Family and friends

Extra Family & Friends Bill Pay plan - Perfect Friends from October 12, 2018

Vodafone Perfect Friends Bill Pay plan - Perfect Friends Terms and Conditions

Validity: from 12 October 2018

1. The Vodafone staff tariff offer (the “Offer”) is currently and exclusively only available to: 

(a) employees of Vodafone Ireland Limited, Vodafone Ireland Retail Limited, Vodafone Group Services Ireland Limited, Vodafone Ireland Marketing Limited, and
(b) employees of Rigney Dolphin working on the Vodafone account.

2. The Offer is not available to the public so is not similar to other Vodafone prepay or postpay plans.

3. To avail of the Offer applicants must apply via the intranet by clicking on the “Add my friend” icon and completing the application form. Offer Recipients will be deemed to have accepted the terms and conditions of the Offer.

4. Vodafone reserves the right to remove any person and their Nominated Numbers from the Offer should there be any breach of the terms and conditions. Vodafone may take disciplinary action against an Offer Recipient, in their capacity as a staff member, engaged on behalf of Vodafone, if they breach the terms and conditions.

5. The Nominated Numbers will be moved to either of the two following plans on the next billing date.

Within contract period: RED Connect Essentials, 100 minutes to any network, Unlimited texts to any network, Vodafone to Vodafone calls and texts and 5BG of data: €40 per month; Also included Roaming across Europe.

Outside contract: RED Connect Essentials, 100 minutes to any network, Unlimited texts to any network, Vodafone to Vodafone calls and texts and 5GB of data: €40 per month; Also included Roaming across Europe.

6. Nominations are subject to availability. Offer recipient may not exceed their allocated number of available slots as outlined on the employee portal, allocations are subject to change without notice.

7. Offer Recipients must get the consent of the Nominated Numbers before applying for the Offer on their behalf.

8. If an application for the Offer is accepted by Vodafone, a copy of the terms and conditions will then be sent to each Nominated Number. The Nominated Number must also notify Vodafone of their preferred payment method.

9. Offer Recipients may replace any Nominated Number through the intranet. The replaced Nominated Number will be moved to either of the two plans outlined in Clause 4 on the next billing date.

10.   If an Offer Recipient ceases to work for (a) the listed Vodafone companies in Clause 1 or (b) for Rigney Dolphin on the Vodafone account; for any reason, the Offer will be withdrawn. All Nominated Numbers will be moved to either of the two plans outlined in Clause 4 on the next billing date.

11.   Vodafone has sole discretion to decide whether a Nominated Number can avail of the Offer. Accounts that are in arrears or have been suspended or terminated by Vodafone will be ineligible.

12.   Vodafone reserves the right at its sole discretion to suspend or terminate the Offer or amend these terms and conditions at any time for any valid technical or commercial reason.

13.   The Offer costs €35 per month for the Bill Pay SIM ONLY offer (inclusive of VAT) or €20 per month for the SIM only offer (inclusive of VAT) for each Nominated Number.

14.   The €35 offer is based on a 24 month contract and includes the following:

  1. 2000 worldwide minutes per month. These minutes can be used to make calls to other Vodafone numbers, national fixed line numbers, other national mobile networks, international mobiles and landlines. After the minutes are used the charge will be 15c per minute. The monthly allocation of minutes cannot be used to call certain numbers (including, but not limited to, LoCall (1890) numbers, CallSave (1850) numbers, FreeFone (1800) numbers, directory enquiry services, easi-connect and premium rate numbers). These will be charged at the standard applicable rate for those calls. Any unused portion of the monthly allocation of minutes cannot be carried forward to the next month. 
    See ( for a full list of countries.
  2. 2,000 worldwide texts per month. These texts can be sent to Vodafone numbers and other Irish mobile numbers and international landlines. After these inclusive texts are used the cost is 10c per text. The monthly allocation of text messages cannot be used to send value added or premium rate text messages or to send text messages while roaming. These will be charged at the standard applicable rate for those texts.
  3. Data Allowance. The bundle amount is 20GB per month. Price per MB after the bundle is used  €0.02 (Inc VAT). Unused MBs cannot be carried forward to the next month.
  4. Under EU Roaming regulations you can use your monthly allowance while roaming in the EU in the same way you use the allowance domestically.  For any other destination the monthly allowance of texts, minutes and data cannot be used while roaming


