Life at Vodafone Ireland


Life at Vodafone Ireland

As a renowned global telecommunications company, Vodafone Ireland offers employees a strong reputation and a chance to be part of a leading industry player.

With a focus on career development, you can expect various opportunities for growth, mentorship programs, and a clear path for advancement.

Emphasizing work-life balance, Vodafone Ireland recognizes the importance of employee well-being, offering flexible arrangements and benefits that support a harmonious integration of work and personal life.



What we offer


 Flexibility and time off

Paid time off, including vacation, company days – birthday, Good Friday, and Christmas, 3 Charity days, sick leave, compassionate leave, marriage leave, parental leave and global reset/spirit of Vodafone days giving you the opportunity to focus on you!

Buy and sell up to 15 Annual Leave days per year

Hybrid work model — 60% remote and 40% in the office

20 “work from anywhere” days per year, at home or abroad

Career break of up to 1 year after 3 years of service as well as term time options during the summer after 1 year of service

Part-time work and job-sharing options

Health and wellness

Medical insurance contribution as well as eye tests

On-site gym offering an array of classes and free 1 to 1 personal training sessions

Wellness centre with access to wellbeing room as well as on-site treatments such as beauty, hairdresser/barber, massage therapy, nutrition consultations and physiotherapy

Financial wellbeing

Competitive compensation

Annual bonus

Generous pension plans

Annual salary review

Parental benefits

Paid maternity leave as well as a 6-month ramp period when you return to work. You’ll work for 4 days per week, but we’ll pay you for 5!

Paid paternity leave /non-birthing parents leave

Paid adoptive leave

Fertility treatment supports

Carers leave supports


As well as …

Free on-site parking

Inspiring spaces to work, recharge, and collaborate

Discounts on products and services as well as enticing offers for your families and friends

Exclusive discounts from hundreds of high-street and online brands and retailers

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