Vodafone RED Plans

RED Connect

What is RED Connect?

RED Connect is a suite of bill pay plans. With RED Connect plans you can stay connected at home and abroad. You can use your plan in Europe just like you would at home with access to unlimited calls and texts home and within the country you're visiting plus your home data and international allowance in 32 European destinations.

It's also free to receive calls and texts when you are travelling in Europe helping you stay connected with friends and family.  This means you can use maps to explore, discover things to do, and post selfies worry free, without the endless search for WiFi.


What is included when I roam on a RED Connect plan?

With RED Connect you get access to unlimited calls and texts to home and within the country you're visiting, plus your home data and international allowance in 32 European destinations.

You can also avail of  best value roaming rates when you travel outside Europe including USA and Canada at €2.99 a day or €4.99 a day for 'Rest of the World' destinations.


What are the European countries that I can roam in with no charge with RED Connect?

You can roam for free with RED Connect in the following European countries: UK & Northern Ireland

Albania Estonia Latvia Portugal
Austria Finland Lithuania Romania
Belgium France Luxembourg San Marino
Bulgaria Germany Malta Slovakia
Croatia Greece Monaco Slovenia
Cyprus Hungary Netherlands Spain
Czech Republic  Iceland Norway Sweden
Denmark Italy Poland Switzerland
  Kosovo   Turkey

How do I set up and activate my Entertainment pack?

Customers on RED Connect or a RED Connect Super plan can free-text EXTRA to 50221. You'll receive a text with a link. Simply complete the sign-up form and start enjoying RED Extra today!

Will I be charged to receive calls & texts when I'm travelling in Europe with RED Connect?

No, it's completely free to receive any calls and texts when you're abroad

What happens if I need more data with RED Connect?

No need to worry! You can purchase an instant add on at home or abroad if you need more. To purchase you can sign into My Vodafone and or text.

Instant 1GB data bundle €8.00 - Text MOREDATA to 50226
Instant 3GB data bundle €15.00  - Text MOREDATA3 to 50226

You'll pay our standard out of bundle rates if you choose not to buy an additional bundle.


How will I know if my monthly data allowance is running low on RED Connect?

To see your data usage, make sure you're using the My Vodafone app.

If you haven't already registered for My Vodafone, check out our handy video guide which will show you the few simple steps it takes to register.

A real time SMS notification will be sent to inform you when you reach 80% and 100% of your allowance.


RED Complete

What is RED Complete?

RED Complete is our suite of bill pay plans. With RED Complete plans you can use your home voice, texts and data allowances, plus any domestic / international add ons, when roaming in 32 European destinations, as if you were still at home.

What is included when I roam on a RED Complete plan?

With RED Complete you get access to unlimited calls and texts to home and within the country you're visiting, plus your home data and international allowance in 32 European destinations.

You can also avail of  best value roaming rates when you travel outside Europe including USA and Canada at €2.99 a day or €4.99 a day for 'Rest of the World' destinations.


What are the European countries that I can roam in with no charge with RED Complete?

You can roam for free with RED Complete in the following European countries: 

Albania Estonia Latvia Romania
Austria Finland Lithuania Slovakia
Belgium France Luxembourg Slovenia
Bulgaria Germany Malta Spain
Croatia Greece Netherlands
Cyprus Hungary Norway
Czech Republic  Iceland Poland Turkey
Denmark Italy Portugal UK

Can I roam outside of Europe with Red Complete? 

You can use your home voice, texts and data allowances, plus any domestic / international add ons, when roaming in RED USA & Canada and RED Rest of World zones, as if you were still at home. You will need to pay a €2.99 or €4.99 daily access fee depending on the country your are in but, you will only be charged on the days that you use your phone while you are abroad. 

How do I set up and activate my Entertainment pack?

You can get an Entertainment pack by either signing up to a RED Standard, Red Complete or a RED Max plan, or by buying a RED Complete add on by free-texting EXTRA to 50221.

You'll receive a text with a link to activate Sky Sports Mobile TV. Simply complete the sign up form and start enjoying Sky Sports Mobile TV today!


Will I be charged to receive calls & texts when I'm travelling in Europe with RED Complete?

No, it's completely free to receive any calls and texts when you're abroad

What happens if I need more data with RED Complete?

No need to worry! You can purchase an instant add on at home or abroad if you need more. To purchase you can sign into My Vodafone or text:

Instant 1GB data bundle €8.00 - Text MOREDATA to 50226
Instant 3GB data bundle €15.00 - Text MOREDATA3 to 50226

You'll pay our standard out of bundle rates if you choose not to buy an additional bundle.


How will I know if my monthly data allowance is running low on RED Complete?

To see your data usage, make sure you're using the My Vodafone app.

If you haven't already registered for My Vodafone, check out our handy video guide which will show you the few simple steps it takes to register.

A real time SMS notification will be sent to inform you when you reach 80% and 100% of your allowance.


General Vodafone RED FAQs

Is there a cost for changing tariff?

If you are still within your lock in period you cannot downgrade your tariff. There is no charge for moving up in tariff.

If I leave Vodafone Bill pay, will there be termination charges?

If you choose to port off the Vodafone network or change to Pay as you go while still in contract, you will pay the remainder of the contract in termination charges.

Where can I get my remaining add on balances?

You can view your remaining add on balances online.

If you haven’t registered yet, you will need to set up a My Vodafone account. Registration is easy. Just follow the steps on screen or, check out our handy video guide which will show you the few simple steps it takes to register.

My Vodafone app

  1. Download the app free from iTunes or Google Play Store
  2. Log in using your username and password
  3. You will see your add on balances at the top of the screen in the allowance section

My Vodafone online

  1. Log in to My Vodafone using your username and password
  2. You will see your add on balances at the top of the screen in the allowance section

What is the length of the contract with RED?

The contract length for RED Essentials, RED and RED Super is 24 months.  You can also select a RED 30 day contract.

Can I purchase insurance with RED?

Yes, you do this by logging on My Vodafone. Just follow these steps:

  1. Log on to My Vodafone
  2. Go to 'My device & SIM'
  3. Choose your device
  4. Click 'Check insurance eligibility'
  5. If you are eligible to add insurance then simply follow the prompts on screen

Note: to be eligible to add insurance you must be within the first 30 days of your connection or upgrade date.


Am I contracted to add ons with Vodafone RED?

You are only contracted to the monthly tariff and not the add-ons. These can be ended or changed once a month.

Can I use Skype, P2P or tethering with Vodafone RED?

Skype or Peer 2 Peer

Unless your T&Cs state that usage of such services is not permitted, our network does not actively prevent their use. However as these services are based on third party apps over which we have no control, we cannot always guarantee that these services will work end to end.

Tethering (using your phone as as a mobile hot-spot)

If you are a Bill pay customer, you can use your phone for tethering as part of the data bundle you have with your price plan. All customers are advised to download a data monitoring app so you can monitor your data usage.


How do I cancel my contract?

We're sorry to hear you want to cancel your contract. You will find information on how to arrange this on our 'Account' FAQ page.
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