SIM only

RED 30 day

Vodafone RED 30 Day Terms & Conditions

1. The following terms and conditions of the Vodafone RED 30 Day are in addition to and form part of the terms and conditions relating to both the Vodafone mobile communications service and Vodafone RED. These Terms and Conditions shall be considered Core Terms and Conditions unless otherwise indicated.

2. In the event of any conflict, the terms and conditions of Vodafone RED 30 Day will prevail.

3. Existing bill pay customers who wish to move to Vodafone RED 30 Day must have their account up to date and have completed their minimum contract term.

4. Vodafone RED 30 Day customers who wish to cease their contract, port to another operator or migrate to Vodafone pay as you go may do so at any time by giving written notice, which will be effective 30 days after Vodafone receives the request.

5. After connecting to Vodafone RED 30 Day, you may request to be moved to a Vodafone RED contract plan at any time. Vodafone shall process any such request at the next billing date.

6. Existing bill pay customers who have yet to complete their minimum contract term may not change to Vodafone RED 30 Day until such a time as their existing contract period has expired.

7. The Vodafone RED 30 Day does not facilitate subsidized handsets for new connections to Vodafone’s network. However, you may avail of any of the bill pay range of handsets at any time, subject to moving from Vodafone RED 30 Day to a Vodafone RED contract plan.


RED 12 months

RED 12 Month Terms & Conditions

1. The following terms and conditions of the Vodafone RED 12 Month are in addition to and form part of the terms and conditions relating to both the Vodafone mobile communications service and Vodafone RED. These Terms and Conditions shall be considered Core Terms and Conditions unless otherwise indicated.

2. In the event of any conflict, the terms and conditions of Vodafone RED 12 Month will prevail.

3. The Vodafone RED suite of price plans inclusions is updated to include the Vodafone Red 12 month plan set out in the table below. These price plan inclusions as set out below cannot be used while roaming.

1.  Unlimited calls and texts to any network

2.  100 worldwide minutes

3.  100 worldwide texts

2GB data12 month Sim Only Contract

4. Existing bill pay customers who wish to move to Vodafone RED 12 Month must have their account up to date and have completed their minimum contract term.

5. Vodafone RED 12 month comes with a minimum contract term of 12 months from the date of connection.

6. Vodafone RED 12 month customers who wish to cease their contract, port to another operator or migrate to Vodafone pay as you go may do so at any time after the expiry of the 12 month minimum term by giving Vodafone written notice, which will be effective 30 days after Vodafone receives the request. Termination fees will apply where a customer terminates their contract before the expiry of the 12 month minimum term.

7. After connecting to Vodafone RED 12 month, you may request to be moved to another Vodafone RED 24 month contract plan at any time. You will then be contracted under the new Vodafone Red 24 month contract plan terms and conditions and will be bound by a new 24 month minimum term. Vodafone shall process any such request following the expiry of the current contract period and providing so, will be completed the next billing date.

8. Existing bill pay customers who have yet to complete their minimum contract term may not change to Vodafone RED 12 month until such a time as their existing contract period has expired.

9. The Vodafone RED 12 month plan is a 12 month SIM only plan and does not include subsidized handsets for new connections to Vodafone’s network as part of the plan. However, you may avail of any of the bill pay range of handsets at any time. If you move from Vodafone RED 12 month to a Vodafone RED 24 month contract plan you may be entitled to a subsidized handset, depending on the then current terms of the new contract plan



