Roaming terms and conditions

Data Roaming Spend Caps and Notifications

Data Roaming Spend Caps and Notifications

  1.     Vodafone is required by Regulation to offer a Data Roaming Spend Caps and Notifications service to help its customers to control costs when accessing email or the internet while roaming. Throughout these terms and conditions, the ‘Customer’ relates to the individual subscriber to whom the SIM card is linked.
  2.     There are two data roaming spend caps for prepaid services and three data roaming spend caps for bill pay services.
    •    The default spend caps are €50 and €100 excluding vat. The €50 (ex. VAT) default spend cap applies unless a customer opts out of it.  If a customer opts out of the €50 (ex. VAT) default spend cap an additional spend cap of €100 (ex. VAT) will apply. If a customer opts out of the €100 (ex. VAT) spend cap, then no spend cap will apply.
    BillPay (Consumer and Business customers)
    •    The default spend caps are €50, €100, and €300 excluding vat. The €50 (ex. VAT) default spend cap applies unless a customer opts out of it.  If a customer opts out of the €50 ex vat default spend cap an additional spend cap of €100 (ex. VAT) will apply. If a customer opts out of the €100 ex vat default spend cap an additional spend cap of €300 (ex. VAT) will apply. If a customer opts out of the €300 (ex. VAT) default spend cap, then no spend cap will apply.
  3.     All spend cap calculations are based on roaming data usage in a single monthly billing period. At the start of the next billing period, accumulation towards the spend cap shall be reset to zero.  For any customer on a data roaming price plan, the fixed cost of the data roaming price plan as well as any out-of-bundle or per MB costs (i.e., the total spend to date in the monthly billing period) will count towards the calculation of the spend cap for that month. Usage accumulated shall be reset to zero at the start of the next billing period. For Pay as you go Customers, the data roaming spend caps are reset on the 1st of the month.
  4.     When a customer accesses data abroad, they will receive a warning message when their data usage is near 80% of the applicable spend cap and again when they have reached the data roaming limit set by the applicable spend cap.  The customer shall then be barred from data roaming for the rest of that billing period unless they choose to opt out of the applicable spend cap for that month. Both notifications will inform the customer how to opt out of the applicable spend cap to continue usage beyond the cap. Customers will receive a text message to the inbox of their mobile phone or to the SMS inbox of their mobile broadband software. Older mobile broadband devices may not have the software capability to be able to receive pop up SMS notifications. In these circumstances, customers must go into the SMS inbox of their mobile broadband device to view the notification. If an inbound text message bar is in place, then the end user will not receive notifications.
  5.     Upon reaching a spend cap the customer will be barred from data roaming for the remainder of the applicable monthly billing period unless they choose to extend usage beyond the spend cap. When this cap has been reached, data that is in the course of being downloaded will be lost.
  6.     Vodafone's data roaming spend cap and other notifications are reliant on a customer's ability to receive and send text messages from the device being used. Any customer who reaches the applicable data roaming spend cap via use of his/her iPad, can opt out of the applicable spend cap, or call Vodafone customer care to have the spend cap lifted.
  7.     When a customer reaches the applicable spend cap, the customer will receive a notification indicating the procedure to be followed if the customer wishes to continue provision of the data roaming services. Should a customer choose to exceed the applicable spend cap, that customer shall accept the risk that he/she may accumulate significant charges within their monthly billing period at the applicable out-of-bundle per MB rate.
  8.      Vodafone reserves the right to modify the data roaming service at any time for technical, operational, regulatory, or legal reasons. Vodafone may suspend or vary the data roaming service without prior notice for repair or maintenance, or for any other valid reason.
  9.      A customer can at any stage opt for or remove a data roaming spend cap in which case, the change will be made free of charge within one working day of receipt of the request. All other terms and conditions of the customer’s data roaming plan will remain unaffected and there will be no penalty or restriction involved.
  10.     Instructions to opt in or out of the financial limits are outlined below. Notifications on how to exceed these spend caps are also sent to customers, provided they are opted in to receiving data spend caps and notifications.

           10.1 - Prepaid: How to opt out temporarily – for the duration of the billing period

    • To exceed the €50 (ex. VAT) spend cap: text PASS CAP to 50193.
    • To exceed the €100 (ex. VAT) text PASS UPPER LIMIT to 50193.

           10.2 - Prepaid: How to opt out permanently

    • To opt out of the €50 (ex. VAT) spend cap: text NO EU CAP to 50193.
    • To opt out of the €100 (ex. VAT) upper spend cap: text NO UPPER LIMIT to 50193 and,
    • To opt out of the spend cap notifications: text NO NOTIFY to 50193.

            10.3 - Prepaid: How to opt back in permanently

    • To opt back in to the €50 (ex. VAT) spend cap: text YES EU CAP to 50193.
    • To opt back in to the €100 (ex. VAT) upper spend cap: text YES UPPER LIMIT to 50193 and,
    • To opt back in to the spend cap notifications: text YES NOTIFY to 50193.
    • Please note: The YES UPPER LIMIT command must be entered before reaching the €100 (ex. VAT) upper limits within the current calendar month. If you have already passed the €100 (ex. VAT) limits, you will need to wait until the next month begins, before applying the YES UPPER LIMIT.

          10.4 - Bill Pay: How to opt out temporarily – for the duration of the billing period

    • To exceed the €50 (ex. VAT) spend cap: text PASS CAP to 50193.
    • To exceed the €100 (ex. VAT) text PASS UPPER LIMIT to 50193.
    • To exceed the €300 (ex. VAT) upper limits spend cap: text PASS HIGH LIMIT + your PIN to 50193.
    • The PIN is the Chooser Pin or the last 4 digits of your Customer Number. If you extend the upper limit spend cap, we will continue to charge you according to your price plan for data usage beyond the cap

          10.5 - Bill Pay: How to opt out permanently

    • To opt out of the €50 (ex. VAT) spend cap: text NO EU CAP to 50193.
    • To opt out of the €100 (ex. VAT) text NO UPPER LIMIT to 50193.
    • To opt out of the €300 (ex. VAT) upper spend cap: text NO HIGH LIMIT + your PIN to 50193. The PIN is the Chooser Pin or the last 4 digits of your Customer Number.
    • To opt out of the spend cap notifications: text NO NOTIFY to 50193.

