What is Credit Insights?
The Credit Insights database is accessible by the participating telecommunications providers only when individuals are seeking to enter a new contract with that service provider.
Which types of customers qualify for Credit Insights?
How will I know if Vodafone have submitted my details to the Credit Insights database?
What is the definition of default?
Is there a minimum limit of arrears for addition to Credit Insights?
What personal data will be added to Credit Insights?
The personal data that will be added to Credit Insights is:
- Name
- Address
- Date Of birth
- Account type
- Account number
- Date of default
- Default amount (Minimum €50)
- Current account status
- Account start date
- Debt cleared date (where relevant)
How long will my data be retained in Credit Insights?
Which telecommunications service providers are participating in Credit Insights?
The participating telecommunications service providers are:
Who is operating the Credit Insights database?
How can I check if my data is in Credit Insights?
My data is incorrect, can I have it rectified?
How can I make a subject access request to Vodafone for a copy of the data held about me in Credit Insights?
I have other privacy questions, who do I contact?
The Privacy Notice applicable to your agreement with Vodafone is contained in your terms and conditions.
The Privacy Notice contains information about Credit Insights.