Unlocking your phone

Can I use my phone on other networks? 

To use your phone on another network, you need to unlock your phone. Phones network locked to Vodafone are compatible with Clear Mobile, and do not need to be unlocked for use with this affiliate network.

As a first step, you should try a non-Vodafone SIM card in the phone you wish to unlock from the Vodafone network to ensure that it is not already unlocked.

Before you submit a request, check the list below to make sure you're eligible to receive an unlock code:

  • Your phone must have been purchased from Vodafone Ireland
  • You must be connected to bill pay for at least 12 months OR have spent €200 on your account, with no outstanding balance on the account

How do unlock my phone?

To use your phone on another network, you will need to unlock it. Phones network locked to Vodafone are compatible with Clear Mobile, and do not need to be unlocked for use with this affiliate network. TCL, Google Pixel 5, Xiaomi, Redmi and Oppo phones purchased from Vodafone Ireland are already unlocked.

You can request this on My Vodafone. Just follow these steps:

  1. Log on to My Vodafone - If you haven't already registered for My Vodafone, check out our handy video guide which will show you the few simple steps it takes to register
  2. Go to 'Device & SIM'
  3. Choose ‘Unlock your phone’
  4. Follow the simple prompts on screen to request a phone unlock

You may also request your phone’s network unlock code, without logging into My Vodafone, through our online NAC request form found here.

Once requested, we will unlock your mobile phone as quickly as possible.

  • For Apple iPhones, you will be contacted within 7 days
  • For all other phone types including Samsung, this may take up to 20 working days, as codes may need to be requested from the manufacturer and subsequent response times vary

You will be contacted as soon as your code has been retrieved. You do not need to take any further actions once your NAC request has been submitted.

For more information on unlocking your phone see our SIM card and phone unlock page.


Is there a charge for unlocking my phone? 

No, there is no charge to unlock your phone.
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