Charge to bill FAQs

What is Charge to Bill?

Charge to Bill, also known as direct carrier billing, is a simple way to pay for digital content subscriptions, once off payments and in-app charges by adding them to your monthly bill.

It’s an alternative, simple and safe way to buy a product or digital content from our Charge to Bill partners on your phone.

This means you no longer have to enter your credit card details or passwords online – your purchase will be added to your monthly bill or deducted from your credit if you’re a Pay as you go customer.


How do I use Charge to Bill?

When buying a product or digital content online on your phone, choose the pay by mobile option at the checkout, instead of adding in your card details.

To use Charge to Bill you need to be on our mobile network (3G or 4G). Then:

  • Choose the product or digital content you want
  • Pay monthly customers: confirm that you want to add the charge to your monthly bill
  • Pay as you go customers: pay using your credit

We will text you a receipt to confirm your purchase.

If you are using Wi-Fi, a tablet or laptop and they are not mentioned on your account, you can still follow the same process.

However, you will need to confirm your identity. We will send you a text with a PIN number which you will need to enter online.


I have a problem with a Charge to Bill purchase - what can I do?

Please contact the seller directly, using the details on your text (SMS) receipt.

The seller (merchant) of this service is bound by Irish Regulation to supply post-sales support, and will be able to remove you from a subscription and any marketing databases they have.


Are there limits to the amount a can spend on Charge to Bill?

Yes, under the Payments Services Directive (PSD), all digital content purchases have a transactional limit of €50 and a monthly cumulative amount of €300.

There is a lower transactional limit of €25 and a cumulative amount of €50 in a month for certain purchases. 

Remember, you do not have to use Charge to Bill if the value exceeds the PSD limits – simply choose another payment method.


Is there an additional charge for using Charge to Bill?

No. You will only be charged for the price of the items that you buy.

What services do Vodafone offer on Charge to Bill?

Currently Services like Done Deal, Park by Text and charity donations are offered on our Charge to Bill platform.

We are constantly striving to make new Charge to Bill services available for our customers.

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