
Clear connection for those with auditory needs

On this page you will find what Vodafone Ireland offers to help those with auditory conditions, such as deafness, low hearing, and tinnitus, enjoy our products and services.

Need Assistance in Irish Sign Language (ISL)?

We're here to help! If you'd like to communicate with us using Irish Sign Language (ISL), simply reach out to our customer care team by phone on 1907.

Our care agents have the tools and training to assist you with your queries.

Irish Text Relay Service

Would you prefer to text to speak with our team? The Irish Text Relay Service (ITRS) will call Vodafone on your behalf with any query you have. There are a couple of steps before you can begin using this service.

  • Register your phone number for this service on the ITRS website. The page also includes instructions on how you can save as a bookmark on your iOS or Android phone or tablet home screen for easy access.
  • Once you have registered your phone number, you will be able to use their live chat service. Simply type your question to the ITRS agent and they will share what you write with us.
  • The ITRS agent will then respond to you via text with what we relay to them.

This service can be used for any Vodafone product queries.

Vodafone TV subtitles

You can get subtitles on your Vodafone TV in the following ways:

  • Subtitles work on a number of channels by selecting info/language/subtitles/on (including BBC channels)
  • For many of the national stations (RTE, TG4, Virgin Media) the process is different and requires the use of the remote control in your Vodafone TV Anywhere app.

There are just a few steps to follow:

  • 1
  • 2
  • Turn on Subtitles

    1. Open the Vodafone TV Anywhere app and select 'Remote and TV Box'
    2. Press the 'Text Button' followed by 888
    3. Programme subtitles will display where available
  • Sync TV App

    If you haven’t already synced your TV Anywhere app remote control to your TV box, you can do so by following the below steps:

    1. Ensure you are connected to your home Wi-Fi network
    2. Select 'Remote and TV Box' from the app menu 
    3. Select the 'TV Box' icon at the top of the screen. Your device will search for your TV Box 
    4. Tick the 'Media Room Device' and you are ready to go 

Chat with us

Would you prefer to chat with a Vodafone agent online? Use chat on our main Accessibility page.

Store finder

Want to meet and discuss your query in person? Find a store near you.

Call us

Our care team are here to help find a solution to your needs. Call 1907 to talk.

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