Stay connected on your watch,
even without your phone

Only with Vodafone OneNumber

Sign up today and get a €5 discount for the first month

What is OneNumber?

OneNumber keeps you connected on your smartwatch. So you can answer calls, send messages and listen to music. You can do all this and more from your watch, even without your phone nearby.  Stay connected with OneNumber, for just €5 per month.

Choose from our range of watches and add OneNumber. 

Calendar icon

Apple Watch Series 10 from €29.00 a month

Get your Apple Watch plus OneNumber together and pay monthly on a 24 month contract. Early termination fees and terms apply.

What are the benefits of OneNumber?

Phone icon

Make calls

Leave your phone at home and stay in contact with those who matter most, all on your watch.

Message icon

Answer texts

Never miss an update when you're on the go or at a music festival. Stay in the loop on the latest plans.

AirPods icon

Apps & streaming

Going out for a run? Stream your music with just your watch, no need to bring your phone.


How to get OneNumber?

Step 1
You'll need a Vodafone Bill Pay SIM card. Don't have a SIM card yet?
Check out our SIM only plans
Step 2
Make sure you have a compatible LTE enabled smartwatch.
Check out our range of watches
Step 3
Already completed both steps?
Login and get OneNumber
  • Apple
  • Samsung
  • Xiaomi
  • Google

Frequently asked questions

How can I activate OneNumber? 

Once you sign up for OneNumber you will be prompted through your watch app to log onto the OneNumber portal. Follow the instructions to complete the set up and activate OneNumber. ​Cellular must be activated on your watch to complete this journey.

What smartwatches are eligible for OneNumber?  

Any cellular smartwatch from Samsung Galaxy Watch 4 & above, Apple Watch Series 4 & above are eligible for usage of Vodafone OneNumber.

  • If your watch is an Android smartwatch – the watch must have been purchased in Europe.
  • If you have an Apple Watch Series 4 onwards or Apple Watch Ultra – the watch must have been purchased in Europe.
  • If you have an Apple Watch Ultra 2 or any newer Ultra variant – the watch must have been purchased in Europe or the US.

See our range of cellular enabled smartwatches available at Vodafone.



What mobile plan do I need to have? 

You must be a Vodafone mobile Bill Pay customer to use OneNumber. ​

The eligible plans are listed below: ​

  • Red Lite​
  • Red Unlimited
  • Red Unlimited Lite​
  • Red Unlimited Max​
  • Red Unlimited Sim Only
  • RED Unlimited SIM Only 15​
  • RED Unlimited SIM Only 25
  • Red Unlimited Max Sim Only ​
  • RED Business Unlimited Lite​
  • RED Business Unlimited
  • RED Business Unlimited Max​
  • RED Business Unlimited SIM Only

What mobile phones are supported with Apple Watch or the Android Wear OS watch?​

A Samsung watch can be used with Samsung & Android phones as per below: ​

  • Samsung & Android device must be running 8.0 (M OS Mobile operating System) or higher Samsung & Android device with RAM 1.5GB above.​
  • Samsung & Android device with Google Mobile Services (GMS).​
  • The Smartwatch you want to pair must be a model sold in Europe.​


Samsung watches cannot be used with Samsung & Android phones as per below:​

  • Go edition and phones without Google Play Store. ​
  • Android devices that do not have Google Mobile Services. Note some Huawei devices do not have access to the GMS. Please refer to the mobile user guides to confirm if GMS is available. ​
  • The Android device you wish to pair must be a model sold in Europe – ER.​
  • RAM lower than 1.5GB.​
  • Any iOS. ​


A cellular Apple Watch can be used with iPhones only. ​

  • You must have an iPhone XR or newer with iOS 17.5 minimum​
  • For more information on how to pair your iPhone and Apple Watch see Vodafone Apple cellular watch guide.​



How do I cancel OneNumber?  

You can cancel OneNumber at any time by going to a Vodafone Retail store or online at OneNumber Vodafone.
Your watch will no longer have mobile connectivity at the time the cancellation occurs, and you will receive an SMS indicating that you no longer have Vodafone OneNumber active. You'll pay on your invoice, only the days you had active service that month. Vodafone OneNumber can be active again at any time.

If you purchase the Smartwatch Bundle contract (Apple Watch only) and cancel OneNumber your Smartwatch Bundle contract will automatically terminate and you will have to pay the early termination fees specified in your contract. 

I already have a cellular smartwatch. Can I get OneNumber?

Yes, if you are a Vodafone Bill Pay customer with an eligible watch, you can add OneNumber to your mobile plan at any time.  Any cellular smartwatch from Samsung Galaxy Watch 4 & above, Apple Watch Series 4 & above are eligible for usage of Vodafone OneNumber. Just follow the steps above to get set up.


What is the smartwatch bundle?​

The Smartwatch Bundle combines the Apple Watch and One Number connectivity service on a 24-month contract. OneNumber forms part of the plan and is included in the monthly price.

The Smartwatch Bundle is available on Apple Watch only from €19 per month for 24 months.
This option is not currently available for Samsung or Xiaomi smartwatches. ​

SIM Only customers must be a Vodafone Customer for at least 6 months before they can sign up for the Smartwatch Bundle.
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