Fibre broadband

Installation guide

This guide will show you what to expect before, during and after your broadband installation

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What is fibre broadband?

Fibre broadband is a service delivered by a 100% fibre optic network, delivering speeds up to 1,000 Mbps depending on the product chosen by the customer.

The fibre optic network provides a far superior service without the challenges of older copper services. This means a more reliable broadband service that the whole household can use without any worries of congestion by using multiple devices simultaneously.


How do existing Vodafone customers check eligibility to upgrade to faster broadband?

To find out if your existing Vodafone broadband account is eligible for an upgrade, please contact us via the chat button on our broadband sales page. Please have your customer account info ready.

How do I get Vodafone Fibre Broadband?

To find out the benefits and to check if you can avail of this service, please visit our Vodafone Broadband page.

How long does it take to set up Fibre Broadband?

Once we confirm your address is eligible for Fibre Broadband, we'll schedule a time that suits you for an engineer to call to your home to install the service. This can sometimes be a two-step process. A standard installation can take up to two hours to complete. The engineer will connect your modem and support the setup of up to two devices in your home to ensure the service is working properly - so you can start to enjoy the service straight away!

The following devices will be supported:

  • Tablets
  • Smartphones
  • Laptops / desktops

Other devices such as game consoles, Smart TVs will be supported on a “reasonable endeavours” basis 


Will an engineer call to my house to install the modem if I get Fibre Broadband?

Yes, an engineer will visit your home to install the Fibre Broadband service. This means you’ll get your own fibre connection directly into your home, so you won’t have to share one with the rest of your area.

When are engineer installation appointments available?

Appointments are available from Monday to Friday. You will be informed of the dates and times available when you order. You will receive confirmation of this date and time via email and SMS after you sign up.

What if I need to reschedule my installation appointment?

If you need to reschedule your engineer appointment, you can do this by logging on to My Vodafone and following the below instructions. If you haven't already registered, you can watch this handy video which will show you how.

Where possible please give two working days notice to change your appointment. 

  1. Log on to My Vodafone to view your order
  2. Click 'Reschedule installation'
  3. Select from the available dates / times
  4. Update your contact number if needed
  5. Click the 'Reschedule' button at the bottom of the page and that's it!

You will also receive a call from our appointments team the day before your appointment to confirm, they will be happy to schedule a new date if you are no longer available. 


Can I use my monitored alarm with Fibre Broadband?

In most cases, yes. The majority of newer monitored alarm systems use a GSM (SIM card) solution to connect to the monitoring station. They do not require a landline to communicate.

If your system still uses a landline, you can contact your alarm provider to upgrade to a GSM solution. This will enable the alarm to be monitored over the mobile network through the insertion of a SIM card, replacing the reliance on a landline.


Do I get to keep my landline number when I switch to Fibre Broadband?

You can keep your current landline number in most cases if you move to Fibre Broadband. Please see our Vodafone Broadband Voice T&Cs here.

Do I need a new modem with Fibre Broadband?

Yes, all new Fibre Broadband customers are provided with a new modem. Our engineer will set this up during your installation.

The Gigabox modem allows you to make the most of your Fibre Broadband connection giving you fast speeds, stronger Wi-Fi signal and band-steering - choosing the most suitable band for your device - for a seamless wireless experience and reliable coverage.

The Vodafone Gigabox App is a smart Wi-Fi solution, giving you full control over your Wi-Fi network. From changing Wi-Fi passwords, controlling who’s connected to the network and for how long, through to features like creating a guest Wi-Fi network, the Vodafone Gigabox app enables you to actively manage your router.

For support with the Gigabox modem, click here.


Pre Order

How does Vodafone Fibre Broadband Pre-Order work?

If Vodafone Fibre Broadband is available for pre-order at your address, this means that high-speed fibre broadband will be available at your address very soon. Placing a pre-order with us guarantees the installation of your Vodafone Fibre Broadband service as soon as it becomes available. Direct debit details are taken when you place your pre-order, however you will not be charged until your service has been installed.
When you place a pre-order, you will be given the timeframe within which it is expected that your Fibre Broadband service will be available for installation. This date range is determined by National Broadband Ireland (NBI), who are rolling out the fibre broadband network in your area, and is subject to change. When your Vodafone Fibre Broadband is ready for installation, we will notify you immediately to organise a suitable date and time for install.

Why is my high-speed fibre broadband not ready for installation now?

Your Vodafone Fibre Broadband service will be ready for installation within the timeframe indicated on your pre-order summary email. This date range has been provided to us by NBI, who are rolling out the fibre broadband network in your area. When your Vodafone Fibre Broadband is ready for installation, we will notify you immediately to organise a suitable date and time. Please note, the delivery time is determined by NBI and is the same for all broadband providers. No other provider will be able to provide you with Fibre Broadband at an earlier date.

When will I be charged for my service?

You will not be charged for your Vodafone Fibre Broadband until installation is complete.


Why have I been given a date range rather than a specific date for installation?

Your Vodafone Fibre Broadband service will be ready for installation within the timeframe indicated on your Pre-Order Summary email. We cannot provide a more specific date as this date range has been provided to us by NBI, who are rolling out the fibre broadband network in your area. When your Vodafone Fibre Broadband is ready for installation, we will notify you immediately to organise a suitable date and time for install.
NBI have provided the same ready-for-installation window to all Retail Broadband Providers. As such, by placing a Pre-Order with Vodafone, we will provide you with Fibre Broadband as soon as it becomes available at your home. No other provider will be able to give you a more specific timeframe or provide you with Fibre Broadband at an earlier date.

How do I know my Vodafone Fibre Broadband is ready for installation?

Once your address is broadband enabled, the installation team will contact you to schedule your appointment on a date that suits you.
You will also receive a call from our installation team before your appointment to confirm, and the engineer will contact you on the day of your installation.


How do I reschedule my installation appointment?

If you need to reschedule your installation appointment, you can call 1907 where the team will be happy to schedule a new date if you are no longer available. Please ensure you have your account number to hand, this can be found on your pre-order summary email.


What happens during the Vodafone Fibre Broadband Installation?

Check out our handy guide to find out what to expect from your installation.

Does the billpayer need to be present for the Vodafone Fibre Broadband installation?

A person over the age of 18 must be present during the installation, though this does not need to be the billpayer.


How do I cancel my Vodafone Fibre Broadband pre-order?

Please contact our customer care team on 1907, and they will assist you. Please ensure you have your account number to hand, this can be found on your pre-order summary email.
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