
Contact us
  • Device Lifecycle Management
  • Total Managed Mobility
  • 5G for Business
  • Bulk SMS
  • Device Lifecycle Management: The easy, secure and sustainable way to procure and
    manage your mobile devices

    With increased hybrid working demands across all industries, constantly managing and securing your employee mobile devices can be complex. Device lifecycle management (DLM) offers a complete solution to streamline these processes, reduce costs, and improve security.

    Growing device estates are becoming more complicated, costly and time-consuming to manage, with increasing financial pressures on organisations to reduce Capex investments.

    Additionally, device security, privacy and environmental compliance are becoming increasingly important in an ever more digitised world.

    Whether it’s providing for a dispersed workforce, moving to a hybrid work environment, or serving a full team in the office, you need the flexibility to adapt and scale your device management with business needs as and when they change.

    Vodafone Device Lifecycle Management (DLM) sits at the heart of your business, providing an end-to-end integrated managed service to keep your workforce connected with the right devices, wherever they are.

    Vodafone DLM reduces complexity and makes it simple to equip your employees with the right mobile devices to facilitate remote working. Along with the flexibility to own or lease your devices, DLM takes care of the logistics and frees your valuable team resource to focus on strategic projects, all while offering you the ability to reduce your carbon footprint.

    Key benefits of Device Lifecycle Management

    Save time

    Free your team’s time and consolidate your device needs with Vodafone DLM’s end-to-end managed service. We take care of all your device needs, from device sourcing, build and delivery to in-life services, asset management and responsible decommissioning.

    Sustainable ownership

    Buy your mobiles and tablets outright or lease them, with a choice of lease options ranging from 12 to 36 months, for predictable monthly costs. At the end of the lease, your devices are securely wiped and reused or recycled.

    Simple control

    A single self-serve platform gives you full visibility over your device estate, making it easy to order and manage devices and report back to the business. We make sure all your devices are built to your approved design, fully staged if required and delivered to your employees ready to go.

    Woman working on laptop in outdoor public space

    Why choose Vodafone Business?

    Single device partner

    We manage everything from device sourcing, build and delivery to in-life services, asset management and responsible decommissioning.

    Complete visibility

    With the ability to view and manage your device estate on our easy-to-use online platform, including raising issues with devices, you’re always on top of things.

    Recognised leader

    We have been recognised as a Global Leader in Managed Mobility by the leading analyst firm GlobalData.

    Keep your workforce securely connected
    with the right devices, wherever they are.

    To get started with Vodafone Device Lifecycle Management,
    speak to your Vodafone account manager or request a call back.

    1800 855 696

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  • Managed Mobility Services: Outsource the management of your mobile devices to give you the freedom to focus on what matters most

    In today's dynamic business environment, mobility is at the forefront. Whether it's ensuring that remote teams stay connected or securing a myriad of devices against cyber threats, efficient managed mobility services (MMS) and mobile device management (MDM) has never been more critical.

    Making the move to a mobile workforce can seem daunting. New ways of working, new devices to set up and all the new questions that come with mobile device management. With Vodafone Managed Mobility Services, we take away the headache of transitioning to a mobile workforce to let you and your team focus on what matters to you most.

    Vodafone Managed Mobility Services allow you to outsource the support, security and day-to-day management of your devices’ hardware and software through our comprehensive MMS and MDM solutions, giving you the freedom to focus on your core business.

    As this is a bespoke service, we will design the solution with you, ensuring every detail suits your business' mobile device management needs.

    Key benefits of Managed Mobility

    Centralised Control

    Centrally manage, update, and troubleshoot your company's devices, eliminating the hassle of individual device oversight. Perfect for companies with a vast device ecosystem using multiple device brands or types.

    Workload Reduction

    Automate many routine IT tasks related to device management. Perfect for businesses aiming to reduce their IT department's administrative load.

    Instant Support:

    With a dedicated team on standby, resolve device-related issues promptly, minimizing operational hiccups. Great for businesses that can't afford prolonged downtime.

    Woman laughing with phone in hand

    Why choose Vodafone Business for Managed Mobility Services?

    Customised Solution

    VMMS is tailor-made to fit your specific organizational needs, but competitively priced without compromising on service quality.

    Trusted partner

    Recognised for service expertise, customer focus and best-of-breed partnerships Whether it’s 25 devices or 2,500, you can trust us to manage your setup, delivery and support as you scale.

