Vodafone Secure Device Manager

See, manage and securely protect your devices from anywhere

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Introducing VSDM

Vodafone Secure Device Manager is a cloud-based unified endpoint management (UEM) solution that enables you to manage and secure your connected device environment with confidence, whether your people are working from home, in the field or across multiple sites.

Mobile Device Management (MDM) to configure, monitor and manage your company devices

Our platform offers: 

  • One customised mobile device management (MDM) platform to track and manage all your devices in real time, including BYOD (Bring Your Own Device).
  • Definition and customisation of security policies to ensure your devices are secure and compliant with your organisation’s standards.
  • Seamless integration with your existing infrastructure and other applications, such as Lookout Mobile Security for a truly unified security and MDM solution.
  • Powered by VMware’s best-in-class Workspace ONE platform.

Graft Coffee

Our Security Partners

How VSDM can help your business

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Full Visibility and Control

You’ll have one customised dashboard to track and manage all your devices in real time, for full visibility and control over your estate.
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Customised Business Security

 You can define and customise agendas such as policies, accesses, and use data encryption
for enhanced security and compliance.
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Integrated Security Devices

We can integrate it flexibly with your existing infrastructure and other applications, such as Lookout for Mobile Security.
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Improved Employee Experience

For a BYOD solution, you can segment personal and corporate data for increased employee productivity and satisfaction.
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Roll out and update applications at scale – both for both company-owned and Bring Your Own Devices too.
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Simple cost-effective solutions

Track, lock, and wipe devices remotely to reduce cost and complexity.

Why choose Vodafone Secure Device Manager?

Trusted partner

Simplify the management and operational cost of your mobile device fleet with one trusted
partner that combines tailored local support
with the global leadership in fixed and
mobile connectivity solutions.

Best-in-class platform

Powered by VMware’s best-in-class Workspace ONE platform, Secure Device Manager also integrates seamlessly with Vodafone’s industry-leading mobile threat defence partners, such as Lookout, Microsoft and Trend Micro.


Peace of mind

Get consistent, reliable protection on
your devices regardless of your location, application or environment, extending your
security across Ireland’s
best network.

Let's talk about VSDM

To get started with Vodafone Secure Device Manager,
speak to your Vodafone Account Manager.

1800 855 696

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