’s are set up for “activeDepositGreeting” which is the normal greeting that you hear when being transferred to customer’s voicemail. 
  4. Click on the drop down box and select the greeting type. 
  5. The “Number” option will change the greeting to default.
  6. The “Personal Greeting” option is for customer’s own recording.
  7. The “Name tag” option is systematic greeting that includes customer’s voice/name instead of just mentioning his number.
  8. Click “Save”

How to enable and disable In-Touch (MCN)? 

  • In the “Settings” tab scroll about half way down the list until you reach “MCN Properties”. 

  • There are two tick boxes “Enable MCN” & “Suspend MCN”. 

  • If you want to enable In-Touch click on the “Enable MCN” tick box and click “Save”. 

  • To disable In-Touch click on the “Suspend MCN” tick box and click “Save”

How to check voicemail notifications?

  • In the “Voice Fax Mail Basic Voicemail” panel click on the “Notifications” tab. 

  • There are 3 options here:
    - “SMS_BLIND”
    - “SMS”

  • The one that are ticked active are the notifications that are active. Really there are only two the customer may want active the call notification with is the “VOICEOUTCALL”
    option and the text notification which is “SMS”. 
  • To active or deactivate any of these notifications simply tick or un-tick “active” and click “Save”

Note: SMS_BLIND is required if the customer wants VOICEOUTCALL. Both numbers should be the same and both ticked as Active.


How to check messages?

This gives the details of the messages in the customer’s voicemail:
  1. Message Status. (Count, deleted, new or old)

  2. When they were left what number it was from.

  3. Length of the message and if it has been listened to or not.(Status: New)

    Note: if the message is from unknown then ICB won’t work.

This gives the details of the messages in the customer’s voicemail:


Voicemail self service codes

Diverting to Voicemail/Another number:
At all times (unconditional) **21*(mailbox no.)#
Phone switched off/out of coverage (not reachable) **62*(mailbox no.)#
Phone busy (busy/no connect) **67*(mailbox no.)#
Phone not answered (no reply) **61*(mailbox no.)#


deactivating diverts
Phone switched off/out of coverage (not reachable) ##62#
Phone busy (busy/no connect) ##67#
Phone not answered (no reply) ##61#
At all times (unconditional) ##21#
Cancel all diverts ##002#


** Important Note: International diverts are not available. **

Activating or de-activating diverts by Text  

Text the word DIVERT to 51745. 

3 messages will be received in return containing the following information:

  1. codes to activate diverts

  2. codes to deactivate diverts

  3. your mailbox number / another number

Voicemail Tree & Life Cycle 

Voicemail Tree


  • Press # to skip forward. 
  • Press 1 to rewind.
  • Press 2 to pause/start.
  • Press 3 to fast forward
  • Press 4 to replay.
  • Press 5 for time and date.
  • Press 6 to return a call using ICB.
  • Press 7 to delete a message.
  • Press 9 to save a message. 
  • Press star (*) to return to main menu

Voicemail Lifecycle

  • Unheard voice messages stay in your mailbox for 21 days. 
  • Heard & saved messages stay for 8 days. 
  • Heard & unsaved messages are deleted between 01:00 and 05:00 on the 8th morning after they have been listened to, during a period known as 'Tidy Time'. 
  • Pressing "7"  while listening to a message will delete it. 
  • Deleted voicemail messages now are only available for 10 - 15 minutes from TOM.
  • Pressing "9" while listening to a message will save it.

Activate "Out of Office Greeting

When activated, your Out of Office greeting will be heard by the caller but they will not be able to record a message or send a fax.


  1. Dial 172. 

  2. Press 3 for Out of Office greeting. 

  3. Press 1 to record a new greeting. 

  4. Record your name and press hash (#).

  5. Press 2 to save the recording. 

  6. Press 2 again to activate the greeting.

How to access Voicemail while Roaming

Calls to Voicemail from other countries will be charged as a Roaming call back to Ireland.

  1. Dial your mailbox number. 

  2. Interrupt the greeting by pressing hash (#). 

  3. Enter your password  followed by hash (#).
Close message
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