Content add ons | Support | Vodafone Ireland

Spotify Premium

What is changing with the Spotify Premium add on?

For bill pay customers, the Spotify Premium add on will not be available after July 31st 2020. Customers who subscribe to the service before this date will continue to access the service with the current price of €8.99 per month, however, the service will be removed from sales for new customers after July 31st 2020.

For pay as you go customers, the Spotify Premium add on will not be available after July 1st 2020. For customers who subscribe to the service before this date, the service will the service will end on the expiry of their monthly subscription period after July 31st 2020.


What if I am on an older plan which includes Spotify Premium or Sky Sports Mobile TV?

As part of your Vodafone mobile plan, you can continue to use your Spotify Premium service during the promotion period specified in the terms and conditions of your mobile plan. Once you reach the end of your promotion period, your subscription to the service will expire.
To view the terms and conditions of your plan you can visit

I received an SMS informing me that my Spotify Premium Red promotion is due to end soon. What does this mean?

When you reach the end of your Spotify Premium promotion period included in your Red plan, your subscription to the service will expire.

After your promotion ends, you can still access your Spotify account and use features on Spotify’s free service, but you will no longer have access to Premium features on Spotify.


What is the difference between Spotify’s free service and Spotify Premium?

With Spotify’s free service, you can access your Spotify account and your playlists.

You can listen to any music you want in shuffle mode. With Spotify Premium, in addition to having access to features on Spotify’s free service, you can listen to music without advertisements, you can download and listen to music and podcasts in offline mode, and you can play any track with unlimited skips.


How much data does Spotify use?

Downloading playlists over 3G or 4G can use up a lot of data, so we encourage customers to set up their playlists over Wi-Fi. Syncing one track is approx 3MB, 5 minutes of streaming music when not in offline mode is approx 3MB.

Where and what devices can I use Spotify Premium?

Can I use Spotify abroad?

Yes. With Spotify Premium, you have unlimited enjoyment of Spotify, without ads, in any country. If you want to minimise cost when you go away, you can download and store music in Spotify before you go – including your playlists, and use the app in offline mode.

Can I use Spotify on another device?

Yes. Spotify Premium can be accessed on tablets, PCs, Macs and Connect TVs. Simply download the app and log in with your Spotify details. Only one device at a time can stream content. When you log in, you’ll be prompted to make that the main device.


What if I’m already a Spotify Premium customer?

Spotify add on

If you buy the add on, cancel your subscription and then sign up via or text SPOTIFY to 50221 to get the link.  You will not lose your playlists once you have cancelled your subscription, it will revert to the free service until you sign up via our website.


I’m having problems with my Spotify Premium

General Issues

Most issues with the Spotify service that can’t be fixed by logging out and back into the service, can be fixed by reinstalling Spotify –

Credit card is still being charged

If you already have a premium account with Spotify, signing up through Vodafone will not automatically replace that account.  You must cancel your subscription with Spotify and sign up through the Vodafone website.

Other problems

Other problems can be fixed by browsing Spotify FAQ’s – The Spotify community can also be very helpful for specific queries –


How do I activate my Spotify Premium?

Already have a Spotify account?

Click on the activation link to bring you through to the Vodafone entertainment portal and click 'Get Spotify Premium' and accept the terms and conditions. Next you will need to link your Spotify account or, if you haven’t used Spotify previously, create a Spotify account. 
If you already have a Spotify account you can use your existing login details. If you’re already a Premium subscriber, cancel your existing subscription and re-activate through Vodafone once your current subscription expires.

Don't have a Spotify account?

If you haven’t used Spotify previously, you will need to create an account using an email address and password of your choice. Download the app to your smartphone and login to begin enjoying Spotify Premium. 


Sky Sports Mobile TV

What is changing with the Sky Sports Mobile TV service?

From 28 February 2021 Sky will be closing their Sky Sports Mobile TV package. Customers who are entitled to this service as part of their Vodafone mobile plan will have the opportunity to switch to NOW TV’s sports package: Sky Sports Mobile Month Pass.

We have sent a 15-month voucher to these customers via SMS. You can redeem your voucher before 31 March 2021 by following the instructions in the SMS you have received.


How much data does Sky Sports Mobile TV use?

Sky Sports Mobile TV streams at a max of 400kb/s, roughly 180MB data usage per hour. e.g. 3GB would be approx. 1000mins or 8/9 full matches.

As per usual, we would recommend using Wi-Fi where possible to make sure you don't go over your data allowance.


I'm having issues with Sky Sports Mobile TV

I forgot my password

If you forget your password then just follow the instructions on the Sky Sports Mobile TV app under 'reset password'. Or you can go to the Sky website to reset or recover your details.

General Problems

Most issues with the Sky Sports Mobile TV service can be fixed by logging out and back in to the service or by re-installing the app. If you are still having issues, please connect with our customer care team by clicking the Chat button on this screen.


Where and what devices can I use Sky Sports Mobile TV on?

Can I use Sky Sports Mobile TV abroad?

Sky Sports Mobile TV is only available to use within Ireland and cannot be used when roaming in foreign countries.

Can I use Sky Sports Mobile TV on other devices?

No. Sky Sports Mobile TV is only available on your Android or iPhone smartphone.

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