Moving house

How do I book a home move?

You can send a request to our dedicated home move team and they will take care of your move. Please click here to book a home move.

How much notice do I need to give if I'm moving house?

Ideally we would like to receive 1 months’ notice to ensure your service is set up in time. Sometimes we are unable to connect your property on your desired day due to the following reasons;

  1. If you don’t have access to the property then this will cause a delay in getting your service installed.
  2. Previous occupiers haven’t disconnected their service.
  3. Moving into a new estate that requires a new line.

If this happens our dedicated team will be there to support you and help get your service up and running as quickly as possible.


How long will it take to get my service installed if I move house?

The timelines to complete a house move will vary depending on whether a landline is available in your new home or not.

  1. Reconnect a landline service: To reconnect a service e.g. Broadband & Voice on an existing landline can take up to 15 working days.
  2. New landline service: To install a brand new landline service can take up to 28 working days.

Note: Fibre +TV orders may take longer than the above timelines


Can I get broadband in my new house?

Our dedicated team will check broadband availability at your new address to establish if you can get broadband.

How fast will my broadband be if I move house?

It depends on various factors e.g. how far your property is from the local telephone exchange, the wiring within your home and your hardware e.g. modem or laptop.

Can I keep my phone number if I move house?

If you are moving to an address within your same exchange/area code, then it should be possible to move your number, although there may be some exceptions to this for technical reasons. If you are moving outside your exchange/area code example Dublin to Cork (01 to 021) then you will not be able to retain your landline number.

Do I need to be at my new home when you connect the service?

There are times when you will need to be on site to enable us to complete your connection. These include:

  • When a full installation is required e.g. Broadband + Vodafone TV
  • When you are connecting to fibre and it is the first time fibre has been connected at that property. The engineer will need to install a new faceplate on the phone socket at your new home.

We’ll let you know in advance if you need to be onsite.


Can I reschedule my installation appointment?

Yes. If the engineer appointment date does not suit, you can reschedule the appointment online by visiting

If you need to change your appointment please submit your request no later than 4pm on the day before your current appointment.


Will I be able to get Vodafone TV at my new house?

We will check broadband & TV availability at your new address to determine if you can get Vodafone TV. Your new address will need to have a fibre connection with a speed of minimum 20 mbps to support our TV service (28mbps to support our Wireless Multi-Room service).

A number of things can influence the speed of your broadband including how far your property is from the local telephone exchange, the wiring within your home and your hardware e.g. modem or laptop


Do I take my equipment with me?

Yes, you have to take your equipment (modem, cables) to your new home. If you have Vodafone TV, please take your set top box, remote control and multi-room equipment with you to your new home.

Will I enter into a new contract when I move home?

Yes, you will need to agree to a new 12 month contract.

Will I need to change my direct debit details if I move home?

No, you can carry your existing direct debit details over to your new address. Direct Debit is required for all new home moves. Our dedicated move team will work with you to ensure your direct debit is in place.

How will my billing work if I am moving house?

When you are moving home you might have two accounts active for a short period. If this is the case we will need to manually adjust your invoices. The agent looking after you query will explain this to you in full so that you are aware how the billing will work.

What happens if my bill looks incorrect?

When you are moving home you might have two accounts active for a short period. If this is the case then we will manually adjust your invoices. The agent looking after your query will explain this to you in full so that you are aware how the billing will work.

However, you might receive an invoice with duplicate charges. Do not worry though, we will be monitoring your accounts so that you are not overcharged. We will also send a follow up SMS to confirm the actual billing amount after making any manual adjustment.


The confirmation email / letter I received looks incorrect

When you are moving home you might have two accounts active for a short period. Because we will be adding a new contract and service for your new home, our systems might automatically send out confirmation.

This might have details for two accounts on it. If this is the case, we will be in contact to explain this in full. However, when we call and confirm everything is up and running in your new home we will automatically cancel the old account.


The amount on my invoice is higher than what was promised

When you move to your new home it could be part-way through a billing month. Because of this your invoice amount could be higher than anticipated. You might receive charges for a part-month (when you connected in your new home until then end of the billing month) and your normal monthly charge (in advance).

Our agent will explain this in full when they contact you and manually adjust your account if required.

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