Embracing eSIM technology for an agile
and efficient hybrid workforce

Summary: Learn how eSIM technology can benefit your business and help boost your team’s efficiency

With the adoption of hybrid work models, it’s no surprise that more and more businesses are changing how they operate. Due to the popularity of this work model, there is an increased need for flexibility as well as an increased use of generative AI – both making the workday more productive and more efficient for employee and business.

eSIMs are an advantage to a mobile workforce strategy

Enhanced connectivity and flexibility

eSIM technology, or embedded SIMs, offer a significant advantage over traditional SIM cards by providing enhanced connectivity and flexibility. Unlike physical SIM cards, eSIMs are embedded directly into devices, providing additional flexibility.

This means that employees can switch between different mobile plans on the go without needing to physically change SIM cards, ensuring they remain connected regardless of their location. For Chief Information Officers, this translates to a more agile and responsive mobile workforce, capable of adapting to varying network conditions and maintaining productivity.

Cost Efficiency

Eliminating the need for physical SIM cards and reducing administrative overhead associated with rolling out SIM cards to a large workforce helps the business save on costs.

Businesses can take advantage of tailored data plans that provide better value for money, and the ability to switch networks easily can lead to more competitive pricing.


eSIM's support scalability, allowing businesses to quickly add or remove mobile lines as needed without the logistical challenges of distributing physical SIM cards.

This scalability is particularly beneficial for enterprises with fluctuating workforce sizes or those expanding into new markets.


One particular challenge which comes with adopting eSIM’s is the method of activating them. Typically eSIM’s require a QR code which is displayed on the screen of a second device to be scanned by the user’s desired device for their eSIM profile. This can create problems when scaling eSIM’s out to large workforces, with IT admin baring the brunt of the workload in coordinating these large scale eSIM activations across hundreds, or even thousands of users.

Innovative eSIM Activation Methods

There are a number of innovative approaches which can near eliminate these technical frictions and delays which serve as superior alternatives to traditional QR code activation.

Push Provisioning

Push Provisioning is a method of eSIM activation where the network pushes the eSIM profile directly to the device, which the user then activates with a few clicks. This method eliminates the need for scanning QR codes or handling physical SIM cards.

Apple Quick Transfer

Apple's Quick Transfer feature allows iPhone users to transfer their eSIM from their previous iPhone to their new iPhone without contacting their carrier, as well as transferring a physical SIM profile from their previous iPhone onto their new iPhone as an eSIM profile. Quick transfer also allows iPhone users to swap their existing physical SIM card for an eSIM on the same device. This feature simplifies the process of both switching to a new device and making the change from physical SIM to eSIM, making them seamless and efficient.

Benefits of Innovative Activation Methods

Time Savings and Efficiency

Push provisioning and Quick Transfer methods allow IT managers to activate eSIMs at scale with minimal effort, where end users can self-serve and activate/swap to an eSIM profile within a few clicks, streamlining the process. This efficiency can result in significant time savings, particularly for large enterprises with extensive mobile workforces running into the hundreds or thousands of employees.

Reduced Administrative Burden

The push provisioning and Quick Transfer methods reduce the administrative burden on IT departments. Instead of IT admin manually sending out QR codes to each employee or activating each individual eSIM profile themselves, a push notification to the end device can allow end users to self-serve and activate their eSIM profile with a few clicks. With Quick Transfer, IT admin are saved from locating QR codes for employees, allowing employees to self-serve and perform SIM swaps or move to eSIM profiles at scale. These features not only free up valuable IT resources but can result in smoother deployment processes.

Improved User Experience

For end-users, the push provisioning and Quick transfer methods offer a seamless and hassle-free experience. End users can self-serve to activate their eSIM profile in minutes without needing two separate devices to scan a QR code related to more traditional eSIM activation methods. Quick transfer allows an end user to move an eSIM profile to a new device without searching for a QR code or requiring IT admin to locate this code. These methods improve user satisfaction and allow employees to focus on value adding work rather than dealing with technical friction. A positive user experience is crucial in maintaining employee morale and productivity, particularly in a hybrid work environment where reliable connectivity is essential.

By offering enhanced connectivity, quicker scalability, and cost efficiencies, eSIMs enable businesses to support an agile and efficient hybrid workforce. Furthermore, the push provisioning activation and Quick Transfer methods streamline the activation and SIM swapping processes, saving time, reducing administrative burden and enabling rapid scaling. As hybrid work continues to evolve, embracing eSIM technology will be key to maintaining a competitive edge and ensuring seamless connectivity for a dispersed workforce.

To find out what Vodafone can do to help your business realise the potential of eSIM technology, call 1800 640 640 or request a callback.

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