15.   The €20 SIM Only offer includes the following:

  1. The monthly allocation of minutes cannot be used to call certain numbers (including, but not limited to, LoCall (1890) numbers, CallSave (1850) numbers, FreeFone (1800) numbers, directory enquiry services, easi-connect and premium rate numbers). These will be charged at the standard applicable rate for those calls. The monthly allocation of minutes cannot be used while roaming unless roaming in Europe and signed up to the Red Roaming offer (this includes unlimited calls and texts and 200MB of Data while abroad). Any unused portion of the monthly allocation of minutes cannot be carried forward to the next month. Any unused portion of the monthly allocation of minutes cannot be carried forward to the next month.
  2. The monthly allocation of text messages cannot be used to send value added or premium rate text messages or to send text messages while roaming. These will be charged at the standard applicable rate for those texts. Any unused portion of the monthly allocation of text messages cannot be carried forward to the next month. This price plan includes a monthly allowance of texts which can be used to text national and international mobiles. You cannot use the allowance for national or international landlines
  3.  Data Allowance. The bundle amount is 1GB per month. Price per MB after the bundle is used  €0.02 (Inc VAT). Unused MBs cannot be carried forward to the next month.
  4. Under EU Roaming regulations you can use your monthly allowance while roaming in the EU in the same way you use the allowance domestically.  For any other destination the monthly allowance of texts, minutes and data cannot be used while roaming


16.   Customers Connecting to Perfect Friends

  1. Connection
    Customers who wish to join Vodafone to avail of Perfect Friends for must be nominated by you on the via the family and friends portal. This is an exclusive offer available by invitation currently and exclusively only from:
            (a) employees of Vodafone Ireland Limited, Vodafone Ireland Retail Limited, Vodafone Group Services Ireland Limited, Vodafone Ireland Marketing Limited, and
            (b) employees of Rigney Dolphin working on the Vodafone account.They can bring a copy of their confirmation email to connect to Perfect Friends in any Vodafone store. Customers will be unable to connect to Perfect Friends in any other channels other than Vodafone. The Offer is not available to the public so is not similar to other Vodafone prepay or postpay plans.
  2. Upgrade
    Customers who wish to upgrade to a Smartphone who are outside their contract term and eligible for upgrade can upgrade in any participating Vodafone Store on RED Connect Essentials Handset offers.
  3.  Contract
    New and existing customers who purchase a handset when upgrading or connecting to Perfect Friends will be entering into a minimum contract period of 24 months
  4.  All perfect friends are eligible to avail of the “upgrade anytime” option
  5.  Nominating existing customers
    Existing Vodafone customers who have been nominated for the staff offer, and who have purchased their device on RED Connect Essentials, RED Connect, RED Connect Super, My Way Complete, My Way Complete Plus, RED or RED Super, must have completed a minimum of 12 months on these plans to be eligible for the staff offer.
  6.  Unregistered customers
    Customers not registered on the Vodafone portal will be migrated to the package plans outlined in clause 4 from their next available bill day.


17.   If an Offer Recipient ceases to work for (a) the listed Vodafone companies in Clause 1 or (b) for Rigney Dolphin on the Vodafone account; for any reason, the Offer will be withdrawn. All Nominated Numbers will be moved to either of the two plans outlined in Clause 4 on the next billing date.

18.   Vodafone has sole discretion to decide whether a Nominated Number can avail of the Offer. Accounts that are in arrears or have been suspended or terminated by Vodafone will be ineligible.

19.   Vodafone reserves the right at its sole discretion to suspend or terminate the Offer or amend these terms and conditions at any time for any valid technical or commercial reason.

From 11 October 2018, the following conditions will apply to the Perfect Friends offer

20.   Vodafone’s general terms and conditions will apply to this Offer


Vodafone staff mobile broadband plus

Vodafone Staff Mobile Broadband Plus Terms and Conditions

The following terms and conditions apply to use of the Vodafone Mobile Broadband service and are in addition to and form part of the general customer terms and conditions of the Vodafone Ireland Limited ("Vodafone") that relate to the use of Vodafone mobile telecommunications services. These terms and conditions are to be considered Core Terms and Conditions. In the event of any conflict between these terms and conditions and the terms and conditions set out above these terms and conditions shall prevail in respect of the Vodafone Mobile Broadband Service. Customers should note that the Vodafone Staff Mobile Broadband Plus Tariff is only available to Friends and Family members of Vodafone Employees and allows Customers data usage services (subject to these terms and conditions) via their mobile phone account.

