
Vodafone Ireland Business announces €35 million investment including 120 new jobs as it accelerates its journey as ICT solutions partner for Irish businesses

13 March 2024
Amanda Nelson, Simon Coveney and Sinéad Bryan in the Vodafone Ireland headquarters.
  • This year will see 70 new jobs created and €16m invested in Ireland
  • New roles across Vodafone’s Business Unit, Digital Operations, Digital Sales, Customer Success, Product Management and Network and Solutions teams.
  • Investment marks Vodafone’s ambition to increase capabilities and offerings across a broader set of ICT solutions and services including cybersecurity, networking and cloud technologies.
  • Follows Vodafone’s €300 million network investment over the last three years

12th March 2024: Vodafone Business, the leading provider of mobile connectivity to Irish businesses, has today announced the creation of 70 new jobs alongside a significant investment of €16 million in skills and resources this year, as part of a €35 million investment over the next four years. The investment will develop Vodafone’s Information and Communication Technology (ICT) solutions and service offerings to meet the growing digitisation needs of businesses across Ireland.  

Simon Coveney, Minister for Enterprise, Trade and Employment, commented; _ _“I welcome this announcement from Vodafone Ireland. Digitisation of all businesses is a national priority, and particularly a focus for SMEs where there is huge opportunity for growth. I wish the team at Vodafone every success.”

More than 7,000 businesses have availed of free digital advice and support through V-Hub knowledge centre and one-to-one advisory service. Vodafone customer research showed that more than 80% are looking for advice and support when making new digital investments within their businesses. Additionally, Vodafone has invested €300 million over the last three years in its network and committed to a further €500 million.

Sinéad Bryan, Managing Director of Vodafone Business in Ireland, said; “Today’s announcement marks an exciting time for Vodafone Business as we expand our portfolio of ICT solutions and services to Irish businesses to become a leading platform for innovation and growth.  Vodafone is proud to have long been the preferred connectivity provider of Irish business. This new investment is a step change for Vodafone Business as we go beyond that role to meet our customers’ increasing demands for a range of solutions tailored to the needs of businesses. We are committed to facilitating the growth of enterprise, regional development and digital transformation when it comes to the future of work, enhanced efficiencies, improving data security and optimal technology solutions.”

The 70 new jobs created this year include roles across Vodafone’s Business Unit, Digital Operations, Digital Sales, SaaS* and IoT Solutions, and are in addition to 40 graduate roles currently being filled in Vodafone Ireland.

The investment in these roles will also facilitate the expansion of a number of solutions including;  SaaS, Cybersecurity, Networking and SD-WAN**, Unified Communications, Managed Services and IoT.


* SaaS, or Software as a Service, is a model where software is hosted online and accessed through the internet, rather than being installed on individual devices.

** SD-WAN, or Software-Defined Wide Area Network, utilises software-defined networking concepts to efficiently distribute network traffic across a wide area network.

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