Next Generation Voice FAQs | Support | Vodafone Ireland

4G Calling

What is 4G Calling?

With 4G Calling you stay on the 4G network when you make a call. So any apps you’re using stay connected to our 4G data network instead of dropping back to 3G or 2G.

Plus with 4G Calling, you’ll experience faster call setup and better call quality wherever 4G is available.


How do I activate 4G Calling?

To benefit from 4G Calling you will need to have a compatible handset.  Please refer to the supported phones section on our Data Calling page for a full list of qualifying devices. 

If you have a compatible iPhone:

  1. Click on 'Settings'
  2. Then, click 'Mobile Data', 'Mobile Data Options' then 'Voice & Data'
  3. Ensure the 'Voice & Data' setting is set to '4G, VoLTE On'

If you have a compatible Android:

  1. Click on 'Settings', select Connections
  2. Select 'Mobile Networks'
  3. Tap Network mode/type & select 5G/4G/LTE auto

Wi-Fi Calling

What is Wi-Fi Calling?

Vodafone Wi-Fi Calling is an integrated service that allows you to make and receive voice calls over a wireless internet connection such as your home broadband, office broadband or public Wi-Fi. This should help you to make voice calls in areas with low network coverage or no mobile signal. 

How do I activate Wi-Fi Calling?

Customers must be using a handset that supports Wi-Fi Calling. Please refer to the supported phones section on our Data Calling page for a full list of qualifying devices. Your handset must be connected to Wi-Fi and you must switch Wi-Fi Calling to the 'on' position in your phone settings.

Once connected, your phone will automatically connect to a Wi-Fi network and allow Wi-Fi Calling in conditions when your mobile signal may be not be strong enough.

If you have a compatible iPhone:

  1. Click on Settings then Phone
  2. Select Wi-Fi Calling in the Calls section
  3. Toggle Wi-Fi Calling to the On position then click Enable to confirm

If you have a compatible Android:

  1. From your Home screen select Phone
  2. Tap the menu in the top-right then select Settings
  3. Toggle Wi-Fi Calling to the On position then click OK to confirm

Where can I use Wi-Fi Calling?

You can use Wi-Fi Calling where you have a strong Wi-Fi signal with a good internet connection.

How much does it cost to use Wi-Fi Calling?

You will be charged the same rate as making a call over the mobile network. So for example, if your tariff plan includes a bundle of voice minutes, your bundle will be depleted when you make a call over Wi-Fi in the same way as if your call was made over the mobile network.

Can I use Wi-Fi Calling when roaming?

No, Wi-Fi Calling is not supported while roaming.

Is Wi-Fi Calling available to Pay as you go and Enterprise customers?

Wi-Fi calling and 4G calling is now available for both PAYG new customer's from April 14th and Business customers. For a full list of compatible tariffs.

Can I send a text message over Wi-Fi?

No, text messages cannot be sent or received over Wi-Fi Calling.

How does Wi-Fi calling work with Super Wi-Fi?

Super WiFi is a smart WiFi extension solution that solves your in-home connectivity problems by delivering reliable WiFi coverage to every corner of the home.

Super WiFi provides WiFi coverage in every corner of the home and, as Super WiFi supports WiFi Calling, this means you can also make WiFi Calls in every corner of the home. ​

Together, Super WiFi and WiFi Calling provide an even better indoor voice experience.

More information on Super WiFi

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