Vodafone GigaHome

Connection you can always rely on

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Vodafone GigaHome

Vodafone GigaHome provides enhanced broadband coverage, connectivity, and protection with Super Wi-Fi, Always Connected and Secure Net.

Super Wi-Fi symbol
Reliable coverage
Super Wi-Fi - coverage in every corner of the home
Always connected symbol
Reliable connectivity
Always Connected - broadband connection with no interruptions
Secure net symbol
Reliable protection
Secure Net - digital safety and protection

Frequently asked questions

What is GigaHome?

Vodafone GigaHome combines our unique broadband technologies – Super Wi-Fi, Always Connected, and Secure Net at Home - for enhanced broadband coverage, connectivity, and protection, for a reduced price of €10 per month.

Do I need to have Vodafone Broadband to get GigaHome?

Yes, you must have Vodafone Broadband to get GigaHome.

How does it work?

When you add our three broadband technologies alongside Vodafone Broadband, you will automatically receive a €2.99 GigaHome Discount.

This means you get an enhanced broadband experience - with innovations in coverage, connectivity, and protection - for just €10 per month.


How do I get GigaHome?

If you're interested in adding GigaHome to your existing broadband account, connect with one of our agents by clicking the Chat button on this screen.

New customers can visit our Broadband page to find information on how to get the best broadband experience with Gigahome.


How do I cancel GigaHome?

You can cancel any or all of the three broadband technologies that make up GigaHome at any time by calling 1907.

If you cancel one or more of the three services, the GigaHome discount will be removed, and the standard price for the individual services remaining on your account will apply.


What does GigaHome look like on my bill?

You will see the individual services that make up GigaHome - Super Wi-Fi, Always Connected, and Secure Net at Home - on your bill alongside the standard price for each of these services. You will also see the €2.99 GigaHome discount listed on the bill. This means that, as a Vodafone GigaHome customer, you will only be charged €10 for all three broadband technologies.

Just a heads-up, if you've just added Super Wi-Fi, Always Connected and / or Secure Net at Home, a part period charge and discount will cover from when your add on went active, up to your bill date.

You'll also be charged for the next month of the add on in advance. See our First Bill page for more information.


How long does the GigaHome discount last?

The GigaHome discount will remain on your account for as long as the three individual broadband technologies that make up GigaHome – Super Wi-Fi, Always Connected, and Secure Net at Home - are active on your account.  

Where can I get support on the 3 add ons?

Please use the links below for support on these add ons:


I bought GigaHome with Vodafone Broadband. What happens next?

GigaHome consists of three individual broadband technologies: Super Wi-Fi, Always Connected, and Secure Net at Home. These services will be activated in different ways, as follows:

  • Your Super Wi-Fi service will be installed by an engineer at the same time as your broadband installation. If your broadband is not being installed by an engineer, you will receive a visit from an engineer specifically to set up your Super Wi-Fi
  • Once your broadband and Super Wi-Fi services have been activated, you will receive confirmation that your Secure Net service has been activated within a few days. Once this is complete, the Digital Protection features will automatically begin working on all devices connected to your Vodafone Broadband. You can then set up parental controls by signing in to the Secure Net portal using your My Vodafone login credentials
  • When your broadband service has been activated, you will also receive confirmation that your Always Connected device will be delivered to you by An Post. Once you receive your Always Connected device, simply insert the device into your modem following the instructions provided with the device

Is GigaHome available to existing Vodafone Broadband customers?

Existing Vodafone Broadband customers who meet the eligibility criteria in the GigaHome offer terms and conditions can also avail of GigaHome for €10 per month.

Customers with none of the individual services that make up GigaHome (Super Wi-Fi, Always Connected, and Secure Net at Home) can add GigaHome by contacting any of our sales channels.

Customers with one or two of the individual services that make up GigaHome can avail of the GigaHome offer by adding the remaining service(s) to their account. You can do so by talking to an agent on Live Chat or in-store. When all three broadband technologies are present on the one account, the €2.99 GigaHome discount will automatically be applied, and will appear on subsequent bills.

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