Consumer Cease/Port Out Requests

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Updated 16/04/2024

To ensure the best experience for our customers and in conjunction with regulatory guidelines we have been reviewing our save process.

If a customer advises they want to cease their account, please adhere to the below process, and call flow going forward.

*Please note: if a customer has an outstanding balance, they still have the Right to Cancel. "However, we would still advise them that they do have a balance."


How will this affect customers?

The process offers tailored support to customers wishing to cease.

Scenario 1, Customer calls, selects cancel and is routed to TSAR where they express their wish to cancel.

TSAR/COT advises:

“You are a very valued customer to Vodafone, and we would not like to see you leave, we have some really great offers available that you might be interested in, would you like to me to take a look at your account and tell you about them?”

Yes, proceed to offer and attempt to Save the customer.

No, process cease.


Scenario 2a, Customer calls, is routed to care where they express their wish to cancel – No save attempt.


Care advises:

“You are a very valued customer to Vodafone, and we would not like to see you leave, we have some really great offers available that you might be interested in, would you like to me to take a look at your account and tell you about them?”

No, transfer to TSAR

TSAR advises:

“Thank you for holding, I believe you would like to cease your account and would not like to hear any of the potential offer available to you, would you like me to take a look at your account to see what’s available?”

Yes, proceed to offer and attempt to Save the customer.

No, process cease.


Scenario 2b, Customer calls, is routed to care where they express their wish to cancel – Save attempt.

Care advises:

“You are a very valued customer to Vodafone, and we would not like to see you leave, we have some really great offers available that you might be interested in, would you like to me to take a look at your account and tell you about them?”

Yes, proceed to offer and attempt to Save the customer – customer still wishes to cancel.

Transfer to COT advising a save attempt was made.

TSAR advises:

“Thank you for holding, I believe you would like to cease your account and would not like to avail of any of the potential offer available to you, would you like me to take a look at your account and see if there is anything additional?”

Yes, proceed to offer and attempt to Save the customer.

No, process cease.


TSAR/COT Information Only?

If the customer agrees to hear retention offers, can I use needs analysis/objection handling techniques if they turn down my initial retention offer?
If the customer has advised that they would like to hear retention offers you can use needs analysis & objection handling techniques.

If the customer does not want to hear retention offers, proceed with the applicable request below TSAR/COT only.

What is the process if a customer wants to port out?

Take note of the customer's Bill Cycle/Bill Day/Bill Run.
For example, if their Bill Day is 21, advise the customer on Port Out process and pro rata charges.

Mobile Port Out T+C’s

Customers wishing to port from the Network must contact the mobile operator to which they wish to port and will be responsible for complying with the porting requirements of that operator. Porting will be treated as a termination of this Contract.

Customers are advised that requests to port from the Network may be declined by Vodafone in the event that the Customer’s account is in arrears. Vodafone does not warrant, represent, or guarantee that any Equipment will function or operate on any other operator’s telecommunications Network.

Fixed Port Out T+C’s

If they are switching their fixed service to or from Vodafone, then they will need to comply with the switching requirements of the gaining and donor operator. Switching services away from Vodafone will be treated as a termination of the Agreement for the services. We do not warrant, represent or guarantee that any equipment will function or operate on any other Network Operator’s telecommunications network.

Customer Advice for Fixed Services

Advise the customer of their Bill Cycle and depending on when the customers prospective new service provider (E.G. Eir, Three, SKY) ports their Mobile/Broadband/Landline there may be a pro rata credit applied to the account based on the account balance being up to date.

This means if a customer has already paid the balance (E.G., 60.00Euros rental) and moves to a new provider (alongside their Vodafone service ceasing down) with 10 days remaining in the Bill Cycle, there would be a pro rata credit of approximately 20.00Euros when a final bill is generated.


What is the process if a customer wants to Cease?

Legal Requirement

As per our T&Cs, you pay for your services for 30 days in advance which brings you up to your next bill date, which is [insert relevant date]. We will process your request to cancel today, this will take effect as of your next bill date and you will be able to use your services until that date. 

Fixed Returning Equipment retention/return information

If you are leaving a premises permanently, you are required to take your Vodafone equipment with you.

As agreed in your T+C’s you must return your equipment if you are fully cancelling.

1.     Return by courier Return by KN
Cancelled accounts

If you have recently cancelled your Vodafone account, a KN agent will call you to organise for your Vodafone equipment to be collected. An agent will try to contact you two or three times to organise this recovery order. If these attempts are unsuccessful, you will get a text message informing you of the equipment recovery attempt and how to make an appointment for collection. Once the appointment is confirmed an agent will call to your home or work to collect the equipment. If you don’t arrange another collection, you will be charged for the unreturned equipment.

2.     Return to a Vodafone retail store

You can also return your Vodafone Home equipment to any Vodafone Retail store. Simply drop the old equipment into your local store.

3.     Free post directly to Fónua

Under special circumstances, if you are unable to be at home/ work to facilitate a courier visit, you can post your Vodafone equipment using our free returns service to:

CPE Returns
Finch House
Dublin Airport Logistics Park
St. Margaret’s Road
Co. Dublin

Bill Day cessation rules

Check the customer’s Bill Day and follow the below cease dates.

For example, if a customer is on Bill Day 1 and you have received the cease request on the 3rd of Month you would select the 1st of the following months as the termination date.

BD 1 = future cease date would be the 1st (billing period is from 1st day of month to last day of the month)

BD 7 = future cease date would be the 8th (billing period is from 8th to 7th)

BD 14 = future cease date would be the 15th (billing period is from 15th to 14th)

BD 21 = future cease date would be the 22nd (billing period is from 22nd to 21st)





Can a customer cease/port out if they have an outstanding balance?

Port - yes, they are fully allowed to do as per COMREG/EU code rules, and if a customer calls, we are not to advise them that they must clear the balance just what they need to do to port.

Cease – yes, same as above, they can, again we are not to advise that they must clear the balance. "However, we would still advise them that they do have a balance."


Can a customer cease/port out if they are in Collections?

Yes, a customer can cease. Please transfer to the TSAR/COT team.

Going forward, the Retentions team will be able to cease the customers services even if their account is in collections. 


Do all cease/port requests that come into Care, have to be transferred to TSAR/COT?

Yes – they will process the cease and advise on the port.


Can TSAR/COT only use needs analysis & objection handling techniques, if the customer does not want to hear the save offers? Should the proceed to cease or port out information

Ask the customer would they like to hear the offers, if they say no proceed to cease or port info.


Can you transfer a customer who wants to cease or port out, and they are In Collections or has an Out Standing Balance to TSAR/COT?

Yes, once you have followed the process.

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