deaf, low hearing, etc
blind, low vision, etc
arthritis, paralysis, etc
autism, anxiety, etc
Vodafone Accessibility Statement
At Vodafone, we're passionate about making sure everyone can enjoy our products and services. We believe in equal opportunities for all.
Need help? Just click on the chat icon on this page to connect with one of our care agents. Our team is here to assist you quickly and effectively.

Phone help
Vodafone Ireland offers a variety of phones from popular brands that are perfect for those with additional needs.

The Irish Text Relay Service (ITRS) makes phone calls easier, allowing those who are deaf, hard-of-hearing, or speech-impaired to make and receive calls independently.

Vodafone participates in the ComReg forum on Electronic Communications Services for people with additional needs.

Chat with us
Would you prefer to chat with a member of the Vodafone team online? Use this page's live chat.

Store finder
Want to meet and discuss your query in person? Find a store near you.

Call us
Our care team are here to help find a solution to your needs. Call 1907 to talk.
Third Party Account Management
If you need a relative, friend or third party to help with your Vodafone account, you can register for an authorised contact on your account. They will not be permitted to make changes without your additional consent. Please talk to one of our care team for support via live chat or call 1907.
The Standards this website complies with
The site is designed in accordance with priority 1, 2, and 3 guidelines of the W3C Web Content Accessibility Guidelines and the Irish National Disability Authority Guidelines for Web Accessibility. The website uses structured semantic markup. H1 tags are used for main titles, H2 tags for subtitles. The website uses Cascading Style Sheets for visual layout. This ensures that content is perfectly linearised and improves performance on a wide range of browsers and other user agents.
Self-care options such as My Vodafone portal and app services are designed for ease of registration and use.