          10.6 - Bill Pay: How to opt back in permanently

    • To opt back in to the €50 (ex. VAT) spend cap: text YES EU CAP to 50193.
    • To opt back in to the €100 (ex. VAT) spend cap: text YES UPPER LIMIT to 50193 before reaching the upper limit.
    • To opt back in to the €300 (ex. VAT) upper spend cap text YES HIGH LIMIT to 50193, before reaching the high limit. If you have already passed the €300 (ex. VAT) limits, you will need to wait until the next billing period begins before submitting the opt in request.
    • To opt back in to the spend cap notifications: text YES NOTIFY to 50193.

Data Roaming

The ‘Only Vodafone’ claim is made and is accurate as of 8th June 2017 and applied to Vodafone mobile customers only using bill pay and pay as you go plans with calls, texts and data

Vodafone Data Roaming terms and conditions

These shall be considered On Demand Services. You are advised to check the most up to date prices and terms and conditions associated with these services before using such services. The following terms and conditions of the Vodafone Data Roaming tariffs are in addition to and form part of the general terms and conditions of the Vodafone Ireland Limited (“Vodafone”) mobile telecommunications service and of the Vodafone Mobile Connect Card/Data Services. In the event of any conflict the terms and conditions below shall prevail. Vodafone Data Roaming tariffs are available to mobile data customers of Vodafone (“Customers”) and allow customers to download/upload data while roaming (subject to these terms and conditions via their mobile phone account.

  1. Use of VoIP (Voice over Internet Protocol) is not permitted within any of the Vodafone Data Roaming tariffs and Vodafone reserves the right to impose technological or other constraints on this or related types of application.
  2. Vodafone reserves the right to withdraw any of the Vodafone Data Roaming tariffs generally or from any particular Customer at any time and to vary or amend any element of these tariffs without further notice. These terms and conditions may be varied or amended by Vodafone for a valid commercial, technical or operational reason.

Connect Abroad Daily

  1. The Vodafone Connect Abroad Daily Tariff is the default tariff for customers who have not used data when abroad on the APN’s listed in paragraph 10 below, before 21st July 2007 or choose to pay for a time based session. The tariff is valid on all networks in the zones detailed in paragraph 8.
  2. Vodafone Connect Abroad Daily Tariff is divided between 2 zones, Europe and Rest of World, as further described in paragraph 8 below. Data roaming in countries outside of these footprints will incur a data roaming charge which is specific to each network – see for details. Different tariffs are applicable to each of the zones. Once you commence data roaming in either of the zones, the appropriate daily tariff for that zone will automatically apply. These tariffs are outlined in paragraphs 5 and 6 below.
  3. Zone 1: Europe (list of applicable countries is set out in paragraph 8): For €8 ex VAT the Vodafone Connect Abroad Daily tariff consists of a data allowance of 500 megabytes (MB) which can be used for 24 hours from the first time you log on, subject to paragraph 7 below. Usage in excess of the 500MB within the 24 hours will be charged at €1 ex VAT per MB. The tariff is valid on all networks in the Europe zone where data roaming is possible.
  4. Zone 2: Rest of World (list of applicable countries is set out in paragraph 8): For €15 ex VAT the Vodafone Connect Abroad Daily tariff consists of a data allowance of 100MB which can be used for 24 hours from the first time you log on, subject to paragraph 7 below. Usage in excess of the 100MB within the 24 hours will be charged at €5 ex VAT per MB. The tariff is valid on all networks in the Rest of World zone where data roaming is possible.
  5. Important: Spanning between two sessions - Where a single session continues beyond the end of a 24 hour period and continues into a second 24 hour period, the customer will be charged a further daily rate, depending on their zone, for a second 24 hour period. However any data used within the session spanning between the first and second 24 hour period will be apportioned to the first 24 hour period’s data allowance. This means that if usage during this spanning session brings you above the 50MB data allowance, you will be charged for additional usage at the per MB rate appropriate to the zone you are roaming in, e.g in Europe, €1 per MB (ex VAT). Once the spanning session ends any further data usage will be deducted from MB assigned to the second 24 hour period. Eg: 
    • Start Vodafone Connect Abroad Daily at 3pm on Tuesday and log off early the following morning;
    • Log on again at 2.30pm on Wednesday and end at 3.45pm. In doing this you have commenced a second Vodafone; Connect Abroad Daily period which is charged to your account and is available until 3pm on Thursday;
    • Usage within the session from 2.30pm to 3.45pm is applied to the data allowance in the first 24 hour period. If usage is over 50MB a per MB charge appropriate to the zone you are roaming in is also applied.
    • Once the session is over at 3.45pm and you then log on again within the 24 hours, usage will be applied to the second Vodafone Connect Abroad Daily allowance of 50MB.
  6. The Vodafone Connect Abroad Daily Tariff applies to data usage on all networks where data roaming, using a Vodafone Ireland SIM card. is available in countries outlined below:
  • Europe: Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland and United Kingdom.
  • Rest of the World: Albania, Argentina, Australia, Bahrain, Bermuda, Brazil, Canada, China, Columbia, Egypt, Guadeloupe, Hong Kong, Iceland, India, Indonesia, Israel, Jamaica, Japan, Kenya, Kuwait, Malaysia, Mexico, New Zealand, Norway, Pakistan, Philippines, Russian Federation, Saudi Arabia, Serbia, Singapore, South Africa, Sri Lanka, Thailand, Turkey, Ukraine, United Arab Emirates and USA.
  1. Data roaming in countries outside of these footprints will incur a data roaming charge which is specific to each network – see for details
  2. The Vodafone Connect Abroad Daily Tariff applies to usage on the following apns: 
    • Vodafone.isp
    • Private/Corporate APNs