    Global Leader

    Celebrated as a Visionary in the 2023 Gartner® Magic Quadrant™ for Managed Mobility Services and recognised by GlobalData as a Leader in Managed Mobility Services, not once, but 8 times.

    Develop and deliver the right
    mobility strategy for your business.

    Contact your Vodafone Account Manager or request a call back
    to learn more about Vodafone Managed Mobility Services.

    1800 855 696

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  • Vodafone 5G for Business: Unlock the potential for your businesses to act, respond and adapt in real time

    Businesses that want to survive and thrive need to have good reflexes to counter uncertainty. They need access to the technologies that will enable them to make changes faster. Whether it’s sensors that monitor and correct problems or connected surveillance that responds quickly to threats, 5G is the key to unlocking these capabilities.

    Many industries are already taking advantage of cutting-edge technology to enhance capabilities, deliver greater business efficiencies and adapt to changing demands. 5G is the future of wireless technologies, offering unparalleled reliability and security for your business.

    Vodafone 5G enables these technologies through delivering a fast, secure, reliable and responsive network.

    At Vodafone Business, we’ve been through each change in mobile technology, so we know how to help you plan for your journey to 5G. 5G’s real potential comes to life when it is also combined with Vodafone’s expertise in IoT, cloud and fixed connectivity.

    Vodafone 5G helps businesses to reorganise their operations in order to increase productivity, save money and time, and ultimately open up entirely new and unbelievable business opportunities.

    Discover the impact of 5G technology across industries

    Deploying Industry 4.0 with Irish Manufacturing Research

    Vodafone’s 5G MPN has provided IMR with the communications backbone to re-imagine the layout of their advanced manufacturing research centre and go beyond their limits.

    Learn more

    Enabling high performance for the IRFU

    The Irish Rugby Football Union (IRFU) adopted Vodafone’s latest cutting-edge 5G MPN technology to increase the communication of performance data between the coaches and players.

    Learn more

    Vodafone employee speaking with Paul O'Connell outside the IRFU's Private 5G connected van in France

    Key benefits of 5G for Business

    Faster on the move

    With 5G, you can get office Wi-Fi speeds on the go, so downloading a critical document will only take seconds, with speeds of up to 10 times faster than what standard 4G provides.

    Real-time efficiencies

    5G drastically reduces any delays in connectivity and data sharing. Augmented Reality (AR) has already become more widely used by businesses to boost productivity.

    Enhanced connectivity

    5G enables many more devices to connect at once, empowering innovations such as smart cities, where all kinds of smart enabled devices provide real-time data that can be analysed to make our lives safer and better.

    Why choose Vodafone Business?

    Award-winning network

    Vodafone’s network has been independently certified as Ireland’s best network for the last eight years in a row by Umlaut.

    Rapidly expanding

    Our 5G network is currently live in selected areas across 26 counties in Ireland, and we continue to expand our 5G network as quickly as possible without compromising on quality.

    5G Innovation

    Vodafone are seen as world leaders in the application of 5G technology and innovation, launching Ireland’s first 5G standalone MPN with Irish Manufacturing Research in March 2021.

    aerial city view at dusk

    Reimagine the possibilities for
    your business with Vodafone 5G.

    To get started with your journey to a 5G-enabled world,
    speak to your Vodafone account manager or request a call back.

    1800 855 696

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  • Vodafone Bulk Text: A scalable and cost-effective solution to engage your customers in real-time

    In today’s fast-paced environment, communicating with your customers timely and secure manner can make all the difference.

    The widespread use of mobile phones makes text messages a highly accessible and pervasive form of communication, allowing businesses to connect with customers regardless of their location.

    Bulk text messaging enables real-time customer engagement, allowing organisations to respond promptly to inquiries, address concerns, and provide immediate support, fostering a positive customer experience.

    Vodafone Bulk Text is an easy-to-use service designed for large-scale bulk SMS operations. Easily send important notifications and messages with a service tailored for high-volume, high-value transactions.

    With Bulk Text, you can send as many text messages as you like to staff or customers, all in one go. Fast, easy-to-use and affordable, it's great for day-to-day operations, sales promotions or appointment reminders.

    Vodafone Bulk Text involves zero hardware, with total connection. Engage your clients or teams immediately through our intuitive online portal and integrate Vodafone Bulk Text effortlessly with your existing CRM tool.

    Key benefits of Bulk Text

    Effective communication

    Deliver impactful communication and improved customer care, while keeping your customers informed. Craft and dispatch distinct, personalised messages, scheduling deliveries to suit various timelines, regardless of volume.

