Protecting the planet


Empowering customers to safeguard the planet with technology


Tackling carbon emissions

Vodafone is committed to achieving net zero emissions from our own operations by 2030 and across our value chain by 2040. We recognise the great potential of the digital connectivity to accelerate emission reduction and address the impacts of the climate crisis. With an Intelligent Energy Management System whereby we analyse traffic patterns in real-time. We are on track for a fully electric fleet by 2028 and are upgrading onsite facilities with additional charging points to support employees to charge their electric vehicles. Vodafone Ireland is certified with ISO14001 and ISO50001 accreditations, demonstrating our commitment to monitor and improve our environmental performance.

A plie of old phones.
The exterior of a tall building with lots of greenary growing on it.

Enabling the green transition

By offering cutting-edge technologies, energy-efficient products, and sustainable services, Vodafone aims to facilitate significant environmental benefits to our customers. We believe green digital solutions have the potential to help decarbonise society, protect, restore and enhance nature, and build a more circular economy. We contribute towards providing the technology and connectivity needed to transition to a more sustainable future . We partner with customers that seek to decarbonise their own businesses, harnessing the power of technology to make their operations smarter and more efficient, whilst lowering dependency on fossil fuels and accelerating the transition to renewables.

Promoting circularity

We believe society needs to move to a more efficient, circular economy focused on eliminating waste. Upgrading the equipment in telecommunications networks can usher in newer generations of technology that improve energy efficiency and provide connectivity to more people – but this also contributes to the creation of e-waste from used electronic network equipment. We are committed to using our logistics networks and processes to bring decommissioned network equipment back to places where it can be managed responsibly for reuse, re-sale or recycling. We are currently on track to meet our goal of 100% recycled network waste by 2025.

Gloved hands holding old phones.
Stacks of old phones.

Helping our customers bring back used devices

We are committed to helping more of our customers bring their used electronic devices back to us. At Vodafone we offer a range of solutions to tackle the growing problem of electronic waste (e-waste) in Ireland, including offering refurbished smartphones, trade-In programs, device repair, and recycling services. These initiatives give unused phones a new lease on life, ensuring they are repaired, recycled, or repurposed.

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