Vodafone Connect Abroad Monthly Add On Bundles

  1. Customers who subscribe to the Vodafone Connect Abroad Monthly Add On Bundle’s can avail of a choice of 2 bundle options, either a Europe Add On or a Worldwide Add On (including Europe), as further described in paragraph 8 above. Data roaming in countries outside of these footprints will incur a data roaming charge which is specific to each network – see for details.
  2. The Vodafone Connect Abroad Monthly Europe Add On Bundle applies to data usage in all countries within the Europe Zone, as outlined in paragraph 8 above. For €45 ex VAT the Vodafone Connect Abroad Monthly Europe Add On Bundle consists of a monthly allowance of 500MB. Usage in excess of the 500MB allowance, before the start of the next billing month, will be charged on a per MB basis of €1 ex VAT per MB. The tariff is valid on all networks in Europe where data roaming is available.
  3. Any data roaming usage outside of the Europe footprint will not be consumed from the bundle allowance and will be charged on a per MB basis of €5 ex VAT per MB.
  4. Data downloaded / uploaded while on the Vodafone Ireland network is excluded from the Vodafone Connect Abroad Monthly Add On Bundle.
  5. Once the Bundle is activated, the charge will recur monthly unless Vodafone is instructed to cancel the Bundle by the customer.
  6. The Vodafone Connect Abroad Monthly Worldwide Add On Bundle applies to data usage on networks in all countries within both the Europe & Rest of World Zones, as outlined in paragraph 8 above. For €70 ex VAT Vodafone Connect Abroad Monthly Worldwide Add On Bundle consists of a monthly allowance of 500MB. Usage in excess of the 500MB allowance, before the start of the next billing month, will be charged on a per MB basis appropriate to the zone you are roaming in. In the Europe Zone a charge of €1 ex VAT per MB will apply for any consumption in excess of the 500MB allowance. In the Rest of World Zone a charge of €5 ex VAT per MB will apply for any consumption in excess of the 500MB allowance The tariff is valid on all networks Worldwide where data roaming is available.
  7. Customers cannot carry over any remaining usage allowance to the following month.
  8. The Vodafone Connect Abroad Monthly Add On Bundles applies to usage on the following apns: 
    • Vodafone.isp
    • Private/Corporate APNs

Vodafone Connect Abroad Monthly Legacy Add On Bundle

  1. Customers who are currently opted into the Vodafone Connect Abroad Monthly Legacy Add On Bundle will remain on that Add On Bundle until the month has expired, or the Customer requests their subscription to be cancelled.
  2. If a Customer cancels their subscription to the Vodafone Connect Abroad Monthly Legacy Add On Bundle after 8th November 2008, they will not be able to sign up to the Bundle at any other date in the future.
  3. For €60 ex VAT the Vodafone Connect Abroad Monthly Legacy Add On Bundle provides a monthly allowance of 200MB. Usage in excess of 200MB per month will be charged as the Standard Data Roaming tariff below in paragraph 27.
  4. Data downloaded / uploaded while on the Vodafone Ireland network is excluded from the Vodafone Connect Abroad Monthly Add On Bundle. The Add On Bundle can be purchased on a once off or monthly basis.
  5. The Vodafone Connect Abroad Monthly Legacy Add On Bundle applies to data usage on the following networks: Vodafone Operator networks in the following countries – Australia, Czech Republic, Egypt, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Italy, Malta, Netherlands, New Zealand, Portugal, Romania, Spain, Sweden, UK and Mobilkom in Austria, Proximus in Belgium, VIPnet in Croatia, CYTA in Cyprus, Elisa (Radiolinja) in Finland, SFR in France, Softbank in Japan (3G only), SmarTone in Hong Kong, BITE in Lithuania, LUXGSM in Luxembourg, Celcom in Malaysia, MobileOne in Singapore, SiMobil in Slovenia, Vodacom in South Africa, Swisscom in Switzerland For the avoidance of doubt, Vodafone reserves the right to amend the list of networks to which the tariff applies, whether by addition, deletion, or otherwise, at any time without further notice.
  6. Data roaming on all other networks will incur a data roaming charge which is specific to each network – see for details.
  7. Customers cannot carry over any remaining usage allowance to the following month.
  8. The Vodafone Connect Abroad Monthly Legacy Add On applies to usage on the following apns: 
    • Vodafone.isp
    • Private / Corporate APN's

BlackBerry Roaming Add On

  1. The BlackBerry Roaming Add On is only available to Customers who are already availing of a domestic BlackBerry service with Vodafone, either Internet or Enterprise based.
  2. For €10 ex VAT per month, Customers can use up to 5MB of data usage on a Worldwide footprint as outlined in point 29 below.
  3. The BlackBerry Roaming Add On applies to data usage on all networks where data roaming using a Vodafone Ireland SIM card is available in the countries outlined below (The Worldwide zone is made up of the countries in the following two zones):
  • Europe: Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland and United Kingdom.
  • Rest of the World: Albania, Argentina, Australia, Bahrain, Bermuda, Brazil, Canada, China, Columbia, Egypt, Guadeloupe, Hong Kong, Iceland, India, Indonesia, Israel, Jamaica, Japan, Kenya, Kuwait, Malaysia, Mexico, New Zealand, Norway, Pakistan, Philippines, Russian Federation, Saudi Arabia, Serbia, Singapore, South Africa, Sri Lanka, Thailand, Turkey, Ukraine, United Arab Emirates and USA.
  1. Usage outside of the 5MB allowance will be charged at a per MB rate specific to the zone the Customer is roaming in as outlined below: 
    • Usage in Zone 1: Europe will be charged at a rate of €1 ex VAT per MB.
    • Usage in Zone 2: Rest of World will be charged at a rate of €5 ex VAT per MB.
  2. Customers cannot carry over any remaining usage allowance to the following month.
  3. Data downloaded / uploaded while on the Vodafone Ireland network cannot be consumed from the BlackBerry Roaming Add On.
  4. The BlackBerry Roaming Add On only applies to usage on the APN

Standard Data Roaming Tariff

  1. The Standard Data Roaming Tariff is the default tariff setting for Customers who have not opted into one of the bundles / tariffs described above. The tariff will apply automatically to their data usage when roaming on any network in the countries outlined in Paragraph 8.
  2. The Standard Data Roaming Tariff is divided between 2 zones of Europe and Rest of World, as outlined in Paragraph 8 above. Data Usage will be charged at a rate appropriate to the zone you are roaming in, as outlined in Paragraphs 29 and 30 below. Data roaming in countries outside of these footprints will incur a data roaming charge which is specific to each network – see for details.
  3. Usage in Zone 1: Europe will be charged at a rate of 20c ex VAT per MB.
  4. Usage in Zone 2: Rest of World will be charged at a rate of €5 ex VAT per MB.
  5. The Standard Data Roaming Tariff applies to usage on the following applications: 
    • Vodafone.isp
    • Private / Corporate APNs
    • Live.apn
    • Wap.apn

Mobile internet data roaming for pay as you go and bill pay customers

  1. Roaming is an optional Service which allows you to use your Device on operators' networks, in foreign countries. Roaming relies on the telecommunications systems of foreign networks, over which we have no control. We cannot therefore offer any guarantees about Roaming services. Coverage areas and technologies vary between select markets, actual download speeds depend upon device characteristics, network, network availability and coverage levels, tasks, file characteristics, applications and other factors. Performance may be impacted by transmission limitations, terrain, in-building/in-vehicle use and capacity constraints.
  2. If you use Services from a country outside the Republic of Ireland, your use of the Services may be subject to different laws and regulations that apply in that other country. Vodafone is not liable for your failure to comply with those laws or regulations.
  3. Services originated or received while outside your domestic (Republic of Ireland) coverage area are subject to roaming charges. Mobile internet data roaming charges automatically apply to all customers who access the internet on their phone while abroad, using the Live access point ( Vodafone reserves the right to make changes to access points without change to the terms of customer service.

