
{{product.name || product.title}}{{selectedVariant.callOutColor}}

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{{paygPrice | currency:paygCurrency}}

{{getDeviceOldOneOffCost(minprice)}} {{ifDiscountFromPriceOrginal}}

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Screen: 2.8 inch QVGA display
Camera: 0.3 MP
Battery life: 1150 mAh
Special feature: FM radio receiver

The new Nokia 6310 takes the iconic silhouette of the original and brings it up to date with some great new additions such as a large curved screen, improved readability and accessibility, plus a host of classic features you know and love: a wireless FM radio, an impressive battery that can go weeks between charges, and let’s not forget the classic Snake. It's all built in a tough shell, so it can take life’s bumps. The Nokia 6310 is the familiar phone, for the modern world.

A modern classic, redesigned
The new Nokia 6310 has taken the iconic shape of the original Nokia 6310 and has reimagined it for 2021, with a host of new features including bigger buttons, zoomed in menus, a radio and more.

Familiar and easy to use
The days of squinting at your phone are over – Nokia 6310 comes with new zoomed in menus and larger font options, to provide even better readability.

Accessibility mode can automatically configure to a one-icon view, increase font size further and increase volume to maximum – all on a phone set-up they probably already know and love.

See content more clearly
Nokia 6310 features a 2.8 inch curved window screen to help you browse and see all your content even clearer.

It’s all fun and games
More than a phone that helps you stay connected, Nokia 6310 is also a phone that helps you unwind. It comes with the classic Snake game as well as a wireless FM radio, so you can enjoy music, catch up on news or listen to sports – and there’s no headset needed.

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