Software Defined Wide Area Network (SD-WAN)

Seamlessly and securely connect your sites and people

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The workplace is changing. Can your network keep up?

With businesses evolving how they operate to meet the needs of employees and customers, this puts new challenges on networks. Challenges which legacy networks just can’t meet.

Most businesses have desired outcomes in mind, but are looking for smarter ways to get the infrastructure they need, as well as how to afford and secure it.

That’s where Vodafone Business SD-WAN comes in.

Vodafone Business SD-WAN is an all-in-one enterprise network that’s easy to set-up and simple to manage, from the network experts. Connect your sites, people and touchpoints to your cloud applications quickly, easily and securely.

Vodafone Business SD-WAN paves the way for you to adopt a cloud-first strategy, reducing latency and network disruption, and putting you in the driving seat when it comes to controlling the security of your network and empowering your users.

Our SD-WAN Partners 

How SD-WAN can help your business      

  • Optimised Performance: Gain real-time insights into your network demands, with intelligent routing allowing you to proactively resolve issues before they affect your business.
  • Business Agility: Easily scale your network to meet the growing demands of your business, with zero-touch provisioning reducing engineer time on site, preventing business disruption.
  • Network Efficiency: Reduce operational costs with simplified network management, including a single, comprehensive view of your entire network infrastructure.
  • Security and Continuity: Update your security rules effortlessly across all devices and locations, along with built-in, rapid threat detection and response keep your valuable data safe.    
  • Flexible Cloud Integration: Integrate seamlessly with public/private cloud and SaaS, optimising UX and network performance.
Graft Coffee

Building the future with Sisk

At Vodafone, we're proud to partner with industry leaders like Sisk to drive digital transformation in the construction sector. With a legacy dating back to 1859, Sisk has always been at the forefront of innovation, and our collaboration is taking their operations to the next level.

Working closely with our partners HPE Aruba Networking to innovate a SD-WAN solution, Sisk has achieved robust connectivity across all their sites, streamlining operations and reducing project lifecycles. This partnership allows Sisk to be more efficient, delivering unparalleled value to their clients.

Why choose Vodafone Business SD-WAN?  


Work with an experienced provider that can handle end-to-end service delivery and management while you have day-to-day network control. Vodafone SD-WAN is a single, centralised network solution with easy set-up and simple management. 

Peace of mind

Vodafone is continually recognised as a ‘Leader’ for network services by both Gartner and Forrester. With over 30 years’ experience in delivering WAN services, Vodafone has a local presence, global scale, and extensive service delivery experience. 

Tailored innovation

Vodafone’s range of innovation across network security, hosted unified communications, cloud services and web services means we can help you to define a network solution that solves your specific business problems at a pace that suits your organisation. 

Three steps to networking success  

1. Innovation workshop and assessment 
An in-depth session led by our SD-WAN experts, with interactive presentations, innovative live demos, and guided discussions. This includes a one-to-one consultation to learn of your business priorities and assess how Vodafone SD-WAN can work for you. 

2. Demo and Proof of Concept 
A personalised demonstration allowing you to identify the SD-WAN capabilities and functionality your business and team needs while incurring zero operational risk or disruption. 

3. Deployment 
All the local, national, and international support you need to go live wherever you are, whatever your goals. Deploy Vodafone SD-WAN at a pace and scale that suits your business, prioritising both security and quality of service. 

Powered by 100% renewable energy

Take the next step towards a smarter, more resilient network. 

To get started with Vodafone Business SD-WAN, speak to your Vodafone Account Manager or get in touch at the details below. 

1800 855 696 

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