Always Connected


Vodafone Always Connected technology


How does Vodafone Always Connected work?

Vodafone Always Connected is a 4G backup for your broadband. If your broadband experiences an interruption, it will automatically switch to the 4G mobile network using your Vodafone Always Connected device. All of your personal devices will stay connected to the internet without you needing to do anything. When the issue is resolved, it switches back to your fixed broadband network as normal.

Will Vodafone Always Connected work if I only have 3G? 

No, Vodafone Always Connected will only work with 4G data coverage. Vodafone has 99% 4G population network coverage in Ireland.

I have a slow internet connection, but the Vodafone Always Connected device did not start working?

Vodafone Always Connected only starts when a complete loss of fixed broadband connection occurs. If the fixed broadband network has a slower connection, Vodafone Always Connected won't start.

What modem is Vodafone Always Connected compatible with? 

Vodafone Always Connected is compatible with the Gigabox broadband modem. If you are an existing Vodafone broadband customer but do not have a Gigabox modem, your modem will be upgraded free of charge. If you order Vodafone Always Connected, a Gigabox modem will be sent to you along with your Vodafone Always Connected device.

House floorplan with graph showing how Vodafone Super WiFi extends connectivity further





When will I receive my Vodafone Always Connected device and how? 

Your Vodafone Always Connected device will be sent to you via An Post.

If you are an existing Vodafone Broadband customer, your Vodafone Always Connected device should arrive by post within 2-3 working days.

If you are a new Vodafone Broadband customer, your Vodafone Always Connected device will be posted to you 2-3 working days after your broadband has been installed.


I placed my order but have not received my Vodafone Always Connected device yet

If you are an existing Vodafone Broadband customer, your Vodafone Always Connected device should arrive within 2-3 working days. For new customers, it will arrive within 2-3 working days after your broadband is installed. If you don't get the device at this time, please contact our customer care team on 1907 and they will assist you.

Why didn’t I receive my Vodafone Always Connected device when my broadband was installed?

Your Vodafone Always Connected device will be sent to you via An Post. If you are a new Vodafone Broadband customer, your Vodafone Always Connected device will be posted to you 2-3 working days after your broadband has been installed.




How do I set up Vodafone Always Connected?

You can set up your Vodafone Always Connected backup internet device in 3 easy steps:

  1. Open your Vodafone Always Connected device and insert the standard size SIM card into the back of the device
  2. Insert the Vodafone Always Connected device into the USB port at the back of your modem
  3. The light on your Vodafone Always Connected device should be flashing, as should the light under the “Mobile” label on the front of your Gigabox modem

Need more help? Watch our short video on how to set up your Vodafone Always Connected device:


How do I know that my Vodafone Always Connected Device has been set up correctly?

Once you plug your Vodafone Always Connected device into the USB slot on the back of your Gigabox modem, there will be a light flashing on it and a light flashing under the “Mobile” label on the front of your Gigabox modem. This means your Vodafone Always Connected device has been set up correctly and is in standby mode.

If the light on the front of your Gigabox modem is red, your SIM card may not be inserted into your Vodafone Always Connected device correctly. Please refer to the Vodafone Always Connected setup video below to make sure you have set up the device correctly. If you are still experiencing issues setting up your device, please contact our care team on 1907 who will assist you.


I’ve plugged the Vodafone Always Connected device into the USB port on the back of my modem but I’m not sure if it’s working

Please check the following:

  1. Your Gigabox modem has been plugged in and is receiving power
  2. The Gigabox modem is connected to the internet before you plug your Vodafone Always Connected device into it. The lights on the front of the modem should be flashing. Please visit our Gigabox support page if you need more information on how to set up your Gigabox modem
  3. The standard SIM card size has been inserted correctly into the back of your Vodafone Always Connected device. Watch our short video on how to set up your Vodafone Always Connected device below

If all the above are working correctly and your Vodafone Always Connected device is still not working, please contact our care team on 1907 who will assist you.


How do I know that my Vodafone Always Connected Device has been activated?

If there is an interruption to your broadband and Always Connected is activated, the light on your Always Connected device will move from flashing to solid. The light under the “Mobile” label on your Gigabox modem will also move from flashing to solid.

I can't find my SIM card in the parcel

The parcel you receive your Vodafone Always Connected device in will also contain a smaller package containing your SIM card. The SIM card needs to be inserted by you into the Vodafone Always Connected device. Please ensure you check the parcel bag for your SIM card.


My Bill


I cancelled my Vodafone Always Connected but I still saw a charge on my bill

This charge is for the period you used Vodafone Always Connected in the previous month before cancelling the service.

Why have I a mobile number appearing on my bill? 

This mobile number on your bill is associated with the SIM card you inserted into your Vodafone Always Connected device to enable it. Vodafone Always Connected is a 4G broadband backup. It uses the same technology as a phone. 

I bought Vodafone Always Connected but I don’t have good 4G coverage or signal in my house

If you have Vodafone Always Connected, and your house has poor 4G coverage or signal, you can cancel it. Contact our customer care team on 1907 and they will help you.


Help & Troubleshooting


In what scenarios will Vodafone Always Connected work? 

Vodafone Always Connected will only work when there is a total loss of connectivity on your fixed broadband network.

Vodafone Always Connected will work if there are:

  • Alterations to connections and wiring inside your home
  • Any local or exchange faults on your broadband
  • Fallen lines due to building work or;      
  • Storms, high winds, or adverse weather conditions that cause damage to the fixed broadband network

In what scenarios will Vodafone Always Connected not work? 

Vodafone Always Connected is a 4G broadband backup only. If fixed broadband connectivity is still present, though perhaps slower than normal, the 4G backup internet connection will not kick in. This is because Vodafone Always Connected will only start when a complete loss of connection occurs.

Vodafone Always Connected will not work if:

  • Your modem does not have power. For example, if there is a power outage in your area, your modem will not work
  • Our 4G mobile network is down at the same time as your broadband or;
  • There is any damage to your modem

Vodafone Always Connected does not support Vodafone TV & Broadband Voice.


What happens if I have Vodafone Always Connected, but I’m still having issues when my broadband goes down, or it doesn’t work when my broadband is interrupted?

If there is a complete loss of broadband connection your Vodafone Always Connected should start. If it’s still not working, please check the following:

  • Your Gigabox modem has been plugged in and is receiving power
  • The Gigabox modem is connected to the internet before you plug your Vodafone Always Connected device into it. The lights on the front of the modem should be flashing. Please visit our Gigabox support page if you need more information on how to set up your modem
  • The standard SIM card size has been inserted correctly into the back of your Vodafone Always Connected device. Watch our short Always Connected setup video below

If all the above are working correctly and your Vodafone Always Connected device is still not working, please contact our care team on1907 who will assist you.





How do I cancel my Vodafone Always Connected subscription?

Please contact our customer care team on 1907 and they will assist you.


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