    Vodafone Passport Mobile Internet

  4. Data roaming in Europe zone will cost €2 inc VAT per day plus the domestic daily service charge for the mobile internet service. Customers who have a domestic data bundle that includes usage on the live.vodafone.apn will pay just €2 inc VAT. Customers on Perfect Choice Access Plus 700 and MyWay Complete Plus will not incur the €2 daily charge when roaming and data (up to 50MB) will deplete from their domestic bundle. Customers who sign up to MyWay Complete Plus after 26.07.12 must opt in to Vodafone Passport Mobile Internet to order to avail of this. Daily roaming allowance is 50MB per day. Additional usage over this limit will be charged at €1 inc VAT per MB.
  5. Data roaming in Rest of World zone will cost €4.99 inc VAT per day for a 10MB data bundle.  Additional usage outside of the daily bundle will be charged at a promotional rate of €3.63 inc VAT per MB.
  6. The charges will apply to customers who have opted in to Vodafone Passport Mobile Internet and have data usage when roaming on any network in the following zones: Vodafone reserves the right to change the countries within zones from time to time for commercial or geopolitical reasons; such changes will happen without notice and it is the customers responsibility to check prior to travel. 

    Pay as you go customers

    Europe:  Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Italy, Malta, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, UK (Incl. Northern Ireland) 
    Rest of World: Australia, Canada, Egypt, South Africa, Thailand, Turkey, UAE, USA

    Bill pay customers

    Vodafone Countries:  Albania, Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Guernsey, Hungary, Iceland, Isle of Man, Italy, Jersey, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, UK (Incl. Northern Ireland) 
    Rest of World: Antigua, Argentina, Australia, Bahrain, Barbados, Belarus, Bermuda, Bosnia Herzegovina, Brazil, Cameroon, Canada, Cayman Islands, Chile, China, Columbia, La Désirade, Dominica, Egypt, French Guiana, Ghana, Grenada, Guadeloupe, Haiti, Honduras, Hong Kong, India, Indonesia, Israel, Jamaica, Japan, Jordan, Kazakhstan, Kenya, Kuwait, Lebanon, Macedonia, Malaysia, Martinique, Mauritius, Mexico, New Zealand, Nigeria, Pakistan, Peru, Philippines, Russian Federation, Saudi Arabia, Serbia & Montenegro, Singapore, South Korea, South Africa, Sri Lanka, St. Barthelemy, St. Kitts & Nevis, St. Lucia, St Martin, St. Vincent, Tanzania, Thailand, Tunisia, Turkey, Turks & Caicos, UAE, Ukraine, US, Yemen
  7. Daily charging timeframe is defined as starting at 00:00 to 23.59.59 Irish time.
  8. These charges are designed for and apply to data roaming on your phone using the apn and WAP apn only.
  9. Unused data cannot be carried over to the next day.
  10. Where the domestic charge has been charged already domestically and the customer roams to a Vodafone country the service fee will not be charged again.  Only the €2 roaming premium will be charged
  11. PAYG customers must have sufficient credit to pay the roaming premium and if applicable the service fee
  12. While roaming, the domestic service charge and roaming surcharge will be charged individually as single once off payments each day. Out of bundle usage will be charged per kb for usage beyond the daily allowance in the applicable roaming zone.
  13. When a customer travels from the Europe zone to Rest of World zone in the same day then a new daily roaming charge and new allowance will apply for the applicable zone. Any additional usage will be charged at the rate of the active zone.
  14. Customers are responsible for the management of their device configurations and should be aware that updates and connections and so are wholly responsible for any associated costs while roaming. Where a customer device is setup for automatic data updates, connections on the customers mobile are considered to be with the consent of the customer and so data roaming charges will apply. 
  15. To avoid unexpected data usage while roaming due to automatic updates and connections it is recommended that these be disabled whilst travelling and manual connections be made when needed.  Please refer to handset manual or application settings for detailed instructions
  16. If your use of the Data Services on other carriers' wireless networks ("offnet data usage") during any month exceeds your offnet data usage allowance, Vodafone may at its option terminate your access to the service, deny your continued use of other carriers' coverage, or change your plan to one imposing usage charges for offnet data usage. Your offnet data usage allowance is equal 20% of the kilobytes included with your plan.
  17. Service charges while roaming do not include event charges such as charges for download of ringtones or games, and do not include the use of any data services for which a special charge is made.

RED Roaming Vodafone Unlimited Terms and Conditions from 05 May 2020

RED Roaming Vodafone Unlimited terms and conditions from 05 May 2020 (access PDF)

2017 EU Roaming Regulation

EU Roaming Regulation Information

1.        Fair Use of Roaming Services

Vodafone has enabled customers to use bill pay and pay as you go plan allowances when roaming in the EU. In accordance with EU regulation Vodafone may take action to prevent abusive or anomalous use of roaming services. In using Vodafone Ireland services you must be normally resident or have stable links entailing a frequent and substantial presence in the Republic of Ireland. 

  • Confirmation of residence/stable links: We may need request reasonable proof to determine your normal place of residence.  The type of proof that we may request includes presentation of a valid document such as a utility bill or a property rental agreement along with proof of identification. We may request this information before connecting you to our services or if after a period of observation there are indications of possible abusive or anomalous use.  We will only request information that is strictly necessary and proportionate to confirm that you are normally resident or have stable links to Ireland.
  • Objective Indicators of Anomalous use: Vodafone will also monitor for other objective indicators of abusive or anomalous use such as establishing whether there is prevailing domestic consumption over roaming consumption or whether there is a prevailing domestic presence over a presence in another EU country. As a guide we will consider that your use or your presence is prevailing domestic if more than 50% of use or network connections are domestic within the period of measurement permitted under EU Regulation.  We will also look at whether there is a long period of inactivity of a given SIM card associated with use mostly if not exclusively while roaming, or if there is sequential use of multiple SIM cards by the same customer when roaming.  In addition if we identify organised resale we will take immediate steps to ensure compliance with our contractual requirements.
  • Open Data Bundles: Unless otherwise specified Vodafone is providing full take your home tariff abroad on plans with calls texts and data plan.  In the case of mobile broadband plans that permit roaming there is a specific fair use volume limit within the mobile broadband plan. The details of the fair use volume limit are specified in your tariff terms and conditions and we will advise in your roaming message when you arrive.  Check your SMS application for details.

