Home phone support

I'm having trouble with my home phone

Please try these simple checks:

  • Check the lights on the front of your modem, making sure the 'Voice' light is not flashing
  • Check the DSL cable from 'Phone Port 1' to your phone, making sure all connections are secure

If these checks have been done and you're still having issues, please contact customer care on 1907.

You can also take a look at our Device Guides or landline support video for more help.


Can I get Caller ID on my landline?

Caller Line Display lets you see the number of the person who is calling you. Vodafone customers will have this service available when your landline is activated. If you want to switch this on/off simply call 1907 and one of our representatives will make the change to your account. It may take up to 24 hours for the change to take effect. If you already have this service with another provider, it will transfer across as part of your Vodafone order.

Display your number on an outgoing call

  • Call 1907 and speak to one of our advisors to disable caller display restriction on your account. This will show your number to the person you are calling. We'll make the necessary change but please be aware it may take up to 24 hours for the change to take effect.
  • If caller display restriction is enabled, dial 142 before the number and this will show your phone number on this call only. E.g. 142 087 1234567

Hide your number on an outgoing calls

  • Call 1907 and speak to one of our advisors to enable caller display restriction on your account. This will hide your number on all outgoing calls. We'll make the necessary change but please be aware it may take up to 24 hours for the change to take effect.
  • If caller display restriction is disabled, dial 141 before the number and this will hide your phone number on this call only. E.g. 141 087 1234567

I am receiving marketing calls, what can I do?

You can delist your name or go ex-directory

You may be getting calls because you are listed on the National Directory Database. Contact us and we can remove your name.

Give us a call on freephone 1907 to change your listing. See our Privacy Policy for more.

Changing your Vodafone marketing preferences

From time to time we'd like to contact you about special offers, discounts, and new services to suit your needs. You can choose what you'd like us to contact you about and how you'd like to receive the information by choosing the options that suit you best.

To update your Vodafone marketing preference simply login to your My Vodafone account and follow the below instructions.

  • Click on the menu icon
  • Select 'My settings' then 'Personal settings'
  • Select the 'Personal preferences' option and click the edit button
  • Now tick what types of marketing correspondences you would like to receive from Vodafone
  • Click ‘Save’ to complete the changes

Can I bar certain types of outgoing calls from my landline?

You can bar certain call types for a monthly charge. Here are few of the types of calls you can block:

  • Mobile calls
  • Premium rate calls
  • International calls
  • All outbound calls
  • All inbound calls

Find out how much it costs to bar calls.

Want to set up call barring? Just give us a call on 1907.


Can I get add ons for my landline?

Add ons are a great way to add extra minutes to your plan for a small additional payment. The range of voice add ons include calls to mobiles, landlines and international destinations.

To order an add on

  1. Login to your My Vodafone account
  2. Make sure your landline subscription is selected at the top of the page
  3. Select 'Get an add on'
  4. Here you will see the add ons available to buy
  5. Simply select the add on you want to buy and follow the prompts on screen

You can also order add ons by giving us a call on freephone 1907.


Are calls to Northern Ireland regarded as national calls?

Yes, calls to Northern Ireland are national calls, so the same rule of 59 minutes-per-call applies.

Be careful not to use the international prefix 0044 - or you'll be charged at the international rate. If you have an international add on, using the 0044 prefix will cause the minutes to be consumed from your allowance.


Where can I get information on call charges and rates?

All call charges and rates can be found here.
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