    Easy to use

    No installation is required, just sign into our secure, intuitive online portal and get started. Integrate with your CRM. Integrate effortlessly with your existing CRM, facilitating direct, automated messaging with secure APIs.

    Scalable solution

    Write once, send many times with a broad template gallery for a wide range of messaging scenarios. Instantly send one or ten thousand messages from anywhere, immediately reducing the operational cost of timely communication with your customers.

    Why choose Vodafone?

    Unrivalled Value

    Cost-effective and secure. Vodafone provides unmatched value for every penny spent.

    Unmatched Security

    Your communication is not just fast and wide-reaching; it's secure and confidential. Trust Vodafone to safeguard your words while delivering them with precision and speed.

    Dedicated Support

    Enjoy committed assistance with expedited resolution times and insightful video tutorials.

    Woman walking across street with phone in hand

    Stay in touch with your customers securely

    Register for free at and get 25 credits free, or email

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    5GCreated with Sketch. acceleration-system add-icon add-ons-boosts-midadd-ons always-connected icon-app-storearrow-left at-symbol auto-top-up basket-changebill-or-report-midbill-pay-phones-icon4C91DB73-75FE-4565-8F69-BC6C675B1EA1bintoaster-black block-system blockbonusbroadband-darkbroadband-iconbroadband-lightbroadband-new broadband-or-wifi 1 broadband-or-wifi-midbroadband bundles-midbusinessCalendarCreated with Sketch. calendarIcons+Indicators / System-Icons / landline_or_call / #333333Created with Sketch. callCallsCreated with Sketch. cameracancel-mid carer-system case-study-midcasescelebrate chart-line-midchat-midchevron-down-system chevron-downchevron-left chevron-rightchevron-up-system chevron-upchromecast clock-new clock-or-timedclock close-smallclosecollectionscomment-midcommunity-or-foundation-midcommunitycompleted-midconnected-devices-midconsultant contractconverged-proposition-midcredt-top-up dark-sync DataCreated with Sketch. Icons+Indicators / System-Icons / data / #333333Created with Sketch. data-middatadeals-middelete-bin delete-icondelivery deliveryNew device dislike document-middownload-bicolor Downloadedit-icon editemail-notificationemail-white email engineer-miderror-circle-system-red error-circle-system error-circleeSim data eyefacebookfilters fixed-line-midgame-console generic-tariff-plan-midGift Icon Gift gogreen-tick heart help-midhelp-support-info-circlehidden-password home-midhome-phone info-circle-black info-circle-grey info-circle international-system landline-or-call-midletterslike lock-sslmail-new-midmenumessagemfa-email-sms-notificationminutes-sms-midmobilemobile-midmobile-vtv mobilemy-vodafone-new my-vodafone-or-my-profile-midmy-vodafoneneed-help-midnetwork-signal-midnotification-new object-type-default onenumberonline or-border ordersoutofcompany payg-midpayg-phones-iconF86C85F6-FFFF-4C62-8F9A-45D7251FC836payment-midpencil phone-mini-icon photosplaceholderplay-circle play-storeplayplus-new plusportals-for-videos red-warning reloadreportreturn-product-midroaming-midroamingsearch-system searchsecond-step-desktop second-step security-midsettings-bicolor settings-midroaming shopping-trolley-midshoppingsign-up-icon signed-in Sim card sim-midsim-swap-midsimIcons+Indicators / System-Icons / sms / #333333Created with Sketch. sms-or-text-midsms-text-mid sms-text-outline sms-text-red sms-text spinnersquaresssl-lock step-1 step-2 step-3 super-wifi-selected super-wifi-un-selected superwifi sync-black sync tablet technologysquares theft-system third-step-desktop third-step three-points tick-circle Tick-icontick-simpletick-outline-system tick-outline tick-simpletick-thankyou-pageto-do-list info-circle tobitop-up-2021top-up-icontop-up-midtopup tothiscompany travellers-info-midroaming tv-midtv-new tv-vtv block twitterup-arrow upgrade-midv-sim-and-device valuevf-tv-iconvisible-password vodafone-business-inverse vodafonevodafone-store-midvodafone-tv vodafone voice-of-vodafone-alerts-midVTV warning-midwarning-orange warning-red warning-system watch-tick watch-with-tick watch web-protection-red web-protection white-questionwithinthiscompany worldX-icon
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