Systems update - important information

Frequently asked questions

What will updating your systems  mean for me?

The updated system is an important step in allowing Vodafone to create an even better customer experience for you. To facilitate this, there will be some temporary disruption to online and app services, however your calls, texts and data will be unaffected.

What services will I have access to during the  systems update? 

During this time you’ll be able to call, text and use data on your phone as usual.

What services will I not be able access to during the systems update?

You will not be able to access My Vodafone online or the app during the update process.

Will I receive balance notifications or how can I track my bundle usage?

During the short period while we are updating our systems, you will not be able to track your usage on our website or the app. Once systems are updated, your usage will then be available to track.

Will I be able to use my phone when I go abroad?

Yes, you’ll be able to avail of roaming when travelling abroad. You will continue to receive data usage notifications, however, data usage caps cannot be removed during the update process.

Can I opt in to Red Roaming if I am travelling outside of Europe on the updated system?

No, you will not be able to opt in to Red Roaming during the update process. If you are travelling during this period, please ensure you opt in to Red Roaming before the update process starts. Visit our website for further information on our Red Roaming service.

What happens if I lose my phone during the update process?

You can call our Customer Care teams from any phone on 1907 to have your phone barred. Our Customer Care team will be able to process an upgrade for you after the systems update is completed.

Can I claim from my insurance through Vodafone during the update process?

During this period there will be a delay in submitting and processing insurance claims for insurance through Vodafone. Our Customer Care team will be able to process your insurance claim after the systems update is completed.

Will I be able to exchange my SIM card during the update to your systems?

You can visit any of our Retail stores to get an immediate SIM replacement during the update process.

Can I upgrade my mobile handset during the update to your systems?

No you cannot upgrade your handset during the update process. However, our Customer Care team will be happy to process an upgrade for you after the systems update is completed.

Can I close my account during the systems update?

Yes, you can call our Customer Care teams from any phone on 1907 to assist you.

Can I purchase a data add on during the systems update?

No, you will not be able to purchase additional data during the update process, this includes instant data bundles. Our Customer Care team will be able to assist you after the update is completed.

Do I need a new password to log into the updated system?

You can login using your existing My Vodafone password. Once you enter your existing password, you will be prompted to change it. You will only be prompted to do this on your first login.

How can I pay my bill during update of the new system?

Direct debit payments will continue to be processed.

Who should I contact if I have a query during the update period?

For queries, you can call 1907 and speak to a member of the Vodafone team between 8am – 10pm Monday to Sunday.
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