Vodafone Ireland launches Vodafone Care

Vodafone Ireland launches Vodafone Care – a new online insurance service for mobile handsets

18 November 2020


  • New insurance service from Vodafone means claims can be made easily online through Vodafone’s insurance website
  • Vodafone Care has a range of cover options available for existing Vodafone Bill Pay customers for handsets up to twelve months old
  • Customers on the Vodafone network who purchased their handsets from other outlets can avail of the service 


Vodafone Ireland today launches Vodafone Care in partnership with Assurant and EIP, a new online insurance service for mobile phones. While customers can continue to avail of Vodafone’s handset insurance in retail outlets nationwide, this new insurance service allows Vodafone customers to sign up to a Vodafone Care policy and manage their policy through an online portal. 

Vodafone Care will insure handsets that are up to twelve months old, and conveniently customers can pay monthly on their existing Vodafone Ireland Bill. 

Vodafone Care offers customers a variety of cover including loss, theft, water damage and accidental breakages of the handset and the process has been developed with the customer in mind and all aspects of the service from signing up to claiming can all be done online. 

Vodafone customers who purchase Vodafone Care can make claims 24 hours a day, seven days a week through the Vodafone Care website Vodafone Care website. To ensure the customer is never without a handset longer than is necessary, Vodafone Care was developed with a quick, convenient and transparent online claims process, allowing the customer to see their claims progress in real time.

This new insurance covers the needs of more customers by extending the period in which they can add insurance from 30 days to twelve months after purchasing a new handset. With all claims, Vodafone uses genuine parts for repairs that are carried out to ensure manufacturer warranty still stands. 

Vodafone Care in Ireland provides Vodafone bill pay customers with two types of cover including:

·       Vodafone Care: For €9.99 per month for handsets that cost more than €300, Vodafone customers can avail of Accidental Damage Cover which insures handsets from loss, breakages, falls and water damage. 

·       Vodafone Care Plus: For €5.99 per month for handsets that costs less than €300 and €12.99 per month for handsets that cost more than €300, customers can avail of Total Protection Cover which insures from loss, breakages, falls, water damage and theft. 


Anita Carra, Consumer Director at Vodafone Ireland, commented: 

“We are delighted to bring Vodafone Care to the Irish market to ensure our customers can remain connected and protected against all eventualities. Vodafone continuously innovates to meet our customers ever changing needs and demands and Vodafone care has  been designed with the customer in mind. This new service will provide a quick, convenient and transparent insurance process managed through a new dedicated online portal on our website and can be accessed 24 hours a day” 


Terms & conditions go to: https://n.vodafone.ie/terms.htm

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