Calls, texts and voicemail


How do I set up and use voicemail?

Voicemail is automatically set up for you, all you need to dial is 171 to access your messages. All you have to do now is activate your diverts. There are three ways to activate these diverts:

  1. By changing some settings on your mobile. View your mobile manual to find out how to do this.
  2. Enter a few network codes into your mobile phone.

Codes for activating diverts:

Divert type Code
Phone switched off/out of coverage (not reachable) **62*(number to divert to)#
Phone busy (busy/no connect) **67*(number to divert to)#
Phone not answered (no reply) **61*(number to divert to)#
At all times (unconditional) **21*(number to divert to)#

Codes for deactivating diverts

Divert type Code
All calls   ##21#
Not answered   ##61#
Mobile turned off   ##62#
Mobile is busy   ##67#

You can also have these codes sent to your mobile by texting the word 'divert' to 51745.

When listening to a Voicemail message, you can use these helpful codes:

  • Press # to skip forward.
  • Press 1 to rewind.
  • Press 2 to pause/start.
  • Press 3 to fast forward.
  • Press 4 to replay.
  • Press 5 for time and date.
  • Press 6 for Instant Call back.
  • Press 7 to delete a message.
  • Press 9 to save a message.
  • Press star (*) to return to main menu.

How do I get my voicemail messages and notifications?

You can choose from two different notification methods, voice call or text message. When abroad there are charges for receiving a voice call notification. However, using text message notification is still free. Change how you're notified:

From your mobile

  1. Dial 171
  2. Press 5 for mailbox preferences
  3. Press 1 for message notification
  4. Select the desired notification method

If you're not in one of the countries that support 171, follow this procedure to get your messages:

From another phone

  1. Dial your mailbox number
  2. Interrupt the greeting by pressing hash (#)
  3. Enter your password followed by hash (#)
  4. Press 5 for mailbox preferences
  5. Press 1 message notification
  6. Select the desired notification method

How do I change my voicemail greeting?

By recording a personal Voicemail greeting, your friends, family and colleagues are more likely to leave messages for you. Record your personal greeting:

From your mobile

  1. Dial 172
  2. Press 1 for full personalised greeting
  3. Record your personal greeting and press hash (#)
  4. Press 2 to save the recording

If you're not in one of the countries that support 171 / 172, take the following steps to set up your greeting:

From another phone or in a country that doesn't support the 172 short code:

  1. Dial your mailbox number
  2. Interrupt the greeting by pressing hash (#)
  3. Enter your password followed by hash (#)
  4. Press 4 for personal options
  5. Press 1 to record a new greeting
  6. Record your greeting and press hash (#)
  7. Press 2 to save the recording

Note: Your personal greeting must be at least 5 seconds long.


How do I use instant call back?

Instant Call back lets you call anyone who has left you a message, without having to leave the Voicemail menu.

To make an Instant Call back call, just press 6 while or immediately after listening to the message. There is no extra charge for this service, the call is charged at normal voice rates as if you dialled the number directly.



How do I bar or unbar calls?

What is call barring?

Call barring lets you control which types of calls your phone will accept, such as:

  • All outgoing calls
  • Outgoing international calls made to numbers outside Ireland
  • All incoming calls when you’re roaming
  • All incoming
  • Incoming calls while roaming

How do I activate/deactivate call barring?

Call barring is activated by a password – this is pre-set to 0000, but you can change it if you wish.

  • To bar outgoing international calls: dial *332* 0000 #
  • To bar all incoming calls when roaming: dial *352* 0000 #
  • To deactivate call barring: dial #330* 0000 #

To change your password

Dial the following codes all in one go - then press send:

  • *03*330*
  • 0000* (or the four digits of your personalised password if you want to change it again)
  • New password *
  • New password #

How do I divert (or forward) my calls to a different number?

What are call diverts?

Call Divert allows you to redirect your calls to your voicemail or any number in the Republic of Ireland. (You can't divert to international numbers.) 

How much do diverts cost?

Diverting calls to another number costs 16c (including VAT) per call but diverting to your Voicemail is free.

If you are roaming and divert all your calls directly to your Voicemail, you will not be charged for the divert itself. You will, however, be charged for any calls you make to your Voicemail to retrieve messages. 

How do I set up call diverts?

On your mobile - You can also use codes on your mobile to set up diverts. If you want to divert to your voicemail, use your mailbox number. Your mailbox number is your mobile phone prefix followed by the number 5, then the rest of your mobile number. For example, if your mobile number is 0872254661,then your mailbox number is 08752254661.

To set up call diverts to your voicemail check out our online device guides.

