Missing Payment

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Updated: 27/06/2024

Missing Payment can be a situation where a customer makes a payment which is not reflecting on their account. 

This occurs if the customer paid into the incorrect account or if the payment is still being processed and does not yet appear. 

It is important to investigate by asking the customer certain questions: 

  • How did you make the payment?  Credit Card, Post Office, Cheque, Direct Debit, or EFT/Online
  • Do you have multiple accounts with Vodafone?
  • What are the account numbers relating to your accounts? 

Using this information, check the 'Current Account' section of the relevant accounts on UFE to verify if the payment is visible. 

The SLA for the payment to update on the account depends on the payment type: 

  • Credit card = Immediately 
  • Post Office = up to 5 working days 
  • Cheque = 7-10 working days
  • Direct Debit = Immediately 
  • EFT/ Online = Immediately 

Please note: Direct Debit is the recommended payment means for all customers. Offer to set this up for the customer if it is not their current means of payment.  

For more information on billing and payments, please click here.  


What is a Missing Payment?

A missing payment is when a customer has either paid into the incorrect account, or the payment has not appeared on their account yet.

Customers may have two separate accounts, one for Mobile and one for their Fixed line services, which may have two different account numbers.


What are the steps you can take to support a customer with a missing payment?

  1. Ask the customer how they made the payment and the financial account number used to make the payment. You can check the current account section on UFE to see if the payment is visible on their account. 
  2. Check if this is the account that the customer intended to make the payment to. Check the financial account within UFE to see if the subscriber details match this account.The customer may have several Vodafone accounts with us.
  3. Please check the customers' other accounts to see if the payment is visible.

Please Note: Advise the customer that a non-card payment can take up to 5 working days to clear on the account.


The payment is visible on the intended account, what do you advise?

If the payment is visible on the correct account, advise the customer that the payment is showing on the customer's account and continue to follow the decision tree flow.

The payment is not visible on the intended account, what can you do?

First you need to identify the method that the customer used to make the payment.

1.   Credit card payments

Credit Card payments will require investigation via a case, you will be required to follow up with the customer.

Please note: We cannot ask for the complete card number from the customer and if required, we can only ask for the last 4 digits of the card number.

Note: where a customer calls regarding a missing card payment made within the previous 3 days that has not credited their account

  • Please check the Vesta portal to see if payment has been received but not credited.
  • There is a procedure in place to credit card payments (not auto credited) to the customer account, usually within 4 business days of the transaction.
  • Adding credits manually may result in duplication, however it is ok to add within 3 days e.g., for payment made on Monday, payment can be credited on Tuesday/Wednesday but should not be added after that.
  • For anything within the last four days, you do not need to raise a case if payment is visible in Vesta, however if the customer insists, it is fine to do so.
  • For a card payment that has been made four days ago or more and has not been credited to the customer’s account, please raise a case.

For a card payment made that is not in the Vesta portal, please raise a case and take full details from the customer as per further FAQs on this page.


2.   Post Office Payments

Post Office payments take 5 working days to update on the account. You must advise the customer of this.

Note: If a customer is calling to give a reference for updating the payment on the account, advise that it is not required anymore unless they are calling to unbar the account.

To ensure that the payment reflects immediately on the account, you should advise customer to pay via the methods listed below:

  • Card Payment
  • Direct Debit
  • Online

If the payment was made and 5 days have passed, advise the customer you will need to get it investigated and you will follow up with them.

If the amount was paid under 5 days ago, continue to follow the decision tree flow.

If the amount was paid and 5 days have passed, continue to raise a case.

3.   Cheque Payments

Cheque payments take 7 to 10 working days to update on the account. You must advise the customer of this.

To ensure that the payment reflects immediately on the account, you should advise customer to pay via the methods listed below:

  • Card Payment
  • Direct Debit
  • Online

If the payment was made and 10 days have passed, advise the customer you will need to get it investigated and you will follow up with them.

If the amount was paid under 10 days ago, continue to follow the decision tree flow.

If the amount was paid and 10 days have passed, continue to raise a case.

4.   Direct Debit Payments

Check that the Direct Debit is still active, this can be checked in ‘Recurring Payments.’

If the Direct Debit was cancelled, set up the Direct Debit again for the customer.

The direct debit may have been rejected due to no funds or Credit Card expiry.

Check Interactions, cases and correspondence and Current account for any Direct Debit rejection fees.

Ensure the customer is aware if there is a fee showing on the account.

If the Direct Debit is still active, continue and raise a missing payment case.

If you have to add the Direct Debit again, advise the customer they can make a Credit Card payment now to clear the balance.

Direct debit failure fee or Rejection fee:

€10 per event. This will be applied if their Direct Debit fails due to insufficient funds in their account on the second and subsequent failed attempts.


5.   EFT/Online Payments

These are payments via Online Banking using Vodafone IBAN and BIC details.

Check with the customer if they used the Vodafone Ireland IBAN and BIC details for their payment.

The Vodafone Ireland IBAN is IE04BOFI90001746687485 and the BIC is BOFIIE2D.

If the customer used the correct details, inform the customer it will take 3 working days to investigate the issue and you will contact them back with the outcome.

For Electronic fund transfer payment issues, please include the below details while raising a case:

  • Mobile Number
  • Financial Account No.
  • IBAN payment from
  • IBAN payment to – Mandatory
  • Transaction code/reference number (if available)
  • Amount
  • Date of Payment

If the customer used the incorrect details, advise the customer to contact their bank as they may have made the payment to another account in error.


Below is the Missing Payment Case Screenshot for reference:



What details are required for the team to locate the missing payment?

The information is specified on decision tree and will guide you through the process, please see below for your information.


Post Office:


Post office reference – this is mandatory and is formatted XXXX - X - XXXXXXX

Billing Customer Number

Financial Account No.

Location/Post office paid this is mandatory.


Date of Payment


Direct Debit:


Billing Customer Number

Financial Account No.

Account Type

UMR (Unique Mandate Reference – customer can get it by clicking into the transaction online or from their bank and is formatted as follows- VFIE000xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx)

Creditor ID (If available - Customer can get this from their bank)


Date of Payment




Billing Customer Number

Financial Account No.

Cheque No

Address sent to


Date of Payment


Electronic Fund Transfer:


Mobile Number

Financial Account No.

IBAN payment from

IBAN payment to – Mandatory

Transaction code/reference number (if available)


Date of Payment


Credit/Debit Card:


Billing Customer number:

Financial Account number:


Date of payment:

First 6 digits & last 4 digits of card:

Card provider (Bank) Name:

Paid via My Vodafone/App/Store/Bank website or app- if paid in a Vodafone store, please provide store address:


Online Banking (Vodafone - Biller):


Subscriber (Mobile) Number:

Financial Account Number:

IBAN/Account number Payment made to (Last 4 Digits):

Transaction Reference code/number (if available):


Date of Payment:  


The customer has made a payment to the wrong account, what do you advise?

If the customer has made payment to an account which does not belong to them, advise that we will need to raise a request to have the payment transferred to the correct account and continue to follow the decision tree flow.



What if the Missing Payment query that I received is not covered within Decision Tree or Agent Knowledge Base?

Please share feedback with knowledge author for updates required.


Meanwhile, a case within UFE can be raised with all required information within Missing Payment query type. The team will review the case and share further update within defined timeframe. 

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