
We’ve listened, and made some changes we hope you’ll like

Important changes to your account, security PIN and account number

Your new account number and security PIN

You will have received a new customer number which will help whenever you talk to us online, in-store, or on the phone.
You can see your customer number on My Vodafone or on your bill.

You can access and change your Security PIN on My Vodafone

My Vodafone - manage your account online and more

Please re-register your My Vodafone account to continue managing your account online

Access to your balance, pay bills, track usage real-time, or analyse your payments and part charges.
Get all your questions answered with Live Chat where you need it - on your phone.
Track your orders or repairs and update your personal details.

Why not sign up now to manage your account 

Your new bill explained

For all future bills, your monthly bill issue date will be approximately 7 to 10 working days later than your usual date. 

A. Our new bill makes it easier for you to see exactly what you owe and when you need to pay.
B. Your plan details, all your add-ons and out of plan charges are clearly displayed.
C.  Your new bill clearly shows the detail of any part-charges that have been incurred.

And that’s not all…
how Vodafone will help you

Coming soon - shop online or by phone, and collect in any store.
One team for all your queries by phone, online, or in-store.
Coming soon - one bill for all your household.
Direct debit is the best way to pay - sign up online or in app.

Re-register your My Vodafone account or sign up now to manage your account

Frequently asked questions

What are part charges?

When you change or add a plan / add-on in the middle of your billing cycle part charges will occur. A chart will be in included in your bill in the event of a plan change, to explain the charges. You will be billed from the date your new plan / add on started, and, if applicable, you will be credited for the element of the previous plans that you paid for in advance.


What is my security PIN?

Your security PIN (formerly known as your Self Service password) will allow us to identify you when your self-care through 1907.  To access and change your PIN, log into My Vodafone online or on the app. Under User settings, select the Security information tab, click edit to enter a new security PIN code.

How do I start using My Vodafone? 

You can register for My Vodafone online at www.vodafone.ie or download the latest version of the app.  

Will my bill or payment dates change? 

Yes, your monthly bill will be issued approximately 7 to 10 working days later for all future bills.  Payment due will continue to be 14 calendar days from when your bill is issued.  You will continue to receive your bill notification including outstanding balance and payment date.

Why do I need to re-register for My Vodafone?

Our updated system provides enhanced security on your account.  To benefit from this change you will need to re-register for My Vodafone.  Please visit the My Vodafone section on www.vodafone.ie where you will be prompted to change your password.  Please ensure your new password is more than eight characters long and contains at least one number, one special character, one upper-case letter and one lower-case letter. 

Who will have access to my account?

Our updated system provides enhanced security on your account. To protect your privacy, the Account Holder is the only person who can access the account and monthly bill.  If you had an alternative contact on your account, you will need to contact us to have this person added as an Authorised Contact.  An Authorised Contact will then have access to your monthly bill, account information and information relating to any end users or additional subscribers sitting on your account. The Authorised Contact will be authorised to make various alterations or administrative changes to your account including adding or removing services and products, which you will remain responsible for. You can allow one authorised contact to have access to your account and they must be over 18 years of age. Please call us at 1907 to arrange or find out more. You can remove an Authorised Contact from your account at any time by notifying us via 1907.

Why do I need to re-register for the TV Anywhere app? 

As our updated system provides enhanced security, you will be prompted to change your password for the Vodafone TV Anywhere app. Please ensure your new password is more than eight characters long and contains at least one number, one special character, one upper-case letter and one-lower case letter.

My plan name has changed, what does that mean? 

This is only a plan name change on our updated systems. If does not affect plan allowances, costs, or terms and conditions. For more information, please see here.

Important change for customers paying by SEPA direct debit

If you pay your bill by SEPA direct debit, you will notice a change in the ID used by Vodafone on the transaction for the payment from your bank account.  

From your next payment date (detailed on your bill), the Vodafone ID quoted on your bank account will change from IE82SDD305949 to IE57ZZZ301646.

You do not need to take any action. Your SEPA direct debit will continue to be paid as normal.  


Who do I contact for account queries?

For queries, you can call 1907 and speak to a member of the Vodafone team between 9am – 9pm Monday to Friday and 10am – 6pm Saturday and Sunday.
To find out more about your bill, payment date or account history, please download this PDF
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