2.        Information on Roaming

Under EU Roaming regulations we have put in place a number of measures to ensure you are kept adequately informed of roaming charges when using roaming services, in particular data roaming services, so that you can so that you are able to monitor and control how much you spend.

  • Roaming Message:  Each time you roam you shall receive an automatic message from Vodafone that you are roaming and this will include your basic tariff information. You may ask us to turn these messages off or on at any time free of charge.
  • Default Financial Limit (‘Spend Cap’): There is also a data roaming spend caps in place to ensure your roaming usage shall not exceed €50 per month ex VAT (€61.50 inc VAT). You have the option to continue roaming after the cap is applied by opting to remove the cap for that calendar month on pay as you go or for that monthly billing period on bill pay.  Alternatively you can decide to remove the feature altogether however we recommend that you keep the data roaming spend cap on to assist you in managing roaming spend. If you remove the cap at any time on a temporary or permanent basis then you accept that you may incur significant additional roaming charges. The cap will apply to all roaming usage whether inside or outside the EU. When the cap is applied any data that is course of being downloaded may be lost.
  • Additional Data Limits: Vodafone also provides an additional financial limit for data use of €360 inc VAT
  • Notifications: We will let you know when your usage is approaching or when you have reached the financial limit.  In general this will be by an SMS message.  If your device has restricted SMS capability on the Vodafone network then you may need to contact Vodafone customer care to remove the cap. The message we send includes details on how you can continue using data roaming services. Instructions to opt in or out of the financial limits are also outlined here

Vodafone reserves the right to modify the data roaming service at any time for technical, operational, regulatory or legal reasons. Vodafone may suspend or vary the data roaming service without prior notice for repair or maintenance, or for any other valid reason.



Red Roaming Terms & Conditions (effective 30 April 2014)

Red Roaming Terms & Conditions (effective 30th April 2014)

1. RED Roaming is available as an optional add-on to all PAYG customers and all Bill-Pay customers who are on a Red or MyWay base plan.

2. In order to avail of the RED Roaming service a customer must roam on the Vodafone Network or on a Vodafone approved Network.

3. You can opt in or opt out of the service at any time in the following ways: In store, through Customer Care, Text, Online, at MyVodafone and through the Vodafone Data Roaming Monitor Application.

4. When you opt in, RED Roaming it may take up to 24 hours to be applied to your account.

5. The charges as published on will apply to customers who have opted in to RED Roaming and use their phone when roaming on Vodafone or Vodafone approved networks in eligible countries. Vodafone reserves the right to change the countries and/or networks from time to time for commercial or geopolitical reasons; such changes will happen without notice and it is the customer’s responsibility to check prior to travel.

Pay as You Go customers

6. From July 2017, customers joining the Vodafone Pay as you go service will have Red Roaming applied as their default roaming option when travelling outside the EU. Customers can opt out at any time by texting STOP RED to 50020. If customers choose to opt out they will not be automatically opted back in again.

7. When you are on RED Roaming and are roaming in any of the eligible countries listed on, a daily access fee will apply following the first roaming mobile event of the day; i.e. making or receiving a call, sending a text, using mobile internet on the Live or Blackberry APNs.

8. PAYG customers must have sufficient credit to pay the full relevant RED Roaming daily access fee at the point of their first roaming mobile event of each day in order to avail of RED Roaming pricing. See /roaming for standard per call, per text and data charges that apply.  If you top up within the next 7 days, then Red Roaming pricing will be applied.

9. Fair usage applies for Pay as You Go customers: 1000 minutes per day and 35c per min thereafter and 1000 texts per day. You will also receive 200MB of data each day.

Bill Pay and Business customers

10. Once you’ve opted in to RED Roaming and are roaming in any of the eligible countries listed on, Customers on an eligible base plan will pay the relevant access fee which will be applied following the first roaming mobile event of the day i.e. making or receiving a call, sending a text, using mobile internet on the live or Blackberry APNs.

11. Once you have paid the daily access fee you can access and use your base price plan for voice, text and domestic/international voice/text add-ons in the usual manner as if on your domestic tariff. Both domestic and roaming should not exceed 45,000 minutes and 45,000 texts per month. You will also receive 200MB of data each day instead of your normal base plan allowance

All customers

12. Any additional data will be charged at the relevant rate for the country in which you are roaming as per the pricing published on and will be charged in Kb increments.

13. When using data you will receive a text notification telling you when you have used 80% of your daily data allowance.

14. Only calls and texts to standard mobiles and standard landlines (excluding premium rate and non-geographic numbers) are included.

15. Any special domestic promotions or reduced rates for Bank /Public Holidays are not included.

16. The data available with RED Roaming is only allowed on the Live and Blackberry APNs. Data usage on any other APN will be charged our default per MB data roaming rate or according to your roaming plan for that specific APN.

17. You will only be charged on those days that you use your phone while you are abroad.

18. EU Regulated Data Roaming spend caps and notifications apply to data used within RED Roaming. 33% of the highest possible RED Roaming daily rate, to a maximum of €2 (ex VAT) per day will be considered as data roaming spend for the purpose of calculating data roaming EU regulated Data Roaming spend caps and notifications.

19. When you opt in to RED Roaming and travel to eligible countries as published on RED Roaming will apply. If you are already opted into Vodafone Passport Mobile Internet these will only apply when you roam in countries that outside the RED Roaming footprint but within the Passport footprint. If you opt out of RED Roaming you will remain on Vodafone Passport Mobile Internet. If you are not opted into either of these plans you will pay our default roaming plans.

20. Unused data cannot be carried over to the next day.

21. Customers are responsible for the management of their device configurations and should be aware that updates and connections can incur data usage and so are wholly responsible for any associated costs while roaming. Where a customer device is setup for automatic data updates, connections on the customers mobile are considered to be with the consent of the customer and so data roaming charges will apply.

22. To avoid unexpected data usage while roaming due to automatic updates and connections it is recommended that these be disabled whilst travelling and manual connections be made when needed. Please refer to handset manual or application settings for detailed instructions

23. Service charges while roaming do not include event charges such as charges for download of ringtones or games, and do not include the use of any data services for which a special charge is made.

