A guide for prospective suppliersÂ
Vodafone's corporate values
Vodafone’s rapid growth has come principally from the technical innovations that have opened new markets, and from the efforts of our employees.
Customer orientation
Partnerships with our customers and suppliers are essential to our mutual success. We strive to:
- Listen and respond to our customers, suppliers and stakeholders
- Clearly communicate mutual intentions and expectations
- Deliver innovative and competitive products and services
- Make it easy to work with us
- Be a vendor of choice
Discipline and co-operation
The complexity of our work and our tough business environment demand a high degree of discipline and co-operation. We strive to:
- Conduct business with uncompromising integrity and professionalism
- Ensure a safe, clean, and injury-free workplace
- Make and meet commitments
- Properly plan, fund and staff projects
- Pay attention to detail
Quality and excellence
Our business requires continuous improvement of our performance to our Mission and Values. We strive to:
- Achieve the highest standards of excellence
- Do the right things right
- Continuously learn, develop and improve
- Take pride in our work
Risk taking and creative thinking
To maintain our innovative environment, we strive to:
- Foster innovation and creative thinking
- Embrace change and challenge the status quo
- Listen to all ideas and viewpoints
- Learn from our successes and mistakes
- Encourage and reward informed risk taking
Great place to work
A productive and challenging work environment is key to our success. We strive to:
- Be open and direct
- Promote a challenging work environment that develops our workforce
- Work as a team with respect and trust for each other
- Recognise and reward accomplishments
- Manage performance fairly and firmly
- Be an asset to our communities
Results oriented
We are results oriented. We strive to:
- Set challenging and competitive goals
- Focus on output
- Assume responsibility
- Constructively confront and solve problems
- Execute flawlessly
- These values are deeply ingrained in Vodafone's operating methods, management structure and processes.
Vision and valuesÂ
Our vision
To be the world's mobile communications leader; enriching customers' lives, helping individuals, businesses and communities be more connected in a mobile world.
Passion for our customers
We value our customers above everything else and aspire to make their lives richer, more fulfilled and more connected. We must always listen and respond to each of our customers. We will strive to delight our customers, anticipating their needs and delivering greater quality and more value, faster than anyone else.
Passion for our people
We seek to attract, develop, reward and retain outstanding individuals. We believe in empowerment and personal accountability. We believe in the power of our teams. We enjoy what we do.
Passion for results
We are committed to be the best in all we do. We all play our part in delivering results. We seek speed, flexibility and efficiency in all we do.
Passion for the world around us
We recognise the responsibilities that accompany the growth we have achieved. We will be a force for good in the world. A spirit of partnership and mutual respect is critical in all our activities.
Our purchasing objectivesÂ
Our purchasing objectives
Supply Chain Management is the focal point for all our contacts with suppliers concerning the commitment of company funds for materials and services. It is their responsibility to locate and maintain the best source of supply. Our mutual success depends on every supplier supporting us in achieving the following strategic objectives:
- Total quality
In order to achieve excellence and customer satisfaction, our focus must be on continuous improvement in the quality of all products, processes and services. By making our suppliers an integral part of our overall quality process, we can build better products right from the start. - Maximise value of spend
In order to improve product cost and performance, Vodafone and its suppliers must consider all factors, which combined make up the true value of the materials, equipment, and services being purchased. - Supplier relationships
Vodafone’s success in achieving Total Quality depends on viewing suppliers as a valuable extension of our own business. Our goal in purchasing is to build long-term business relationships with a select group of suppliers who share our total quality vision by consistently delivering the highest quality products and services. - Availability
Suppliers must be responsive to the rapid changes in design and manufacturing strategies. Reducing the time it takes to deliver materials and services to our facilities helps to bring Vodafone products to the market sooner and to reduce inventory exposure for both Vodafone and our suppliers.
Key policies and proceduresÂ
Supply Chain Management is chartered with full responsibility for the procurement of goods and services and to conduct all purchasing negotiations with suppliers. Therefore, large or small, we need your interest and support in meeting the following policies and procedures:
Intellectual property right protection
Vodafone respects the intellectual property rights of others: business associates, suppliers, and competitors alike. Vodafone is committed to the protection of supplier’s confidential information and insists on the same dedication to protection of Vodafone’s disclosed confidential information.
Furthermore, it is a requirement that Vodafone’s mutually protective Corporate Non-disclosure Agreement be signed by the supplier and Vodafone before the disclosure or exchange of any confidential information takes place. When Vodafone sells products, it provides indemnity against third party intellectual property claims.
Conversely, when Vodafone is the customer, it requires supplier infringement indemnification against intellectual property rights claimed by third parties.
Our ethics policy
While Vodafone may sell its products to its suppliers, it is against Vodafone policy to require a supplier to purchase our products as a condition for Vodafone doing business with that supplier.
Vodafone maintains a strict policy that neither party may use the other’s name in advertisements, press releases, design win announcements, or business level disclosure without prior written notice by a Vodafone Business Unit Director.
Small and minority suppliers
Vodafone appreciates the valuable contributions made by small and disadvantaged businesses. Therefore, a good faith effort is made to allow qualified small and minority businesses the maximum practicable opportunity to receive a fair share of Vodafone’s business.
Environment, health and safety
Vodafone expects suppliers to understand and fully comply with all applicable international, national, state and local laws and regulations, including, but not limited to, all environmental, health and safety (EHS) and related laws and regulations. In addition, suppliers must agree to abide by all Vodafone rules, including but not limited to, all applicable EHS policies, procedures and guidelines. Further, to the extent that suppliers obtain, use, handle, or transport hazardous materials (as defined by any law, standard or practice) on Vodafone’s property or to perform work for Vodafone, suppliers must warrant that they understand the nature and hazards associated with the use, handling and transportation of any such materials.
Suppliers also must :
- Agree to be fully responsible and indemnify Vodafone for any liability resulting from the use, handling or transportation of hazardous materials by suppliers or their contractors, and,
- Have in place decision, management, control and continuous improvement systems to effectively manage the product safety of such materials.
How to contact Vodafone Supply Chain Management
We suggest the following method as the most effective way of assuring the successful consideration of your company:
Please make initial sales contacts by mailing brochures, reports or product literature which describe your company's products and services to:
Supply Chain Management
Vodafone Ireland Ltd.
Mountain View
Your information and enquiries will be directed to the specific buyer(s) responsible for purchasing the materials/services you are marketing.
Responses will be made and/or a meeting will be scheduled by buyers as appropriate.
To ensure an opportunity to meet with the appropriate purchasing personnel, always make appointments with these individuals in advance when planning a visit to any Vodafone site. Our hours of operation are 9:00am to 5:30pm.