Vodafone, first telco to sign Corporate Power Purchase Agreement in Ireland

Vodafone, first telco to sign Corporate Power Purchase Agreement in Ireland

16 October 2024
  • Vodafone first telco to sign Corporate Power Purchase Agreement (CPPA) in Ireland with investment of over €6 million in Irish renewable energy 
  • This is a joint CPPA with Vantage Towers, a leading European tower infrastructure operator  

26th September 2024: Vodafone Ireland has signed a new Corporate Power Purchasing Agreement (CPPA) with energy supplier Flogas, along with its infrastructure partner Vantage Towers.

Vodafone is the first telco in Ireland to sign a CPPA, which will enable the company to purchase renewable electricity directly from the Derrynadivva Wind Farm in Mayo.

The investment of €6million is part of the company's sustainability goals to achieve net zero across its full value chain by 2040. Combined with other agreements Vodafone has in place, 100% of its Irish operations are matched with certificates of renewable energy sources in Ireland.

The energy secured within this agreement gives Vodafone access to clean, high quality and affordable renewable electricity for its extensive network of cables that deliver mobile and fixed services to customers across Ireland. As part of this agreement, the company's infrastructure partners, Vantage Towers will also receive renewable energy from the Derrynadivva Wind Farm.

Amanda Nelson, CEO at Vodafone Ireland said: “We are proud of the steps we’re taking to not only support our customers to be greener but also green our own operations. Today’s announcement is an investment in Ireland and its renewable energy industry. This is a significant step towards our own ambitious net zero targets.’’

Brian McHugh, Managing Director at Vantage Towers Ireland said: “Vantage Towers’ infrastructure network is totally powered by renewable energy, in line with our global ESG agenda. Sustainability is a necessity, and this agreement with Flogas is a further commitment to minimizing the impact of our business on the environment, and a continued investment in Ireland’s natural generating capability.’’


Pat Brett, Director at Derrynadivva Wind Farm Ltd said: “We are thrilled that Derrynadivva Wind Farm in Co Mayo continues to play a pivotal role in Ireland’s transition to a sustainable energy future. By delivering clean, renewable wind energy to some of the nation’s largest companies, we are not only helping to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, but also supporting these businesses in their commitment to more efficient and responsible energy consumption.”


James Temple, Renewables Manager at Flogas, said: "The CPPA with Vodafone Ireland underscores the accelerating commitment of Irish companies to increase their use of carbon-free energy and lead in renewable energy adoption. As a leading provider of clean energy CPPAs, Flogas is dedicated to enhancing the economic feasibility of renewable projects and advancing Ireland’s transition to a low-carbon economy."

Vodafone’s sustainability strategy also focuses on reducing its energy consumption. In Ireland, the company uses an Intelligent Energy Management System. This is a system in which a machine learning algorithm across the 4G network analyses traffic patterns in real-time, allowing Vodafone reduce congestion and ultimately reduce energy consumption by 10 to 15%.

Vodafone Ireland also provides ways for customers be more sustainable including ‘Fix & Go’ for repairs and upgrades to extend the lifecycle of phones, as well as eSIMs which reduce carbon emissions by removing the need to manufacture and ship plastic, and a variety of eco accessories.  

In 2022, Vodafone became the first telco in Ireland to offer a device trade-in service which has been very well received by customers, with over 35,000 devices returned to Vodafone to date. The initiative offers customers up to €400 for old smartphone devices which customers can use as store credit towards the purchase of a new device or receive payment directly into their bank account. After the device is traded in Vodafone ensures each device is refurbed, recycled or repurposed, as part of our commitment to a circular economy.



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