Network coverage

How is Vodafone Ireland's best performing 5G network?

Vodafone is Irelands best performing 5G network, as certified by nPerf in February 2024. Nperf points are calculated based on five key performance indicators (KPI’s) of Download Speed, Upload Speed, Latency, Web browsing and YouTube Streaming. Vodafone came out on top across Upload Speed, Latency, Web browsing and YouTube Streaming. Combining all 5 key performance metrics Vodafone came out number 1, winning the award of best Mobile Internet provider performance in Ireland. The test methodology involved in the award process spans across the entire year of 2023. For more details, view the full study.

How is Vodafone Ireland's most reliable mobile network?

Vodafone is Ireland's most reliable mobile network now for 9 years in a row. This is as certified by umlaut in April 2024 based on independent umlaut measurements between 25 March 2024 and 16 April 2024.

The reliability score is based on voice reliability, data reliability and consistent user experience. For more details, view the Vodafone Ireland 2023/04 Mobile Certificate from Umlaut.




How is Vodafone Europe's largest network?

Vodafone is Europe’s largest mobile and broadband network, based on publicly disclosed numbers from all operators collated by Vodafone that show the largest number of subscribers across fixed, broadband and mobile between Jan-Mar 2022.

What is 5G?

5G is the fifth generation of mobile networks and it will bring faster speeds, more reliable connections and lower latency to your mobile experience.

To experience 5G you must have a 5G ready device, a 5G ready plan that is 5G enabled and 5G coverage. Coverage is subject to availability and may be affected by a number of factors.

Learn more about 5G.


Network satisfaction guarantee

Network satisfaction guarantee terms and conditions (access PDF)

How did Vodafone establish that it has over 99% 4G population coverage in the republic of Ireland?

To establish that Vodafone has over 99% 4G population coverage in the ROI a population map for Ireland was overlaid with a 4G coverage map for the country. This allowed us to determine what percentage of the population lived in an area covered by Vodafone 4G.

Maps and census data was accessed and verified at 15/01/2020.

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