
Inclusivity for visual impairments

It's important to us that you are able to use and enjoy our products and services to their full capacity. On this page you will find what accessible features our products and services have for those with visual conditions.

Guide dogs in stores

At Vodafone, we are delighted to welcome you and your guide dog to all our stores. We understand the importance of your comfort, so we have priority seating available for you whenever you visit us.

To ensure that we can assist you promptly without any waiting time, we recommend booking an in-store appointment. Visit our store finder page to get the contact details and schedule your visit.

We look forward to welcoming you soon!

Audio described TV

There are a host of channels on Vodafone TV that include audio described TV. Please find listed the most popular channels along with links to what their audio described programmes are;

TalkBack screen reader

TalkBack is the Google screen reader included on Android devices, such as your Vodafone TV. TalkBack gives you eyes-free control of your device.

To access Talkback on your Vodafone TV, follow these steps;

  1. Go to the home screen of your Vodafone TV
  2. Select 'Settings'
  3. In the menu, select 'System Controls'
  4. Within that, select 'Accessibility'
  5. Within accessibility, there will be the option 'Accessibility Shortcut'
  6. Turn this on.
  7. When it is turned on, hold the back button and down button together for 3 seconds. You will hear the request to activate, and then you will be prompted to turn on.

Vodafone Foundation and Vision Ireland partnership

Vodafone Foundation and Vision Ireland have partnered together to help blind and visually impaired individuals develop digital skills. Trained employees in 11 stores, including Grafton Street, Henry Street, and Dundrum, support these customers by using smartphone accessibility features and recommending helpful apps. Consultation appointments are free for personalised assistance.

The Hi Digital website will be enhanced to improve accessibility for visually impaired users. Hi Digital teaches digital skills to older adults. In Ireland, around 95,000 people over 65 live with sight loss, and Vision Ireland has seen a 50% increase in demand for technology training in 2023.

Braille billing

Need billing in braille? We work with Vision Ireland to provide braille billing to those who require it. Our dedicated Vodafone care team is ready to support you with this request. Call an agent on 1907 to ask about braille billing.

Chat with us

Would you prefer to chat with a Vodafone agent online? Use chat on our main Accessibility page.

Store finder

Want to meet and discuss your query in person? Find a store near you.

Call us

Our care team are here to help find a solution to your needs. Call 1907 to talk.

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