  1. Vodafone Mobile Broadband Tariff shall be made available to the Customer from the next bill day following sign up.
  2. A monthly data download allowance of 5 gigabytes (GB) applies. Usage in excess of 5GG per month will be charged at 2c (VAT Inc.) per megabyte.
  3. Vodafone reserves the right to take such action as it considers reasonably necessary, including (but not limited to) imposing a usage bar, suspending or terminating access to the Vodafone Mobile Broadband service where Vodafone (as it in its sole discretion shall determine) considers that:
    • such action is in the Customer's best interests, including (but not limited to) avoiding unusually or excessively high billing invoices;
    • the Customer represents a credit risk to Vodafone;
    • a Customer's use of the service is or is potentially:
      a. fraudulent or illegal; or
      b. adversely affecting the Vodafone Network or other Vodafone customers' ability to use or access other Vodafone services provided using the Vodafone Network.
  4. Vodafone reserves the right to withdraw the Vodafone Mobile Broadband Tariff generally or from any particular Customer at any time and to vary or amend any element of the Vodafone Mobile Broadband Tariff at any time without further notice. These terms and conditions may be varied or amended by Vodafone for any valid commercial technical or operational reason.
  5. Any unused data within a monthly data download allowance can not be carried over from one month to the next.
  6. Data Roaming is excluded from the Vodafone Mobile Broadband Tariff.
  7. The same return policy applies for new and 'As New' Modems.
  8. Mobile broadband performance is subject to network coverage and availability. Unless otherwise stated any speeds referenced are maximum achievable speeds and actual broadband speed may vary based on a number of factors.
  9. Vodafone reserves the right to offer priority to users on other preferential tariffs in priority to this tariff plan.
  10. If Customer’s Friend or Family member is no longer an employee of Vodafone, Customer will be moved from the Staff Mobile Broadband Plus plan and onto Performance Plus within the next billing cycle.

Extra family and friends free credit - from October 12, 2018

Perfect Friends PAYG Free Credit Offer – Terms & Conditions

  1. The following terms and conditions of the Perfect Friends Free Credit offer are in addition to and form part of the terms and conditions of the General terms and conditions of Vodafone Pay as you go Mobile Telecommunications Service which are available on this website. In the event of any conflict the terms and conditions below shall prevail.
  2. Nominated pay as you go mobile numbers will receive a bonus of €10 Free credit each month once they top up by at least €10 every 30 days (the “Offer”) Plus Double data if they are opted into one of our top up offers (Chat extra, data extra or Extra).
  3. Each Vodafone employee can give the Offer to 10 existing Vodafone pay as you go numbers and 15 numbers that are either a first time connection to Vodafone or who are switching to Vodafone pay as you go from another mobile network.
  4. For the avoidance of any doubt, a Vodafone employee may not nominate themselves/their mobile telephone number to benefit from this Offer. As is outlined in Clause 3 above and Clause 6 below, a Vodafone employee can only nominate a “Customer”/Customers to avail of this Offer. A “Customer” is someone other than the Vodafone employee who is nominating in the manner as outlined in Clause 3 above.
  5. Only valid Pay as you go numbers will be eligible to receive the Offer.
  6. Once a customer is nominated, the Offer will be applied the first Friday of the month and will be active from the following month
  7. The customer will need to top up by at least €10 every 30 days in order to continue to receive the €10 Free credit bonus each month. 
  8. The customer will need to opt into chat extra, data extra or Extra and top up each month in order to receive double data each month.
  9. Should the customer change their tariff in a particular month they will forfeit their €10 free credit for that month. The Offer will restart on the last Wednesday of the month and so will apply again the following month
  10. Customers who do not top-up by at least €10 within the 30 day period will forfeit the €10 free credit for that particular month
  11. Customers who do not opt into chat extra, data extra or extra  and top up by the required amount of these offers each month, will not receive double data. 
  12. Double data does not apply to customers who are opted into Vodafone X, however these customers are eligible to receive the €10 free credit.
  13. If the registered pay as you go number moves to bill pay, any remaining free credit which was received as a pay as you go customer will be lost
  14. The €10 Free credit does not count towards top up rewards ie you will not receive Cherry Points for this credit and it may not be used to trigger any top up offers or benefits.
  15. Should the individual, whose family and friends are availing of the Pay as you go ’€10 Free credit’ or ’double data’ offer, terminate his or her employment with Vodafone then the offer will also be terminated and removed from the relevant customer accounts
  16. Vodafone may withdraw, vary or amend any element of the Offer without further notice
  17. Vodafone may exclude any particular customer at any one time without further notice
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