Reliable Business Broadband

Save €10 a month with plans from €30.

Limited time only, terms apply.
Talk to us on 1800 640 640 Want us to call you?


Why Vodafone Business Broadband?

Unlock success with Vodafone business broadband's award-winning value, reliable connection, seamless set-up
with our proactive fast start team and a dedicated business care team available 7 days a week.

Save €10 a month

for first 12 months, across all plans.
Smart WiFi included as standard.
Click on chat to buy or learn more.

All prices shown are ex VAT.

Up to 500 Mbps


€40 per month

12 month contract, €60 thereafter

Each April the monthly price of your plan will increase by €2.85 per month

Fast connection for the common needs of a small sized business.

✓ Unlimited Fibre Connection
Smart WiFi
✓ 12 month contract
✓ Gigabox modem

Talk to us on 1800 640 640

Business Pill

Up to 1Gbps


€50 per month

12 month contract, €70 thereafter

Each April the monthly price of your plan will increase by €2.85 per month

Very fast connection for the common needs of a medium sized business.

✓ Unlimited Fibre Connection
Smart WiFi
✓ 12 month contract
✓ Gigabox modem

Talk to us on 1800 640 640

Up to 2Gbps


€65 per month

12 month contract, €85 thereafter

Each April the monthly price of your plan will increase by €2.85 per month

Super-fast connection for a data-intensive business.

✓ Unlimited Fibre Connection
Smart WiFi
✓ 12 month contract
✓ Premium Gigabox+ modem

Talk to us on 1800 640 640

Make the most of your Business Broadband

Get to know the products that will enhance your broadband experience.


Smart WiFi

Included as standard

Vodafone Broadband modems are equipped with Smart Wi-Fi, an intelligent technology that proactively resolves WiFi issues and optimises real-time connectivity. This ensures reliable, high-quality performance across all devices and applications on the business premises.
Mobile network tower icon.

Broadband Voice

€5 per month (ex VAT)

Broadband Voice connects your phone through your modem and uses your broadband connection to let you make and receive calls. Get 6,000 anytime minutes to Irish landlines and 200 minutes to any mobile network.
Mobile network tower icon.

Boost your coverage

€5 per month (ex VAT)

Super WiFi; works together with your modem to eliminate blackspots and give your business the best possible WiFi connection, no matter where you are in the office.
Mobile network tower icon.

What our customers say

Irish Skin Care
Killarney Organic

Rosemary O'Connor

"My entire business is run off my laptop. It’s important to me that I have a reliable and fast connection that is always on."

Production House
Flying Elephant

Michael Keelan

"The reliability of Vodafone’s broadband has kept our fast-paced business going through challenging times."

Performing Arts School

Lily MacMonagle

"With Vodafone's reliable broadband, we can attract new business and build good relationships with parents."

*96% of orders installed within 14 days, free installation depends on Geographical location. See terms and conditions or the out of bundles charges.

Get in touch

Find out what we can do to help your business reach its full potential.

1800 640 640

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Frequently asked questions

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