24. RED Roaming is designed to be used by customers normally domiciled in the Republic of Ireland (RoI). To avail of RED Roaming, pay as you go customers must be active on the Vodafone Ireland network during the previous three months. Customers who do not have ongoing usage on the Vodafone Ireland network will be deemed to be in breach of these terms and will result in removal of RED Roaming from their account and/or termination of service at Vodafone’s discretion.

25. Vodafone reserves the right to withdraw the RED Roaming offer at any time.

26. From time to time Vodafone may modify the standard settings and/or features of this Service in order to offer additional value to the Service. Such changes might include measures such as increasing your data allowance size. Vodafone may change its Service delivery methods or platforms from time to time which may require the Customer to change Equipment and/or Equipment settings to continue to avail of the Services.


Consumer Rights Under the Data Roaming Regulations 

EC Regulation No. 544/2009 (the “Regulation”) requires that customers are kept adequately informed of the charges that will apply when using data roaming services so that customers are able to monitor and control how much they spend when using mobile data services abroad. Specific actions are required of Vodafone, as a mobile service provider to ensure that this is the case: 

  • Every time a customer is roaming, he / she will be informed by an automatic message from Vodafone that he / she is roaming. As part of this, the customer will be given their basic tariff information on the relevant data roaming charges applicable for roaming in the European Union country concerned, except where the customer has notified Vodafone that he / she does not want to receive this information. Where a customer has so notified Vodafone of this, the customer also has the right to reverse that decision and ask Vodafone to provide that information service again in the future free of charge. 

  • The Regulation requires Vodafone to make available to all their data roaming customers a facility which provides information on their data roaming spend.  This must be available free of charge and guarantees that without a customer’s explicit consent, their accumulated data roaming spend over a monthly billing period does not exceed a specified financial limit. €50 per month (€61.50 including VAT) is the default financial limit.  This means that it is applicable to all customers who have not opted out of it. In addition to the €50 limit (€61.50 including VAT), Vodafone may offer additional limits. Vodafone offers an additional financial limit of €300 (€369 including VAT).  Customers will not be able to continue data roaming when they reach the specified financial limit during a billing period unless they choose to choose to opt out of the applicable financial limit for that month. 

  • Customers must also be informed when their usage is near to and when they have reached the agreed financial limit (for example by an SMS message, an e-mail or a pop-up window on the computer). The alert message will advise customers of the procedure to be followed if they wish to continue data roaming and the cost associated with each individual unit that may be consumed.  Customers have the right to require Vodafone to stop sending such messages and the right at any time and free of charge to require Vodafone to provide the service again in the future. 

  • Regardless of a customer’s data roaming price plan , they always have the right to opt for or remove a financial limit for data roaming, without affecting in any way the other terms and conditions of their plan. The limit must be set or removed within one working day of receipt of the request, free of charge.   

  • Customers must also be informed of the risk of automatic and uncontrolled data connection and download. Please see [insert link], for more information on how to avoid uncontrolled consumption of data roaming services on your Smartphone. 

  • Instructions to opt in or out of the financial limits are outlined below and are also sent to customers in the notifications he/she receives when abroad: 


For the €50 spend cap (€61.50 including VAT): 

Text ‘NO EU CAP’ TO 50193 

For the €300 spend cap (€369 including VAT): 

Text ‘NO UPPER LIMIT <PIN>’ to 50193 

The PIN you need to insert is the last 4 digits of your customer number 

For spend notifications: 

Text ‘NO NOTIFY’ to 50193. 


For the €50 spend cap (€61.50 including VAT): 

Text ‘YES EU CAP’ TO 50193 

For the €300 spend cap (€369 including VAT): 

Text ‘YES UPPER LIMIT’ to 50193 

For spend notifications: 

Text ‘YES NOTIFY’ to 50193


Alternative Roaming Provider

Terms and conditions for Alternative Roaming Provider

Abbreviation Meaning

ARP - “Alternative Roaming Provider” means another operator providing roaming voice, texts & data while you are travelling abroad in an EU/EEA country. Alternative roaming Providers could be mobile network operators in both home and visited countries, mobile virtual network operators and resellers of mobile communication services.

SI - “Single IMSI” means the customer having the choice of choosing another operator to provide them with roaming voice, text & data services while roaming in the EU/EEA country, while keeping their SIM & mobile number.

LBO - “Local Break-out” means the customer having the choice of choosing another operator to provide them with roaming data services while roaming in the EU/EEA country, while keeping their SIM & mobile number.


Alternative Roaming Provider for Voice, Text & Data in EU/EEA countries (Also known as Single IMSI – SI)

Please note the following T&Cs are subject to an existing ARP being available to Vodafone customers and if you are on a corporate tariff and wish to use the services of an ARP please refer to your existing individual contract.

Before availing of an ARP for Single IMSI(Voice, Text & Data in EU/EEA countries) please note the following:

  • A Business Account decision maker has the option to opt-out, all or some of the customers on the account, from using the service of a Single IMSI ARP.
  • If the customer requesting the ARP is on a business account they must be the decision maker or have decision maker’s approval to select an ARP.
  • If a customer is in the process of a porting out they are not eligible to select an ARP.
  • If a customer changes their SIM or Mobile Number any existing agreement with an ARP will be cancelled.
  • If a customer is barred for domestic/roaming service by Vodafone they will not be able to use the Roaming services of an ARP.
  1. To avail of an ARP the customer must contact an ARP to be set up for their roaming voice, texts & data.
  2. The ARP will contact Vodafone requesting the customer be provisioned with the ARP for their roaming voice, texts & data in the EU/EEA countries.
  3. If the customer is eligible, Vodafone will process the set-up request from the ARP within 24 hours of receiving a request from an ARP and inform the ARP once the request is complete. An SMS will be sent to the customer informing them that they are no longer with Vodafone for their roaming voice, texts & data in the EU/EEA countries.
  4. Choosing an ARP does not affect a customer’s existing contract & terms and conditions with Vodafone.
  5. If a customer has reached their monthly roaming data spend cap and has been barred from using data roaming by Vodafone they can choose an ARP and get roaming voice, texts & data through their ARP. Vodafone will continue to implement data roaming spend cap notifications for data roaming when customers are roaming outside of the EU/EEA regulated zone.
  6. Please see below a list of countries where ARP is available. Vodafone will not send a “Welcome SMS” to any customers who visit these countries and are using the roaming voice, texts & data services of an ARP.
  7. Customers may have multiple ARP agreements but have only one Single IMSI ARP agreement active at any one point in time.
  8. Customers who avail of the services of an ARP and whose current plan includes an EU roaming element will be moved to a comparable plan that does not include the roaming element on their next bill day. If the customer’s current plan does not include a roaming element there will be no changes to the plan.
  9. Customers who are availing of their Roaming Voice, SMS & Data with an ARP will not be charged for voice, text or data by Vodafone when they are roaming in the EU/EEA countries. You will be charged by the ARP. All other charges remain applicable to Vodafone.
  10. Customers wishing to cease service with their ARP must request the termination of service from their ARP. However if termination of the ARP service is due to the customer changing their SIM or mobile number or moving to another domestic operator, it will be up to the customer to renew the ARP agreement. Vodafone will not reinstate ARP agreements in the case of port reversals. The customer has to initiate these with the ARP.