Codes for activating diverts:

  • Phone switched off/out of coverage (not reachable)**62*(number to divert to)#
  • Phone busy (busy/no connect)**67*(number to divert to)#
  • Phone not answered (no reply)**61*(number to divert to)#
  • At all times (unconditional)**21*(number to divert to)# 

Codes for deactivating diverts:

  • All calls ##21#
  • Not answered ##61#
  • Mobile turned off ##62#
  • Mobile is busy ##67# 

You can also have these codes sent to your mobile by texting the word 'divert' to 51745. 

Changing your ring time before a call diverts

You can change your ringing time on your phone from 5 seconds up to 30 seconds (20 seconds in the default). 
On your mobile:

1. Type **61*(number to divert to)**(ringing duration in seconds)# 
2. Press Call or Send.

For example, if you wanted to divert to 0871234567 after 30 seconds (the maximum time) you would key in **61*0871234567**30#. 
To divert to your Voicemail for free you would divert to your mobile number with a 5 between the third and fourth digits. For example, **61*08751234567**30#.


How can I add, remove or change my directory details?

If you would like to remove any of your details from Directory Enquiries, please connect with our customer support team by clicking the Chat button on this screen.

My call diverts aren't working

If your call diverts aren't working, here are a few things you can check:

  • Make sure you're trying to divert to a valid number. To divert to your voicemail, use your mobile number with a 5 between the third and fourth digits. For example, if your mobile number was 0871234567, then your mailbox number would be 08751234567
  • If you're diverting to your voicemail, dial 171 and make sure your mailbox isn't full (press 7 while listening to a message to delete)
  • If you were using codes to change your diverts, make sure you typed in the code correctly
  • If you're a Pay as you go customer you must have at least 15c credit

For more information on using your phone check your device guide packed with everything you need.


How do I extend the ringing time on my phone?

You can change the length of your ringing tone by typing the below code into your phone.

**61*(mailbox number)**(number of seconds you want it to ring for)# send

You can choose between 5 and 30 seconds. The standard ringing time is 15 seconds.

If you don't know your mailbox number it's just your normal mobile number with '5' added after the prefix. For example, 087 5 1234567.


My Caller ID doesn’t work

For instructions on how to switch on your Caller ID, visit our Device Guides. Choose your device, go to ‘Basic Use’ and then ‘Making Calls’ and there is an instruction there called ‘Turn your own caller identification on or off’.

If it still doesn’t work, connect with our customer support team by clicking the Chat button on this screen for more help.


What is HD voice?

HD Voice gives you crystal clear high definition calls without the background noise. Calls are more natural, and it's easier to hear and be heard. It means you can have private conversations in public places without the need to shout to be heard. It's as if the person is actually in the room with you!

How much does HD Voice cost?

Nothing – HD Voice is free to all Vodafone customers. This feature is now included as standard on most modern phones.

How do I check my SIM card number?

You can find your SIM card number (ICCID) on the SIM card itself. The number will begin with 89353 and contains 19 digits. For example: 89353 XXXXX XXXXX XXXX 

Alternatively, you can check your SIM number in your phone settings menu:

For iOS

  • Go to Settings 
  • Scroll down and tap General 
  • Tap About 
  • Scroll down to ICCID. This is your SIM card number

For Android

  • Go to Settings
  • Tap About Phone
  • Tap Status 
  • Tap SIM Card Status
  • Scroll down to ICCID. This is your SIM card number

For more information about your SIM see our SIM card and phone unlock FAQs.



How do I stop getting charged for receiving texts?

What are Premium Texts?

Premium texts (or Premium SMS) are a paid service that you subscribe to, so you can receive regular updates or messages to your phone. For example, you might receive:

  • game downloads
  • ringtones
  • sports results

How do I stop receiving these texts?

The quickest way is to reply to the premium text message with the word STOP. This should unsubscribe you from the service. If you're not sure who exactly is sending you the premium texts, you can do a short code search on ComReg's website. As long as you have the 5-digit number (53XXX) you can find out the service provider name and contact details. The ComReg website also gives more details on how to unsubscribe from a premium service.


How do I unsubscribe from Vodafone marketing lists?

Getting too many marketing communications from us?

That’s no problem, you can change this on My Vodafone. Simply log in and go to 'User settings' in the main menu then select 'Personal preferences'. Here you'll be able to update how you’d like to be contacted by us. 

Or you can call Freefone 1800 200 234 from your mobile.

Changing options over the phone

When you call 1800 200 234 you’ll hear a menu of these options:

  • Text messages
  • Picture messages
  • Emails
  • Direct mail and magazines
  • Market research
  • Marketing and customer service calls

To opt out of each contact type, press 1
To confirm or opt in, press # 
Note: You must have Caller Display activated to change your options over the phone.

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