Business Applications Support

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Getting started

What is Vodafone Business Marketplace?

Vodafone Business Marketplace is a one stop shop for a generous range of productive business apps, like Microsoft Office 365, Security products like Trend Micro and CyberSmart and more. It's expertly curated to make it easier to take advantage of the latest and best software, unlocking your business potential.

How do I get started on the Vodafone Business Marketplace?

Vodafone Business customers can access Marketplace using their MyVodafone login credentials and make a purchase. If this login does not work for you, or you would like to speak to our sales team, please call 1800 855 696.

Want to know more about Business Applications?

Head over to Vodafone Business Marketplace here or call 1907.

Products and services

What happens after I buy on Vodafone Business Marketplace?

When you purchase your first application from us, we will send you an activation email, which you need to respond to within 15 minutes. You can request this to be re-sent after this time using the original email. Once you have logged in, you will be on the Dashboard page. From here, you can manage most of your tasks, including:

  • Inviting users to the Marketplace
  • Assigning application licences to Company Users
  • Buying new applications
  • See your recent activity in Marketplace such as any purchases, assigning of licences and requests from Company users.

NOTE: when you purchase an App or cancel/change the number of licences on an App, you will also see a 'completed payment' event. This confirms that this will be added to your next bill.


How do I manage my Vodafone Business Marketplace products and services?

How you manage your products and services will vary depending whether you are a Company User or Company Administrator.

  • If you are a Company User, contact your Company Administrator within your company and request the changes to be made to your application products and services on your behalf.
  • If you are a Company Administrator, you can buy products and assign product licences to particular users through the My Apps section on your Marketplace account. The easiest and quickest way to manage your Vodafone Business Marketplace products and services is through your Vodafone Business Marketplace account.

Who do I contact if I am having issues with using/setting up my products?

If you have purchased our Office Anywhere or Business Boost packages, please call 1800 945 167 for product support. This is 24/7 support included in your package.

If you have purchased any other product/s excluding the packages above or have a Vodafone billing query, please call 1907 for assistance.

For sales queries, please call 1800 855 696.


Have other questions about Vodafone Business Marketplace products and services?

Ask our care team through Chat or call 1907.

Account details

How do I change my Vodafone Business Marketplace password?

Please follow below steps:

  • Log in to Vodafone Business Marketplace
  • Go to the username icon
  • Click on My settings tab
  • Under password section, input your old and new password
  • Click on Save settings

How do I invite a new Company User to the Vodafone Business Marketplace?

Only the Company Administrator can invite new users to the Vodafone Business Marketplace and manage their licences.
Please follow below steps:

  • Log in to your Vodafone Business Marketplace account.
  • From the top menu, choose the Manage tab, this will take you to the Dashboard page.
  • To invite one user, add their email address (1), then click Invite.
  • To invite more than one user, choose Invite Multiple (2).
  • Enter the user’s email address. The role will default to User.
  • Click Send Invitations. The user will get an email asking them to activate their account.

Upload a list of users

  • Click Upload Email List.
  • Upload file requirements and format - File size should be less than 2 MB - Single Column plain text (*.txt) file - One email per line - Maximum of 2,000 lines.
  • Click Choose File then choose the text file you want to send.
  • Click Send Invitations. The user will get an email asking them to activate their account.

Resend or revoke pending invitations

  • You can check the status of user invitations to see if the accounts have been activated. You can choose to resend the activation email, or revoke the setup.
  • From the menu, choose Users.
  • Select Manage Invitations (1). This will show you a list of the pending invitations.
  • Select Resend or Revoke. You’ll receive confirmation this has been completed.

How do I disable or remove company users on Vodafone Business Marketplace?

Only Company Administrators can disable/enable or remove users from the Vodafone Business Marketplace. Disabling a Company User will keep their profile, but they will not have access to the Vodafone Business Marketplace or apps. This is useful for a temporary absence, and once a user returns, they can simply be enabled again.

Find the user you wish to disable/enable and choose the available option to change their access. If an employee leaves your company, you can remove them completely. Before doing this, you will need to remove any apps and licences they currently have. Go to the Gear icon and select Remove User


Not seeing what you want to know about your account details?

Our care team are happy to help, just tap on the Chat button on this page or call 1907.
Need help?

Simply phone 1907 or chat with our care team online

If you need support from abroad, call +353 1203 7210

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