Empowering people


Helping people and businesses reach their potential with our products


Empowering customers

SOHOs (small office/home office) and SMEs (small and medium enterprises) are the lifeblood of many communities, providing opportunities for socio-economic participation, as well as social mobility for women, young people and ethnic minorities. Through Vodafone Business, we provide products and services that are specifically tailored for SME and SOHO businesses, helping guide them through technology choices and improving their digital readiness.

Girl with outstretched arms in the sunshine.


Our initiatives


- To better support small businesses, Vodafone Business offers V-Hub, its digital advice service, providing access to online information and experts who offer one-to-one advice and support on digitally transforming businesses.

- Working alongside SIRO, Vodafone’s JV with ESB, Vodafone has set up the Gigabit Hub initiative to empower local businesses and communities in Ireland through connected technologies.

Visit V-Hub   Visit Gigibit Hub


Supporting communities

We support communities, especially those in need, leaving no-one behind.


Promoting diversity and inclusion

The way we see it, the best innovations happen when diverse people with different perspectives collaborate. In fact, it’s only when we harness the power of different points of view around us that we progress as an organisation–challenging the way we do things and then doing them better – not just for our employees, but for our customers and communities too.

Four sporty women sitting on the ground and smiling and waving at a phone screen.
A woman sitting cross legged on a yoga mat.

Wellbeing and mental health

Our wellbeing offer includes physical and hybrid access to our Evolve Platform which encompasses services to support mental, physical, nutritional, emotional and financial wellbeing and a long-established Employee Assistance Programme.

Gender equality

At Vodafone, we’re committed to making the world a fairer, more equal place for women. Vodafone seek to be a top employer for women by 2025. Our policies aim to enable gender equality across the career lifecycle. Here’s how we’re doing our bit to close the gender gap, through the power of technology.

A man and a woman collecting rubbish on a beach.
Two bearded men lounging on a sofa


We are explicit in our belief that every person has the right to be authentic in their sexual orientation, gender identity and/or gender expression. We embed LGBT+ inclusion into our policies and processes, ensuring that the lived experience and needs of the community are reflected in all we do.

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