Gigabox modem

How do I set up my Gigabox modem?

Set up is easy. Watch our Gigabox modem setup video and we’ll show you how to get started.

You can also download the 'Gigabox modem Simple Setup Guide' or the full 'Gigabox modem User Guide'.

Please note: standard connection charges apply when viewing our support videos.


How do I set up my Gigabox+ modem?

Set up is easy. Simply down our Gigabox+ Quick Start Guide to get started

What's the difference between the Gigabox+ modem and the Gigabox modem?

The Gigabox+ is our most advanced modem yet and available exclusively with our Gigabit 2000 Fibre package. Some of its top features include:

WiFi 6
WiFi 6 is the next generation of WiFi and brings more than just faster speeds. This latest WiFi technology delivers greater capacity, reliable performance and longer battery life for connected devices.

  • Greater capacity: The top speed of the Gigabox in the 5Ghz band is 1.8Gbps, the new Gigabox+ modem in the 5Ghz band can deliver 4.8Gbps.
  • More reliable performance: Improved interference avoidance in the 2.4Ghz band due to BSS Coloring. Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiple Access (OFDMA) more effectively shares channels to increase network efficiency and lower latency for both uplink and downlink traffic in high demand environments
  • Longer battery life for connected devices: WiFi 6 will help reduce the amount of battery usage required on your smart phone or devices when connected to the internet due to more efficient radio usage technology allowing the devices to only broadcast/receive when there is available airtime for them. Currently devices broadcast promiscuously as they are not aware whether there is airtime available or not.


Prioritisation Feature - Premium QoS
The Gigabox+ provides for a new Third SSID WiFi interface that will have higher uplink priority than main WiFi. This also applies to the LAN interface as the LAN4 uplink will have higher priority than other LAN ports when premium QoS is enabled.

For example, imagine you are working from home and your child is streaming a movie in the living room. With this feature, you can join a prioritised third network which will give your traffic priority over the network to ensure you have the best quality work video calls that can be provided.

The Gigabox+ has the following environment sustainability elements:

  • Use of at least 30% of recycled plastic in the product housing
  • Use of 100% recycled outer packaging (brown box)

How do I set up the Gigabox app?

With the Gigabox app you can change your Wi-Fi password, control when the household can access the internet and much more!

See how to set it up by watching our handy Gigabox app support video.

Please note: standard connection charges apply when viewing our support videos.


How do I change the Wi-Fi password for my Gigabox modem?

Our support video will show you some helpful tips on how to log in to your Gigabox modem and change your Wi-Fi password.

Please note: standard connection charges apply when viewing our support videos.


How do I reset my Gigabox modem?

Find out how to reset your Gigabox modem by watching our support video.

Please note: standard connection charges apply when viewing our support videos.


How do I set up Vodafone TV with my Gigabox modem?

This handy support video will show you how to set up Vodafone TV with your Gigabox modem.

Please note: standard connection charges apply when viewing our support videos.

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