Fixed Premises Move

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Updated 08/12/2023


What’s a premises move?

If a customer is moving home and the customer wants to keep their Vodafone services, this will require a Premises Move.

Click Here to access our website FAQs.


How long does a premises move take?

Advise the customer that the premises move process can take up to 28 working days.

Ideally, we would like to receive 1 months’ notice to ensure the service is set up in time.

Sometimes we are unable to connect the property on the desired day due to the following reasons;

  • If they don’t have access to the property, then this will cause a delay in getting their service installed.
  • Previous occupiers haven’t disconnected their service.
  • Moving into a new estate that requires a new line. 

Will a customer enter into a new contract when they move home?

Yes, they will need to agree to a new 12-month contract.

Will a customer need to change their direct debit details if they move home?

No, they can carry their existing direct debit details over to their new address.

Direct Debit is required for all new home moves. Our dedicated move team will work with them to ensure their direct debit is in place.


Does a customer need to take their equipment with them?

Yes, they have to take their equipment (modem, cables) to their new home. If they have Vodafone TV, they need to take their set top box, remote
control, and multi-room equipment with them to their new home.

Can a customer request a premises move online?

Yes, customers can complete an online form on our website in Here.

Step #1:

  • The customer completes the form.
  • It helps us a lot if the customer let us know about their plans in advance.
  • If they need to check their Eircode then they can click Here to access the official Eircode site.

Step #2:

  • The customer can tell us if they need our help.
  • Moving can be stressful.
  • They can let us lighten the load by minimizing disruption to their home broadband service.
  • Before they click 'submit' on the form, they can make sure that they have selected 'yes' just above the submit button so that we can give them a call to help. 

Step #3:

  • They will then wait for our call.
  • Once they have filled out the form, selected 'yes' just above the red submit button and then clicked on the red button, our team will be in touch to
    assist them.
  • We will call between 09:00 and 17:00, Monday to Friday. 

What do you do if a customer doesn’t want to self-serve?

Flow the decision tree flow Relocate Request, use key words “Premises, Premises Move, Relocate or Relocate Request”.

This path will help you lead towards sending a case to the premises moves team on behalf of the customer via the online form.

Your first check is to ensure the customer's account should not be in collections and payment should be up to date to proceed with the request.

You will be required to advise the customer of the following:

  1. Direct Debit payment must be setup on the account.
  2. A new contract will be mandatory as part of the process.
  3. The Eircode for the new Address has to be 100% accurate
  4. Tell the Customer they will receive a call back from Premises Move team by 3-5 working days to discussavailable speeds, package prices and available appointments for installation.

The next step will be to complete the online form for the customer and submit the form.

Then your last step is to advise the customer they might receive an email in 24 hours for confirmation or further details if required to proceed with the Premises Move request.



As an Agent can you follow up on a Premises Move for a customer?

Yes, you can check if a customer looking for an update on their ongoing Premises move process.

You can check the case notes within “Interactions, cases and correspondence” and advise the customer on the latest Update.

If you are required to transfer to the Premises Move team and it is outside of working hours (Mon-Fri 9AM – 6PM), you can add a note in the case raised previously to request a call back from Premises Move team.

You can locate the case notes within “Interactions, cases and correspondence” and advise the customer will receive a call back from Premises Move team within 48 working hours.

Re-assign the case to relocation team after adding the note to ensure the team actions on it.

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