Internet of Things (IoT)

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  • Internet of Things (IoT) Connectivity
  • Internet of Things (IoT) Connectivity: Revolutionise your business by connecting everything faster and more efficiently.

    Enterprises are operating in a world that’s both hyperconnected and highly fragmented. In this environment, they need to combine their people, data and things seamlessly, in order to respond faster, make better decisions and predict with more accuracy.

    The Internet of Things (IoT) plays a critical role in the process.

    What is the Internet of Things (IoT)?

    The Internet of Things, or IoT, refers to everyday items embedded with clever tech like sensors and software. These connected devices then chat with each other and the internet, sharing data and potentially even working together. It's essentially a giant network of interconnected things making our lives easier and smarter.

    IoT encompasses everything connected to the internet, where inanimate objects become “smart” and can therefore “talk” to one another. By combining these connected devices, it’s possible to gather information, analyse it and create actionable insights to help your business.

    The amount of IoT connectivity connections is growing year-on-year as businesses realise the benefit and value that IoT can have for their operations. Example use cases include businesses who want to connect vehicles in their fleet, track assets whilst they move, or connect processes to find ways to automate.

    With Vodafone’s leading intelligent IoT connectivity, unrivalled expertise and outstanding support, it’s easier than ever to get the most from your smart devices and stay competitive. That includes automating processes, reducing operating costs, quickly entering new markets and developing new business models. Plus, if you're unsure about any IoT terminology, you can explore our glossary of common IoT terms to help you on your way.

    Discover the impact that IoT is driving for organisations across a wide range of industries

    Powering digital transformation through IoT

    Net Feasa have reimagined the global supply chain by connecting the world’s shipping containers to the Vodafone IoT network.

    Learn more

    How IoT is transforming the way we live

    Taking it from the abstract, Vodafone’s Colin Barrett explains how IoT is helping businesses be more efficient and illustrates how it works in everyday life.

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    How Internet of Things is driving sustainable energy usage in business

    Industries can drive down their carbon footprint by using the problem-solving capabilities of IoT. Urban Volt’s solar energy for business strategy, supported by Vodafone IoT, is one such option that appeals to those in both finance and ESG departments.

    Learn more

    Shipping contrainer being lowered on to dock

    Key benefits of IoT

    Reduce costs
    IoT helps you make faster decisions and reduce costs by processing information in real time. When you can rapidly gather insights and analyse them with the right tools, you can better understand and control your business.

    Automate processes
    Improve your operational efficiency, make better use of your resources and boost productivity with process automation, enabled by intelligently connected IoT.

    Improve customer experience
    IoT helps you improve customer experience in all kinds of ways. You can easily detect the need for maintenance, develop better products, send personalised communications and more.

    Powered by 100% renewable energy

    Why choose Vodafone for IoT?

    Global scale, local expertise

    Vodafone are the largest global IoT provider, supporting over 175 million IoT Connections with best-in class and reliable network connectivity, global coverage and dedicated expert support.

    Simple to deploy and manage

    We make it easy for you to deploy, integrate and manage your operations every time – whether you’re using IoT to improve your manufacturing line, customer experience, vehicle fleet or product range.

    Industry leading

    We’ve been pioneering IoT connectivity for over 30 years and were named as a Leader for the ninth time by Gartner® in the 2023 Magic Quadrant™ for Managed IoT Connectivity Services, Worldwide.

    Connect your business faster and more
    efficiently with our leading IoT
    connectivity and global team of experts.

    To get started on your Internet of Things journey,
    speak to your Vodafone account manager or request a call back.

    1800 855 696

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