Ireland Gender Pay Gap  

A young woman working in a lab.

Welcome to our Ireland Gender Pay Gap webpage

Our ambition is to be considered the world’s best employer for women.

The information on this site illustrates our commitments and the work we are doing to meet this ambition.

This forms part of our global work towards gender equality.

You can learn more by clicking below.

Vodafone Ireland HR Director Noelle Burke.

A message from Noelle Burke, Vodafone Ireland HR Director

Here at Vodafone, ensuring that our pay is free from discrimination is one of six Fair Pay Principles that we apply across the company. So we were pleased when the Irish Government decided to require companies to report their Gender Pay Gap.

Our Gender Pay Gap is influenced by the structure of our business and the number of men and women at different levels at Vodafone Ireland. Today we have more men than women holding specialist roles which often pay more. 

Vodafone is committed to taking an active and leading stance towards greater inclusivity not just within our business but in partnership with our private and public stakeholders.

Globally we have set ourselves a target and ambition to be one of the world’s leading employer’s for women by 2025. While we have started this journey, we are always learning and trying to improve but we are proud of the progress we have made so far.

As we connect for a better future and reimagine our future of work, together with Vodafone Ireland’s CEO (Chief Executive Officer) Amanda Nelson, we are committed to continue to improve our Gender Pay Gap in 2023 and beyond.  

Thank you for taking this time to look at this web page and find out about our activities in this really important area.

Our initiatives

Our initiatives aim to support all women across different roles, areas and regions of our business.  Over time they will reduce our Ireland Gender Pay Gap.

Our initiatives support our global approach to Reward at Vodafone which is guided by our Fair Pay Principles.

We undertake an annual review against these principles across all of our markets.



A smiling man looking at a tablet in an office.

Frequently asked questions

What is Vodafone doing to reduce their gender pay gap?

Vodafone’s ambition is to be one of the world’s leading employers for Women by 2025. We are confident our inclusion for all programs and policies, and our Fair Pay Principals at Vodafone will help us reach this goal while continuing to reduce our gender pay gap in Ireland.

What are Vodafone's Fair Pay Principals and how do they help address any gender bias?

The way Vodafone pays its employees is based on our Fair Pay Principles. This means that everyone gets paid fairly, no matter their level, location, or role. One of the Fair Pay Principles is that pay should not be affected by things like gender, age, disability, gender identity and expression, sexual orientation, race, cultural background or belief.

We review these things every year to make sure that everyone is being paid fairly.

Our reward framework is designed to promote fairness and openness, and reduce the opportunity and impact of any unconscious bias, through:

  • A published Total Reward policy that sets out our approach to setting base salary and allowances, short and long term Incentives and our global recognition scheme
  • Objective salary ranges for all our roles, supported by robust policy and procedures
  • A consistent and transparent policy for setting on-target bonus and long-term incentives levels
  • Bonus and long-term incentive schemes based on collective company performance
  • A learning pathway to help educate our employees about Vodafone’s philosophy and approach to pay, benefits and recognition

What is the difference between 'gender pay gap' and 'equal pay'?

Equal pay means that women and men are paid the same for doing the same job. The gender pay gap compares how much men and women are paid on average for all jobs.

At Vodafone, we pay our men and women equally, but like most companies, we have a gender pay gap.


Why does Vodafone have a gender pay gap?

Vodafone has a gender pay gap because right now, there are more men than women in senior and specialist positions.

These are the types of jobs that usually pay more money. So, the average male pay is higher than the average female pay.


How is the gender pay gap calculated?

We calculate the median and mean average hourly rate for men and women. This is for employees in Ireland and it follows the Irish regulatory methodology.

The difference between these figures is our Ireland gender pay gap.


How is the 'bonus pay gap' calculated?

We calculate the median and mean average bonus pay for men and women working in our Ireland operations, as per the regulatory methodology.

The difference between these figures is the bonus pay gap.


What’s the difference between ‘mean’ and ‘median’?

Mean and median are two different things. To calculate the mean, you add all the values together and then divide by how many there are.

The median is the number in the middle of all the values.


What are quartiles?

Employee hourly pay is ranked from lowest to highest, and divided into four quartiles. Each quartile has an equal number of employees.

We then look at the proportion of males and females within each quartile, to understand how many there are at each of the four pay levels.

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