Alternative Roaming Countries & Operators 1st July 2014

  • Austria
  • Belgium
  • Bulgaria
  • Croatia
  • Cyprus
  • Czech Republic
  • Denmark
  • Estonia
  • Finland
  • French Guyana
  • France
  • Germany
  • Greece
  • Guadeloupe & St Martin
  • Hungary
  • Iceland
  • Italy
  • Latvia
  • Lithuania
  • Liechtenstein
  • Malta
  • Martinique
  • Monaco
  • Netherlands
  • Norway
  • Poland
  • Portugal
  • Reunion
  • Romania
  • San Marino
  • Slovakia
  • Slovenia
  • Spain
  • Sweden
  • United Kingdom

Alternative Roaming Provider for Data (Local BreakOut ->LBO)

Before availing of an LBO for data service only ( EU/EEA countries) please note the following:

  • A Business Account decision maker has the option to opt-out, all or some of the customers on the account, from using the data service of a LBO.
  • Vodafone customers roaming with an LBO will not be able to use the EU Internet APN if they move out of the LBO regulated zone
  • If a customer is barred for domestic/roaming service by Vodafone they will not be able to use the Roaming data services of an LBO.
  1. Customers’ accessing data services in EU/EEA countries provided by an LBO must configure their device to use a universal “EUInternet” APN. They will be charged by the LBO provider for using the EUInternet APN and not by Vodafone.
  2. Customers may have multiple LBO agreements when travelling abroad but only one LBO provider active at a point in time.
  3. Please see below a list of countries where LBO is available.
  4. Customers availing of LBO service will receive existing “Welcome SMS” messages from Vodafone unless they are using a Single IMSI ARP for their Voice and Text services.
  5. On returning home from abroad, or travelling to a non- EU/EEA country, customers are required to change their APN settings on their phone to their standard domestic APN.
  6. Vodafone cannot guarantee that all devices/handsets will work with an LBO. If the customer has any concerns they should contact the LBO provider directly regarding suitable handsets.

RED Roaming (pre April 30 2014) 

  1. Red Roaming is available to the following customers: a. All PAYG customers b. Bill Pay customers who are on any of the Red or MyWay domestic plans 

  1. You can opt in /out in the following ways: Instore, Customer Care, Text, Online at MyVodafone, Vodafone Data Roaming Monitor Application. 

  1. When you opt in, Red Roaming may take up to 24 hours to be applied to your account. 

  1. The charges will apply to customers who have opted in to Red Roaming and use their phone when roaming on any network in the following countries. Vodafone reserves the right to change the countries and/or networks from time to time for commercial or geopolitical reasons; such changes will happen without notice and it is the customers responsibility to check prior to travel. Countries: Albania, Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland*, France, Germany, Greece, Guernsey, Hungary, Iceland, Isle of Man*, Italy, Jersey*, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, United Kingdom. (*Postpaid only) For Business customers, Red Roaming can also be used while travelling in USA and Canada. 

Pay as You Go customers 

  1. Once you’ve opted in to Red Roaming and are roaming in any of the countries listed below at 12. a €1.99 (inc VAT) access fee will apply following the first roaming mobile event of the day i.e. make or receive a call, send a text, use mobile internet on the live APN. Receiving a call in the UK will not invoke the access fee. 

  1. Once the access fee has been applied you can access and use your domestic price plan for voice, text and domestic voice/text add ons. You will also receive 200MB of data each day 

  1. Any additional data will be charged at €0.25 per MB (inc VAT) charged in KB increments. 

  1. PAYG customers must have sufficient credit to pay the full roaming access fee. 

Bill pay and business customers 

  1. Once you’ve opted in to Red Roaming and are roaming in any of the countries listed below at 4, Customers on an eligible Consumer domestic plan will pay a €2.99 (inc VAT) access fee and customers on an eligible Business domestic plan will pay a €2.99 (ex VAT) access fee which will be applied following the first roaming mobile event of the day i.e. make or receive a call, send a text, use mobile internet on the live APN. Receiving a call in UK will not invoke the access fee. 

  1. Once the access fee has been applied you can access and use your domestic price plan for voice, text and voice or text add ons. You will also receive 200MB of data each day 

  1. Any additional data will be charged at €0.25 per MB (inc VAT) charged in KB increments. 

  1. Business domestic plan (or vice versa) you will remain opted in to Red Roaming but will move to the relevant version to your new domestic plan (as outlined in 8 above). 

All customers 

  1. When using data you will receive a text notification telling you when you have used 80% of your daily data allowance. 

  1. Only calls and texts to standard mobiles and standard landlines (excluding premium rate and non-geographic numbers) 

  1. Any special domestic promotions or reduced rates for Bank /Public Holidays are not included. 

  1. The data available with Red Roaming is only allowed on the live.apn. Data usage on any other apn will be charged our default per MB data roaming rate or according to your roaming plan for that specific apn. 

  1. You'll only be charged on those days that you use your phone while you are abroad. 

  1. EU Regulated Data Roaming spend caps and notifications apply to data used within Red Roaming. €1.08 ex VAT of each daily access fee incurred is included in the EU Regulated Data Roaming Spend Caps and Notifications. 

  1. When you opt in to Red Roaming and travel to countries at 4 above (including UK), Red Roaming will apply. If you are already opted into Vodafone Passport and/or Vodafone Passport Mobile Internet these will only apply when you roam in Rest of the World countries in the relevant Passport footprint. This means Passport will not apply in countries at 4 above and eg you can no longer avail of free Passport voice roaming in the UK. If you opt-out of Red Roaming you will remain on Vodafone Passport and/or Vodafone Passport Mobile Internet. If you have not opted into either of these plans you will pay our default roaming plans. 

