Vodafone tackles Ireland’s mountain of unused smartphones in Dublin, Cork and Galway

Vodafone tackles Ireland’s mountain of unused smartphones in Dublin, Cork and Galway

30 August 2024
  • Vodafone takes over billboards in Dublin, Cork and Galway to highlight the problem of e-waste and encourage people to recycle their unused smartphones 
  • The campaign marks two years since the trade-in initiative launched which has seen over 35,000 devices returned to Vodafone to be reused, repurposed or recycled


28th August 2024– Vodafone Ireland announces the launch of its latest campaign aimed at tackling the growing problem of e-waste by encouraging people to recycle their unused smartphones. With over 5 million unused smartphones going to waste in Ireland, the precious raw materials they contain are being lost.

Residents and visitors passing by Dorset Street in Dublin, Summerhill North Road in Cork and Wellpark Road in Galway will see the striking billboard image depicting a literal mountain of unused smartphones, changing a scenic Irish landscape into the site of a landfill. This powerful visual aims to raise awareness of e-waste and inspire action among the public.

Vodafone’s smartphone recycling service offers a practical solution to this issue, giving unused phones a new lease of life through repair, recycling or repurposing. As part of the campaign, Vodafone is encouraging people in Dublin, Cork and Galway to trade in their unused smartphones, which can be done both online and in stores nationwide.

Commenting on the campaign, Vodafone Ireland’s CEO, Amanda Nelson said, "In 2022, we proudly launched our device trade-in service. Celebrating two years since its inception, this initiative has been well received, with over 35,000 devices physically returned to us so far. We are reminding people to dig out old phones that may be lying around in drawers and consider recycling and repurposing them.”

She also confirmed that each phone is securely wiped of its data, “Our staff are on hand to offer advice to people when removing or transferring data before recycling, for their peace of mind. Every refurbished smartphone bought and sold by Vodafone undergoes meticulous professional screening, cleaning, and thorough testing to ensure they function at the same level as new devices.”

In addition to cost savings and flexibility, Vodafone’s refurbished range, alongside its device trade-in initiative, supports the company’s commitment to promoting a circular economy for devices.

For more information on Vodafone’s Trade In service and to participate in the campaign, visit Vodafone Ireland’s website.

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