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{{getDeviceOldOneOffCost(minprice)}} {{ifDiscountFromPriceOrginal}}

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Google Pixel 6a logo

Smart, powerful and helpful.
For less than you think.

Google Pixel 6a product shot

It's the more affordable, super fast and secure Google phone.

Powered by Google Tensor for fast performance
Adaptive Battery can last over 24 hours
Intelligent photography for truly amazing shots.
Highly-rated security, plus water resistance
Designed around you, inside and out

Google Tensor, the brains behind Pixel 6a.

Apps launch fast, pages and images load quickly, and everything runs smoothly with the same custom-built chip as Pixel 6 Pro.

Pixel 6 sensor

All-day power.

The battery that lasts over 24 hours.
By learning your favourite apps – and saving power on those you rarely use – Pixel's Adaptive Battery can last all day.

Extend your battery up to a total of 72 hours with Extreme Battery Saver.
With Extreme Battery Saver, you choose which apps to run, and Pixel turns the others off.

Plug in and recharge. Fast.
Get hours of power in just a few minutes with fast wired charging.

Man using Google Pixel 6a

Photos that match your vision.

Your favourite face, without the blur.
Face Unblur can make a face look sharper, so you can capture the moment, even in motion.

Photo shot on Google Pixel 6a

Make distractionsdisappear, just like that.
Magic Eraser removes unwanted objects. And you can change an object's colour and brightness so that it blends right in.

Photo shot on Google Pixel 6a

Rich and vibrant photos come out at night.
Capture city lights, starry skies and even portraits in low light with Night Sight.

Photo shot on Google Pixel 6a

Beautifully accurate photos with Real Tone.
See the nuances of different skin tones beautifully and authentically.

Photo shot on Google Pixel 6a

Protection and privacy. Simplified.

The water-resistant phone.
With IP67 protection, Pixel 6a can take a little water and dust. So you can take your phone almost anywhere.

Built-in safety and security.
The Titan M2™ chip and Google Tensor security core give Pixel an extra layer of hardware security, so it’s more resilient to attacks.

Unlock with just a touch.
Fingerprint Unlock is a secure and reliable way to unlock your phone.

Mother and son using Google Pixel 6a

Data transfer on Google Pixel 6a

Switching is simple.

It only takes a few steps to move your favourites from your old phone and get going on Pixel 6a. Just use the Quick Switch adaptor to transfer messages, contacts and photos to your new device.
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