Regional digital hubs could generate over Euro300 million and create nearly 9000 new jobs, according to a new economic report from Vodafone Ireland

Regional digital hubs could generate over €300 million and create nearly 9000 new jobs, according to a new economic report from Vodafone Ireland

01 October 2019
  • A study by economist Jim Power of Vodafone & SIRO’s national Gigabit Hub Initiative reveals that a digital hub in every county in Ireland could generate over 1,000 new businesses.

  • Study shows creation of smart working opportunities in Ireland regions could prove transformative for businesses and local communities.

1st October 2019: A new first of its kind economic report from Vodafone Ireland has found that smart working, with digital hubs in every county, could generate €312 million for the regional economy and create over 8,400 new jobs across over 1,000 new businesses.

The study, which was carried out by economist Jim Power, and commissioned by Vodafone Ireland, was undertaken to assess how smart working – flexible or remote working from home or a hub – can help rural communities thrive in a meaningful way. A quantitative analysis of job creation, talent migration, economic activity and outputs of the businesses that operate in six of Vodafone and SIRO’s digital hubs provides insight into the potential socio-economic benefits smart working practices could have, if replicated nationally in every county.

The hubs assessed include: Ludgate, Skibbereen; HQ Tralee; Creative Spark, Dundalk; The Mill, Drogheda; New Work Junction, Kilkenny and Enterprise House, Carlow.
Already each of these digital hubs are making significant contributions to the local economies and communities in which they operate. In terms of financial contribution, the combined economic data collected from each of the six hubs involved in the report reveals that they employ 462 people, host 176 businesses, contribute €27.3 million to the economy and €18.2 million in net wages earned. All of the digital hubs are operating at or close to full capacity and all want to expand their physical space further to satisfy significant growing demand.

According to the report, at a national level, if a digital hub was established in every county around Ireland; the potential to make a very significant economic, social and financial contribution across the country is very real.
In terms of potential employee taxes relating to hub employees, the study found that*:
€52 million could be generated for the Exchequer, with €1.56 million in commercial rates
1040 unique new businesses,
5,200 direct new jobs
3,640 indirect employment in surrounding local communities where a digital hub is based.
€312million in economic contribution through the income multiplier effect**

According to the report, there are socio-economic pressures on urban centres and the businesses and communities based there. Cities are growing rapidly, commercial and residential rents are rising, childcare and transportation costs are increasing and traffic congestion is at all-time high.

Alongside alleviating urban migration and slower regional economic growth, the study suggests that the widespread adoption of smart working would result in a significant reduction in congestion and commute times, ease pressure on housing in cities, provide greater availability of school places and generate more employment of young graduates locally. The research also paints a picture of how smart working can help rural communities thrive in a meaningful way and provide people with a better quality of life.

Author of the report, Economist Jim Power, said; “In a world where issues such as climate change, congestion, more balanced regional economic growth and development, and quality of life are becoming increasingly important and topical, the contribution that remote working will make to addressing these problems is very significant. With proper connectivity, there is no reason why remote working cannot grow in significance. This will benefit local economies, the environment and the wellbeing of employees and business owners. It is an unambiguous win-win situation.”

Director of Enterprise at Vodafone Ireland, Regina Moran, said
, “Our study clearly shows that the creation of viable smart working opportunities in a hub, homeworking or a hybrid model in Ireland’s regions could prove transformative for people, businesses and local communities. The findings, which attest to substantial income generation and improvements in people’s quality of life, offer a viable basis for wider adoption of smart working in Ireland. It also provides proof of concept that smart working and digital hubs can act as a stimulus to addressing the urban and rural socio-economic challenges that exist in Ireland. Gigabit connectivity is fundamental to achieving that.

“In the context of congestion in urban areas; environmental considerations; and the desire for improved quality of life, the potential for future increased economic contribution from hubs that provide high quality broadband connection is significant. At Vodafone Ireland, we want connectivity to enable new ways of working that advance our rural communities and towns and help solve economic and social challenges in a meaningful way.”

Additionally, the study included a qualitative assessment with hub managers/owners, business owners and remote workers who operate from the digital hubs to gain insights into the societal benefits of smart working such as: quality of life, cost of living and community engagement.

Breanndán Casey, Innovation Manager at The Mill Drogheda, said: “The economic benefit of opening the hub five years ago has been instrumental in bringing jobs to Drogheda – meaning companies and people now don’t have to go to Dublin. They now have a base to scale and grow a business from the Drogheda region.”

Philip Clarke MD, Forest Rock Technologies, Carlow, said; “Enterprise House in Carlow afforded us the opportunity to locate a business in my hometown, which I would not otherwise be able to do. The most significant benefit is work life balance. My commute is now 10 minutes; if I was travelling to Dublin it could take me close to two hours, so that headache is now gone.”


Notes to Editors:

* These calculations are based on the assumption of one new hub in every county; 200 employees per hub; and average salary of €50,000 per worker. The number of employees and the salary are based on the average growth potential of the hubs analysed for this report.

**This income multiplier effect seeks to capture how many times a given euro spent in an economy literally turns-over or otherwise results in other transactions. When an employee in a hub receives income, they spend some of that income in the broader economy, thereby supporting other income and other jobs in the town or region. Every euro earned, percolates down through the economy to generate a significant economic impact.

About Vodafone:
Vodafone is Ireland's leading total communications provider with 2.3 million customers and employs over 2,000 people directly and indirectly in Ireland.
Vodafone provides a total range of communications solutions including voice, messaging, data and fixed communications to consumers and to small, medium and large businesses. Since 2011, Vodafone has expanded its enterprise division, offering integrated next-generation fixed and mobile solutions in addition to cloud-based platforms, machine to machine services and professional ICT support.
Vodafone Group is one of the world's leading international mobile communications groups with mobile operations in 26 countries, partners with mobile networks in 55 more, and fixed broadband operations in 17 markets. For more information, please visit


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