Vodafone Ireland code of practice

You, our customers, have chosen to trust us. In return, we must strive to anticipate and understand your needs and delight you with our service. We value your custom above everything else and aspire to make your lives richer, more fulfilled and more connected.

'Customer first' is the fundamental principle for us at all levels. Serving you individually and collectively better than anybody else demands that we trust you, listen to you, seek to understand you by every means available, and that we act to make sure that every aspect of our service is second to none.

View our code of practice.

You can access our complaints form.



Code of Practice document
Vodafone Ireland's Code of Practice for customers
Vodafone Ireland's Code of Practice for security

Vodafone porting and switching compensation scheme

Under Regulation we must have compensatory measures in place if there is a failure when we are moving your mobile or fixed number (often referred to as porting your number),or switching your Internet Access Services which essentially means cancelling existing Internet with your existing Internet Access Service Provider.


  • When porting your fixed or mobile number to Vodafone. We will port your number with your consent in the timeframe agreed and in any case within one working day of the date agreed.
  • When we get a request from another operator for a number to port away from Vodafone, we will act on the request of the gaining operator who validates your request and confirms your consent to port.
  • When switching your Internet Access Service to Vodafone and if you prefer us to notify your existing operator to cancel Internet Access Services, then we will only notify them to cancel once the new service has been activated by us.
  • When you are switching from Vodafone. If you are switching from Vodafone and your existing operator notifies us to cancel your service, subject to receiving valid details we will cancel your service within one working day of receipt of notice from your operator.

When porting or switching we will endeavour to ensure minimal or no break in service but and in any case for no more than one working day. If you advise us of an issue, then you might be entitled to compensation.

This issue could be:

  1. a potential failure to port your number within one working day of the timeframe agreed: or
  2. we may have cancelled your existing operator Internet Access Service before activating your Vodafone Service and you lost service for more than one working day: or
  3. we may have failed to cancel your Vodafone Internet Access on receipt of a valid request from your new operator.

If on investigation, we find that you are entitled to compensation then we will apply €3 per day for each day up to a maximum of €30 to your Vodafone account within 5 working days of the outcome. In certain cases, we may need to refer you to another retail operator if the issue is due to a failure on their side.   



€3 per day up to €30

If we fail to port your number within one working day of the timeframe agreed.


€3 per day up to €30

If when switching to us, we cancel your existing Internet Access Service before activating Vodafone Service, and you lose service for more than one day.


Access our compensation request forms



  • On receipt of your claim submission, you will receive acknowledgement by SMS within 48hours advising how long the review will take.
  • Once the review is complete you will receive an SMS advising the outcome of your claim, potential next steps and if compensation is due, how much credit was applied to your account.

Customers' statutory rights

Our code of practice does not affect your statutory rights as a consumer. If you are not satisfied with our response to your query, you can still seek independent advice from a number of independent bodies listed below.

  • Commission for Communications Regulation (“ComReg”)

    ComReg is the statutory body responsible for the regulation of the electronic communications sector (telecommunications, radio communications and broadcasting transmission) and the postal sector in Ireland.

    Tel: Consumer line - 01 8049668

    Address: 1 Dockland Central, Guild Street, Dublin 1, D01 E4X0

    For further information see their website: www.comreg.ie


  • The Competition and Consumer Protection Commission ( the “CCPC”)

    The CCPC is the statutory body responsible for enforcing consumer protection and competition law in Ireland.

    Tel: Consumer helpline on 01 402 5500

    Address: Bloom House, PO Box 12585, Railway Street, Dublin 1.

    For further information see their website: www.ccpc.ie


  • Advertising Standards Authority (ASA)

    The ASA is an independent self-regulatory body set up to ensure the highest standards of marketing communications by commercial bodies in Ireland.

    Tel: 01 6608766

    Address: Ferry House, 48 Lower Mount Street, Dublin 2.

    For further information, see their website: adstandards.ie/


  • Data Protection Commissioner (“DPC”)

    The DPC is responsible for upholding the rights of individuals as set out in the Data Protection Acts 1988 and 2003 and enforcing the obligations upon data controllers.

    Tel: 01 7650100 Low Call on 1800 437 737


    21 Fitzwilliam Square South
    Dublin 2
    D02 RD28


    For further information, see their website: www.dataprotection.ie


  • European Commission online dispute resolution

    Under EU regulations, consumers who have a complaint about goods or services purchased online have a right to refer their complaint to an independent dispute resolution agency via the following link: ec.europa.eu/consumers/odr/


  • Small Claims Court

    To contact the Small Claims Court, see your telephone directory under Courts Service for your local office or visit the following website for further information: www.courts.ie


Cooling off rights

For information on your cooling off rights please see : https://n.vodafone.ie/support/orders.html


Protected Disclosure

We operate a whistle-blowing mechanism called "Speak Up" for all current and former employees, contractors , service providers, agency workers, suppliers, sub-contractors, persons on work experience, trainees, self-employed persons providing services, freelance workers, shareholders, members of administrative, management or supervisory bodies including non-executives, volunteers, job-applicants and persons engaged in pre-contractual negotiations. If you see or hear behaviour which you feel may a breach of our Code of Conduct, including dishonesty, corruption, fraud, labour and human rights concerns, environmental damage, any other unethical behaviour or any relevant or suspected wrongdoing, please report it.

A report can be made by contacting our independent third party on:

  1. Phone hotline on 1800 851 275 [from Ireland], +44 (0)1249 661 795 [international] or 0800 374199 [from the UK]
  2. Online web report - go to EthicsPoint - Vodafone

Digital Services Act

The Digital Services Act (“DSA”) regulates online intermediaries and platforms such as marketplaces, social networks, and content-sharing platforms. Its main goal is to prevent illegal and harmful activities online and the spread of disinformation. It ensures user safety, protects fundamental rights, and creates a fair and open online platform environment.

Vodafone has certain obligations under the DSA. Articles 11 and 12 of the DSA require intermediary service providers to designate a single point of contact to enable direct communication with users and relevant European Institutions regarding the application of the DSA. These parties may contact Vodafone at dsacontact.ie@vodafone.com


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