Vodafone Business Operator Connect

The simplest way to enable your Microsoft Teams
to make and receive calls

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Great work thrives on great connections

Your business uses Microsoft Teams, make it simpler to connect and collaborate with Vodafone Operator Connect. Move away from costly aging infrastructure to cloud-based telephony that’s easy to maintain and manage. As a Cloud Solution Provider (CSP) Partner in Ireland we offer enhanced support and tailored solutions.


Get your Teams talking with Operator Connect 

No hidden cost

  • Unlike others, what you see is what you pay, with a fixed cost per user per month and all calls included.

Global network, local interprise

  • All calls are routed on the best-in-class Vodafone Business Global SIP platform, with Vodafone Operator Connect now available across over 20 countries.

Resilient cloud solution

  • Move away from costly ageing infrastructure to cloud-based telephony that’s easy to maintain and manage.

Dedicated support

  • We’ve designed a simple and smooth purchasing experience with automation where it matters. You’ll quickly realise all the benefits of Team-based calling.

If your external calling situation is more complex, then Vodafone Business Direct Routing might be a better fit for your business. 


How Operator Connect can help your business 

Boost your Teams capacity

Make the most of your Microsoft Teams and turn it into an all-purpose collaboration and communication platform.

Calling in the cloud

Move away from costly ageing infrastructure to cloud-based telephony that’s easy to
maintain and manage.

Bring teams together

Make communication inside and outside your business easy by bringing it all together
in one platform.

Take greater control

Remove complex tariff structures, unpredictable costs and multiple contracts with a plan that’s shaped around you.

Why choose Operator Connect from Vodafone

Superior voice experience

We offer worry-free, enterprise-class voice integration, designed to follow Microsoft best practice and ensure the level of call performance and availability you can rely on.

Trusted partner

All the convenience of a trusted partner who can fully support your digital transformation, with an extensive range of best-in class voice, connectivity, cloud and security services.

Maximise your Microsoft investment

Rely on a fully accredited partner with a rich heritage and experience in the delivery of Microsoft Unified Communications solutions.


Register your interest for Operator Connect
Find out what we can do to help your business reach its full potential.

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