RED 12 months Netflix 6 months

Terms and Conditions to Netflix for 6 months on RED 12 Month Sim only

  1. You are purchasing a bill pay plan and is bound by our normal bill pay terms for this plan
  2. This offer ends at 2359 Thursday 26th 2015
  3. After you make the switch to bill pay, we will send you a text message within 48 hours containing the unique url through which you can redeem 6 months Netflix.
  4. Once you receive your unique promotional code, you will have until 2359 on Thursday April 16th to redeem the offer
  5. This is open to both existing and new Netflix subscribers
  6. This promotion may only be redeemed on our Web site . The offer cannot be redeemed at any retail stores or via phone
  7. The Promotion cannot be used retrospectively, i.e. applied to orders already placed with us before the offer began or after the offer expires
  8. This offer only applies to the RED 12 Month Sim only.
  9. Vodafone reserves the right to cancel the promotion at any time
  10. Offer is not exchangeable for cash and is non-refundable.
  11. Offer can only be used by the original mobile recipient and is non-transferable
  12. We will not be liable to you for any loss and/or damages of any kind suffered in connection with:
    1. Your purchase, redemption and/or use of the offer;
    2. Your inability to use avail of the offer due to lost or forgotten or void or as a result of your giving the wrong contact information; or
    3. The use of the offer by any person(s) not authorised or approved by you.
  • We reserve the right at our absolute discretion to vary, delete or add to any of these Terms and Conditions and/or substitute or replace the offer with another product or program of equivalent value from time to time without any prior notice.
  • By availing of the offer, you agree to be bound by these Terms and Conditions
  • Please note that offer cannot be used in conjunction with any other offer 


Vodafone Simply Terms & Conditions

1. The following terms and conditions of the Vodafone Simply tariff are in addition to and form part of the terms and conditions relating to both the Vodafone mobile communications service and Vodafone Perfect Choice. These Terms and Conditions shall be considered Core Terms and Conditions unless otherwise indicated

2. In the event of any conflict, the terms and conditions of Vodafone Simply will prevail.

3. Existing bill pay customers who wish to move to Vodafone Simply must have their account up to date and have completed their minimum contract term.

4. Vodafone Simply customers who wish to cease their contract, port to another operator or migrate to Vodafone pay as you go may do so at any time by giving written notice, which will be effective 30 days after Vodafone receives the request.

5. After connecting to Vodafone Simply, you may request to be moved to a Perfect Choice tariff plan at any time. Vodafone shall process any such request at the next billing date.

6. Existing bill pay customers who have yet to complete their minimum contract term may not change to Vodafone Simply until such a time as their existing contract period has expired.

7. The Vodafone Simply tariff does not facilitate subsidised handsets for new connections to Vodafone’s network;. However, you may avail of any of the bill pay range of handsets at any time, subject to moving from Vodafone Simply to a Vodafone Perfect Choice tariff monthly contract.



MyWay and MyWay Plus 30 day

Vodafone MyWay and MyWay Plus 30 Day Terms & Conditions

  1. The following terms and conditions of the Vodafone MyWay and MyWay Plus 30 Day are in addition to and form part of the terms and conditions relating to both the Vodafone mobile communications service and Vodafone MyWay. These Terms and Conditions shall be considered Core Terms and Conditions unless otherwise indicated.
  2. In the event of any conflict, the terms and conditions of Vodafone MyWay and MyWay Plus 30 Day will prevail.
  3. Existing bill pay customers who wish to move to Vodafone MyWay and MyWay Plus 30 Day must have their account up to date and have completed their minimum contract term.
  4. Vodafone MyWay 30 Day customers who wish to cease their contract, port to another operator or migrate to Vodafone pay as you go may do so at any time by giving written notice, which will be effective 30 days after Vodafone receives the request.
  5. After connecting to Vodafone MyWay and MyWay Plus 30 Day, you may request to be moved to a Vodafone RED contract plan at any time. Vodafone shall process any such request at the next billing date.
  6. Existing bill pay customers who have yet to complete their minimum contract term may not change to Vodafone MyWay or MyWay Plus 30 Day plan until such a time as their existing contract period has expired.
  7. The Vodafone MyWay and MyWay Plus 30 Day price plans do not facilitate subsidized handsets for any connections to Vodafone’s network. However, you may avail of any of the bill pay range of handsets at any time, subject to moving from MyWay or MyWay Plus 30 Day plan to a Vodafone RED contract plan.
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