You accept the terms of this service upgrade and confirm your order by submitting form.
Any add-ons you may have on your Vodafone Business Broadband account will continue to be charged as normal.
For information on speed, including estimates of the maximum download and upload speeds that you may experience on our network; see broadband speed information. Information on your rights, should you experience issues with your service including significant deviations from estimated speeds, is set out in our Code of Practice.
If you exceed your package plan allowance, out-of-bundle charges will apply or if you downgrade your service during your minimum term, a downgrade fee may apply.
For details about our customer care policies, our code of practice, your consumer rights, and how to contact us, please visit customer information.
You confirm you are accepting a €10 monthly discount off my Vodafone Business Broadband bill with a new 12 month recontract.
View contract summary here.