  1. Data cannot be used for the purpose of Tethering. 

  1. Unused data cannot be carried over to the next day. 

  1. Out of bundle data usage will be charged per kb for usage beyond the daily roaming allowance. 

  1. Customers are responsible for the management of their device configurations and should be aware that updates and connections and so are wholly responsible for any associated costs while roaming. Where a customer device is setup for automatic data updates, connections on the customers mobile are considered to be with the consent of the customer and so data roaming charges will apply. 

  1. To avoid unexpected data usage while roaming due to automatic updates and connections it is recommended that these be disabled whilst travelling and manual connections be made when needed. Please refer to handset manual or application settings for detailed instructions 

  1. If your use of the Data Services on other carriers' wireless networks ("offnet data usage") during any month exceeds your offnet data usage allowance, Vodafone may at its option terminate your access to the service, deny your continued use of other carriers' coverage, or change your plan to one imposing usage charges for offnet data usage. Your offnet data usage allowance is equal to 20% of the kilobytes included with your plan. 

  1. Service charges while roaming do not include event charges such as charges for download of ringtones or games, and do not include the use of any data services for which a special charge is made. 

  1. Red Roaming is designed to be used by customers normally domiciled in the Republic of Ireland (RoI). To avail of Red Roaming, pay as you go customers must be active on the Vodafone Ireland network during the previous three months. Customers who do not have ongoing usage on the Vodafone Ireland network will be deemed to be in breach of these terms and will result in removal of Red Roaming from their account and/or termination of service at Vodafone’s discretion. 

  1. Use of Red Roaming is subject to these terms and conditions. We reserve the right to vary or amend these terms.


Vodafone World from 26 April 2016

Vodafone World Terms and Conditions (from 26 April 2016)

Vodafone World tariff tables are designed as a guide for you to calculate your roaming charges. All prices are displayed in Euro per minute and may change without notice.

1. All Vodafone World voice, text and data rates displayed to the nearest cent are inclusive of VAT at 23% as displayed on
2. It is Vodafone's policy not to charge Customers for diverted voicemail calls received by Customers while roaming internationally. However, there may be rare occasions where due to circumstances beyond Vodafone's control, this technically will not happen, and therefore Vodafone will reimburse the entire amount charged for such diverted voicemail calls.
3. There are 5 zones, Europe, Select Countries, USA & Canada, Data Select, Rest of the World.

4. Roaming in Vodafone World “Europe” Zone
    i) When Roaming in the Vodafone World Europe Zone, you can take your home tariff abroad at no extra cost. Please refer to , in the dropdown - What is included when I travel in Europe?
ii) A list of the countries covered in the Vodafone World Europe Zone can be found at , in the dropdown - Vodafone World - Europe rates apply in these countries.

5. Roaming in Vodafone World “Select Countries” Zone
    i) When Roaming in the Vodafone World “Select Countries” Zone,
        (1) making a call to the visited country or back home to Ireland, you will pay the same rate that you pay at home plus €0.06 per minute incl. VAT.
        (2) receiving a call you will pay €0.01 per minute incl. VAT.
        (3) sending a text to the visited country or back home to Ireland you will pay the same rate that you pay at home plus €0.02 incl. VAT.
        (4) receiving a text will be free.
        (5) using data you pay the same rate that you pay at home plus €0.06 incl. VAT per MB.
    ii) A list of the countries covered in the Vodafone World Select Countries Zone can be found at, in the dropdown Vodafone World - Select Countries rates apply in these countries.

6. Roaming in Vodafone World “USA & Canada” Zone
    i) When Roaming in the Vodafone World “USA & Canada” Zone, you will be charged on a per minute basis for both making and receiving calls.
        (1) making a call you will pay €1.41 per minute incl. VAT
        (2) receiving a call you will pay €1.41 per minute incl. VAT
        (3) sending a text is €0.30 incl. VAT
        (4) receiving a text will be free
        (5) using data you pay €6.15 incl. VAT per MB.

7. Roaming in Vodafone World “Data Select” Zone
    i) When Roaming in the Vodafone World “Data Select” Zone, you will be charged on a per minute basis for both making and receiving calls.
        (1) making a call you will pay €2.02 per minute incl. VAT
        (2) receiving a call you will pay €2.02 per minute incl. VAT
        (3) sending a text is €0.30 incl. VAT
        (4) receiving a text will be free
        (5) using data you pay €0.25 incl. VAT per MB.
    ii) A list of the countries covered in the Vodafone World “Data Select” Zone can be found at , in the dropdown - Vodafone World - Data Select rates apply in these countries.

8. Roaming in Vodafone World “Rest of the World” Zone
    i) When Roaming in the Vodafone World “Rest of the World Zone”, you will be charged on a per minutes basis for both making and receiving calls.
        (1) making a call you will pay €2.02 per minute incl. VAT
        (2) receiving a call you will pay €2.02 per minute incl. VAT
        (3) sending a text is €0.30 incl. VAT
        (4) receiving a text will be free
        (5) using data you pay €6.15 incl. VAT per MB.
    ii) A list of the countries covered in the Vodafone World “Rest of the World” Zone can be found at , in the dropdown - Vodafone World - Rest of the World rates apply in these countries

9. Using your phone at sea and in flight.
    i) While we cannot guarantee coverage when you're travelling at sea, customers may be able to pick up some maritime service providers. Some airlines now allow passengers to use their mobiles during flights.
    ii) Please note when you are travelling by air or sea that Roaming rates apply in International Airspace and International Waters and are not covered by EU Regulations.
    iii) When available:
        (1) Making and receiving a call will cost €2.99 per minute.
        (2) Sending a text costs €0.70 and receiving a text is free.
        (3) Mobile internet and mobile broadband costs €6.15 per MB

10.All pricing is quoted including VAT
11. Vodafone World rates apply to GSM networks only.
12. Charges for premium rate and satellite calls will vary according to the cost charged by the foreign network operator and exchange rate fluctuations and may include minimum call charges. A network handling fee will be applied to these calls.
13. Vodafone cannot guarantee access to our coverage within any foreign country.
14. These terms and conditions are in addition to the general terms and conditions of the Vodafone Mobile Telecommunications service;

Cant find the terms you are looking for? View our older terms and conditions here
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